Cripes. Came on Sun night and is kicking my but. Terrible head cold. My ears are plugged and nose running for 3rd day.
Now its creeping into my chest. Finally some nice weather and this. Not fair.
June 6, 2012 at 3:01 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Anyone Else Have a Bad Cold?
Cripes. Came on Sun night and is kicking my but. Terrible head cold. My ears are plugged and nose running for 3rd day.
Now its creeping into my chest. Finally some nice weather and this. Not fair.
Are you sure it isn’t allergies? I get mildly nauseous this time of the year, with barely the classic allergy symptoms accompanying it. I figured it out that it was my allergies. I few people here have stayed home with what they called the flu, but I am suspicious.
An allergic reaction is very similar to a lot of things your body does reacting to illness.
I have been fighting the same crap for three weeks. I keep wondering if it’s allergy related…….mine has been in my chest for about a week and a half, just enough to make life miserable. And I’m going to South Dakota on Monday…..hope it’s gone by then! Good luck with yours. Mom always said hot brandy…but I can’t stand the stuff.
The girlfriend was up from Milwaukee this weekend…she has allergies and no sooner got out of the car and they hit…not sure what it was but she had the same stuff going on. Now I think it’s starting to hit me…
Allergies are funny. You can develop and lose them. I am supposedly hyper allergic to cats. Lived with cats my whole life.
I was just throwing it out there. Most likel,y without a history of allergies, you wouldn’t start having as severe of a reaction as your are having.
It hit so hard I actaully bought cold medicine. Normally I dont touch the stuff but I got the behind the counter meth ingredient stuff yesterday. Nothing like speed that drys your sinuses. Temporarily..
We have had mild colds for a few weeks at our house. With 3 kids in school/daycare, I expect to be sick 300 days a year.
With 3 kids in school/daycare, I expect to be sick 300 days a year.
Ain’t that the truth
We have had mild colds for a few weeks at our house. With 3 kids in school/daycare, I expect to be sick 300 days a year.
Wow. That’s pretty optimistic don’t you think? I’d say you should shoot for being sick 330 days a year and then if it’s only 325 you’ll feel like you won the lottery.
We have 2 kids (3 and 1) and even though we have a nanny so they aren’t in daycare every day, they still manage to pick up every virus that comes within 200 miles. Naturally, I’ve been sick 322 days of the past year. Everywhere the little buggers go they seem to pick up whatever cold is lying around.
Oh, and then there was that fun little instance of hand, foot, and mouth virus. Naturally, both kids picked that up, poor little buggers were miserable looking with all the welts.
Sadly there could be but one outcome. About 90+% of adults are immune to HFM. Guess who happened to be one of the 10% of adults who wasn’t immune? Yeah..great… The good news is that I’m immune now.
Cripes. Came on Sun night and is kicking my but. Terrible head cold. My ears are plugged and nose running for 3rd day.
Now its creeping into my chest. Finally some nice weather and this. Not fair.
Lots of vodka to kill those germs! Side benefit is it also helps you rest and that will ultimatley get you better…
I never really got colds and stuff until my best friend had a kid about 1.5 years ago. As soon as that kid hit day care it seemed like I’d get a cold every time I went over to his place. Something about daycares that produces a ‘patient Zero’ about every two days..
Lots of vodka to kill those germs! Side benefit is it also helps you rest and that will ultimatley get you better…
As an interesting aside, my wife has several Ukrainians(recent immigrants) working at her company. I was speaking to one at the company picnic a few years back and as it was obvious that I had a summer cold and was all stuffed up, he said to me in all seriousness that there was no need to suffer with a head cold when the cure was simple.
Really? A simple cure for a cold?
Yes, as every Ukrainian knows, there is a cure for the common cold.
1. Run a bath of very cold water and add some ice cubes. As cold as you can get it.
2. Stand in the bath. The deeper it is, then better.
3. Pour a glass of vodka from the bottle that’s been kept in the freezer.
4. Sprinkle black pepper on the top of the glass.
5. Drink the vodka at the moment when you feel you can no longer take the cold water you’re standing in.
So, being of pessimistic Bohemian stock and suspicious of anything that the Ukranians come up with, I said come on, you can’t really cure a cold with that can you?
Yuri was adiment that this was, in fact a cure. He said that if I try it I would see that this cure never fails and the cold will be gone in only 5 days or a week. Never fails.
It hit so hard I actaully bought cold medicine. Normally I dont touch the stuff…
You and me both. I hold out as much as possible. I’ll take ibuprofen when I get a headache I can’t deal with, but I don’t fish with BrianK much anymore. In fact, with this post I may be cured.
Had it last week and now the ole lady has it and my daughter,son in law and grandkid.I am taking alot of crop about it.
Cripes. Came on Sun night and is kicking my but. Terrible head cold. My ears are plugged and nose running for 3rd day.
Now its creeping into my chest. Finally some nice weather and this. Not fair.
Doesn’t have anything to do with it being 80 degrees and little wind huh? Cough,Cough,Wheez,wheez….I htink i’m catching it now!
My daughter of a 1-1/2 yrs has had a bad cough come on only at night…..come to find out she was exposed to “whooping cough” from her cousin who caught it at school.
After getting test results back from Doc. She tested out positive for it &
Anyone who comes in contact with this needs to vaccinated ASAP as it’s highly contagious.
So now wife & I are meds with her…
it gets worse, sorry.. wife had it lasted over a week and got hives from the virus
Great. Also, note to self. Dont drink a bunch of beer when you have a head cold……
Ah, I’ve seen this many times. You’re allergic to the spores on Morel mushrooms. Stop hunting them and tell me all your spots. I’ll bring you cooked ones. No spores.
Cripes. Came on Sun night and is kicking my but. Terrible head cold. My ears are plugged and nose running for 3rd day.
Now its creeping into my chest. Finally some nice weather and this. Not fair.
It hit our house last weekend.
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