I’m with you Jake. I like pictures of live fish and smiling people!
If I had to choose between a skin mount or a replica, I would go replica as I’ve seen way too many skins mounts severely damaged and left looking horrible in 5 – 10 years or so by humidity, direct sunlight, smoke or damage by impact. Replicas can be cleaned easily, repaired inexpensively and hold up to against ravages of time very well.
Replicas done by artists that specialize in replica mounts look every bit as “natural” as any mount out there. Artistic Anglers is one outfit that does incredible work and they are able to “individualize” your catch as much as any work done with skin mounts.
Good photos and measurements are key with both types. If you simply bring in a fish for a mount, without photos taken when the fish was alive, then you’ll literally “get what you get” when you take delivery.
One of the most common “knocks” against replicas is someone will say “how would anyone know if you actually caught it or not?”
Anyone can go on Ebay and purchase any size skin mount they’d like, at any time. Same as with a replica. So that one just doesn’t make any sense to me.
Photos are timeless and quite difficult to forge w/o rendering the photo looking rediculous and easy to spot as a phony.
Congrats on the big walleye. Of the guys that do skin mounts, I’d say Tom in Clark’s Grove does the best work I’ve seen.
pesonally, i think ALL fish mounts look FAKER (is that a word?) than all heck ……skin and replica both……no thanks…….if i wanted something that looks plastic i would save a couple hundred bucks and go pick up a Billy the Big Mouth Bass from Wally World…….
now what you should really consider doing………when you catch a big fish, snap a bunch (the whole roll) of photos…..take the best one and blow it up to life size……put a nice frame around it and hang that baby over your bed