Number of Lines/Lures/Hooks per Fisherman

  • stuwest
    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    I’m in the process of preparing to vacation in a place where I have to fish with way fewer lines than i’m used to. YES, i do know what a small sacrifice that is to make to be able to get onto quality water.
    BUT, i was wondering what the numbers are in neighboring states/provinces. Can people extend this list??
    1. Wisconsin 3
    2. Minnesota 1
    3. Iowa
    4. Michigan
    5. SoDak
    6. NoDak
    7. Illinois
    8. Ontario
    9. Saskatchewan

    eldora, iowa
    Posts: 426

    Iowa 2 with no more than 2 hooks per line

    Posts: 4033

    Illinois is 3 or 2 depending on where you are.

    Posts: 543

    Texas you’re allowed not more than 100 hooks combined, fished on as many devices as you want.

    I know this isn’t a neighboring state, but thought I’d throw it out anyways.

    Posts: 277

    Minnesota side of Lake Superior is 2 per licensed angler.

    Chris Raymond
    Keweenaw Peninsula, MI
    Posts: 514

    MI is 3 lines per person, two hooks per line max (there is a smelt exception though), all hooks of a crawler harness, artifical bait, etc. are only counted as one. Not sure how the new Alabama rig stuff figures into the mix, but since I’m not throwing or pulling those godawful things, I don’t worry about it.


    I’m in the process of preparing to vacation in a place where I have to fish with way fewer lines than i’m used to. YES, i do know what a small sacrifice that is to make to be able to get onto quality water.
    BUT, i was wondering what the numbers are in neighboring states/provinces. Can people extend this list??
    1. Wisconsin 3
    2. Minnesota 1
    3. Iowa
    4. Michigan
    5. SoDak
    6. NoDak
    7. Illinois
    8. Ontario
    9. Saskatchewan

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    1. Wisconsin 3
    2. Minnesota 1
    3. Iowa
    4. Michigan
    5. SoDak – 2 – no hook limit as far as I know. Crappie Rig time.
    6. NoDak
    7. Illinois
    8. Ontario
    9. Saskatchewan

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    1. Wisconsin 3
    2. Minnesota 1
    3. Iowa 2
    4. Michigan 3
    5. SoDak – 2
    6. NoDak 2
    7. Illinois 2
    8. Ontario ??
    9. Saskatchewan ??
    10. Texas 100
    11. ??

    Any other states chiming in??

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1283

    ontario is 1 line in open water on inland lakes i believe. at on lac seul it is.

    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757

    Nebraska Ponds, Lakes, Reservoirs – no more than 2 lines with a maximum of 2 hooks per line.

    Nebraska Rivers, Streams – total of 15 hooks (15 lines with one hook, 3 lines with 5 hooks, etc)

    Nebraska Ice Fishing – 5 lines with 2 hooks.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    how does a treble hook count???

    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757


    how does a treble hook count???

    If you were asking me:

    Definition of a Hook – One hook means a single, double or treble-pointed hook. All hooks attached to an artificial bait or lure shall be counted as one hook.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    ontario is 1 line in open water on inland lakes i believe. at on lac seul it is.

    Now I know why we can only use one line. We are always trying to be like Canada.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Colorado is 1 line per your standard license. You can buy an addition line stamp.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    i think Buy-A-Line is a good idea…

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316


    i think Buy-A-Line is a good idea…

    Good idea’s never make the cut in this state so don’t count on it. However i also agree it would bring in some much needed revenue for our DNR budget so i fully support it. Its the “conservationists” who scream the sky is falling every time the topic of an extra line in MN is brought up but produce no scientific facts to backup there claims to damage to the resources.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100



    i think Buy-A-Line is a good idea…

    Good idea’s never make the cut in this state so don’t count on it. However i also agree it would bring in some much needed revenue for our DNR budget so i fully support it. Its the “conservationists” who scream the sky is falling every time the topic of an extra line in MN is brought up but produce no scientific facts to backup there claims to damage to the resources.

    We don’t make decisions based on facts in Mn. Duh!! We are getting a new semi-pro football stadim.

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1117

    Stupid question from your WI neighbor-since when was MN only ONE line? Thought it was two??
    So…Here in the WI ceded territories, I can use both my hands to handle 3 lines, but can’t troll in most of the lakes around here…and you guys CAN troll(I think?) but now you can only do it with ONE line?
    I tell you, if our respective DNRs ever get their heads together and cooperate across state line, we’re all screwed!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    What is WI reasoning again for a ban on trolling? What about in the great lakes? The only possible reason I could think of is safety and that isn’t even a good reason. Trolling you have zero chance of gut hooking a fish.

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1117

    Hey Pug! Great Lakes, some rivers and a handful of inland lakes allow trolling. The rest are no “motor trolling” (DNR sez dragging jigs w/electric motor counts). I’ve never gotten a good answer on why it’s banned-don’t have a clue what the “reason” is. Boat traffic maybe? Don’t know, but do know that with three lines there’s a lot of local water I’d LOVE to troll!
    So, back at you–what’s the “reasoning” behind only one line? Two, maybe I could see, what’s the harm…but one? Don’t get it.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    Boy you got me. It’s not made a lot of sense as CPR is easier with trolled presentation than live bait. I do get snagged fish from time to time, but not any greater than my jig snag up at the dam.

    one also can not ‘troll’ with the aid of wind. i thought it would be ‘drifting’ and allowed, but no, IF there is a sail, it’s considered trolling…

    Luckily, we have a Conservation Congress over here that has a lot of influence and so the ‘governed populace’ can have it’s concerns at least presented. Hence, we are getting more trolling lakes.

    The ability to use three lines helps a lot in spec’ing a bite, so you have a better chance of getting a preferred artificial in front of the fish faster. And when you get fish that get as harassed as our metro fish do, that can be an advantage…

    Paul Heise
    River Falls, Wi
    Posts: 723



    ontario is 1 line in open water on inland lakes i believe. at on lac seul it is.

    Now I know why we can only use one line. We are always trying to be like Canada.

    Sorry Ontario has you beat still, as you can have 4 lures/hooks on that one line! PS the eyes love dabuqe rigs! Oh and so do lakers!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    So, back at you–what’s the “reasoning” behind only one line? Two, maybe I could see, what’s the harm…but one? Don’t get it.

    Been asking the same question myself for years. I “think” the thought of the DNR os that it would increase the harvest. Personally, I think it is ridiculous.

    Stu, are you saying that drifting is considered trolling in Wisconsin? But I assume you can “troll” a shoreline and cast like bass guys do?

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    well, WIND AIDED drifting is trolling in WI.
    you can OAR or PADDLE, but no motors or wind…

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Sorry, to be clear, if you don’t use a sail you can drift? I know you mentioned something about a sail in an earlier post.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    yes, you can drift as long as you do not have a sail up!!

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