Memorial Day Visit to Freedom Rock

  • mikehd
    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 965

    This weekend my wife Bea and I traveled to Iowa on the Harley with two other couples, Greg and Sharon and Tom and Linda to visit Freedom Rock. Greg and Tom are both veterans and have made this trip many times but it was a first for us. Bubba the artist started painting the rock in 1999 and changes most of the scenes every year. While we were there a steady stream of motorcycles and vehicles stopped to visit and take pictures.

    In the picture of the POW you can see how the artist used the tree foliage to spell out POW MIA. The picture of the helicopter has ashes mixed in the paint from I think 30 veterans and he was going to add 10 or 11 more yesterday. This scene pretty much stays the same every year. Bubba is a very talented artist. I hope I remembered all the details correctly – the windy ride home may have blown out a few memory cells.

    Riding from La Crosse to the Des Moines area with our good riding friends from our H.O.G. Chapter was really fun but seeing the veterans of all ages visiting the site with their family and friends on this day that is set aside to honor and remember our veterans really made the trip even more special. If you are ever in that area it is only about a mile south of I-80 on Hwy 25 and pretty impressive to see.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 191

    Hi mikehd,

    Thank you for the great pictures. As a Marine Corps Veteran, I’d really like to take the trip to see the Freedom

    Rock. Just wondering about how long a drive it is. Thanks again and take care.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Thanks Mike,
    I may have to make that ride soon myself.

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