Opening Weekend Boat Checks?

  • Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13408

    So who got stopped and checked this weekend? Sure was a lot of talk last week about the CO setting up stations to check boats and doing road side stops. Wondering who got stopped, where and how it went.

    Did see the CO’s set up sunday afternoon right next to Liberty beach landing on Mille Lacs. Had three trucks parked along side HWY 47 but no one stopped with them.

    Posts: 928

    Guy was setting up at Liberty yesterday as we were leaving the lake. That’s the only check I saw. Saturday morning out by Agate, there were DNR driving around checking boats as well.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    Heard there was a heavy presence around Chisago, Forest Lake, Centerville, Bald Eagle. Some tickets written out for plugs left in the bilge or in the live wells. The big one seems to be the plug because it’s easy to spot.


    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1095

    Saw the dog & pony show first hand at the Kabekona access on Leech Saturday. I feel sorry for those employees with all of the cr_p they are taking. Anyway, we changed the water on our minnows like we are supposed to and ended up losing over $50 worth by the next morning. When we left the lake, we probably had over 100 shiners and within a half hour when we got back to the cabin, over 1/2 of them were dead. Put the reamianing live ones in a cooler with an aerator and ended up with 9 left alive. Not good. I understand what they are trying to do, but if I have minnows in a bucket with bait shop water that doesn’t go in the lake, why do I need to change that? Anybody have any ideas on how you can match minnow bucket water temp with replacement water with so you don’t kill $6 a dozen minnows?

    Posts: 3409

    Keep the water jug you are going to use to replace the water floating in the livewell, and it would be the same temp.


    Saw the dog & pony show first hand at the Kabekona access on Leech Saturday. I feel sorry for those employees with all of the cr_p they are taking. Anyway, we changed the water on our minnows like we are supposed to and ended up losing over $50 worth by the next morning. When we left the lake, we probably had over 100 shiners and within a half hour when we got back to the cabin, over 1/2 of them were dead. Put the reamianing live ones in a cooler with an aerator and ended up with 9 left alive. Not good. I understand what they are trying to do, but if I have minnows in a bucket with bait shop water that doesn’t go in the lake, why do I need to change that? Anybody have any ideas on how you can match minnow bucket water temp with replacement water with so you don’t kill $6 a dozen minnows?

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    I didn’t get out on saturday but Took the wife and boys out for a cruise and some fishing yesterday. We got back and started loading up when I saw the local CO parked at the back of the ramp. I told the kids, keep those life jackets on. I just knew there was a DQ treat headed there way. Sure enough Chad checked me out and we were all good as usual. He handed the boys their treat certificate and we went on our way. COs are just doing their job and I’m glad we have them. Good job.

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1216

    I got checked coming off South Center. There were 3 DNR officials waiting for anyone to launch or come off the water.

    He checked my license, saw my plug was out, my livewell and baitwell were draining, and my AIS sticker from 2009 was still on my trailer, so all was good…

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13408

    Anyone get their boat washed by the DNR this weekend? Thought they where going to have these stations set up all ready.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22974

    Didn’t see anything for roadside checks down HWY 47…. other than some unlucky dude on HWY 23 E, right by 169, with his boat slid off the back of his trailer, about 6pm last night…

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603


    I understand what they are trying to do, but if I have minnows in a bucket with bait shop water that doesn’t go in the lake, why do I need to change that?

    Because 95 percent of all fishermen use lake water in there minnow buckets either by exchanging it or having the bucket actually in the water… and for the 5 percent that do it like you the DNR does not Trusty yuz ..

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1216


    Anybody have any ideas on how you can match minnow bucket water temp with replacement water with so you don’t kill $6 a dozen minnows?

    This has worked for me a couple times now, so here is what I do.

    First, I have 2 minnow buckets. ( 5 gallon pails with the insulated bucket inside )

    In bucket # 1 are my happy minnows with the bubbles running.

    In bucket # 2, I fill it up with water the day before from my tap and just let it sit. In the morning before I head out, I put some ice in the bucket and place the cover on top. Once back from fishing, I drain the minnows from my bait well and put them in the second bucket. So far so good…but no exact science to be honest though.

    This is also being done with only 1-2 scoops of minnows.

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    I don’t know about boat checks, but leaving Terry’s on Saturday night around 11:30PM the State Patrol and County Sheriff’s office were doing lots of breath checks. From Terry’s to Garrison we saw 5 separate squads, 3 had people pulled over. Probable cause must become easy to find on opening weekend.

    Austin, MN
    Posts: 806


    Anybody have any ideas on how you can match minnow bucket water temp with replacement water with so you don’t kill $6 a dozen minnows?

    I have an insulated cooler in the back of my truck filled with well water. Drilled a hole it the top and ran a areator line in with a frabill battery powered areator. I put my minnows in a Lindy 1 gallon bait bag that I put in my boat while fishing, then when done transfer the bait bag right from the boat to the cooler in the truck. Havent had any problems yet.
    Wallster ><((((>

    Posts: 9311

    To stop someone you only need to meet the lesser standard of reasonable articulable suspicion.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    CO pulled up and we chatted a little. He only asked if we had our licenses, didn’t check them. Never even asked permission to saddle up to our gunwale. I assume they usualy gauge people many times on the water before looking for proof.

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    The Gestapo had Terry stops too, they called them something different back then though.

    Posts: 9311

    I don’t want to take the thread off track, but to make a Terry stop you still need articulable suspicion.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19028

    We didnt see any law where we fished all weekend. Kept our expensive shiners on board and alive.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    I see a golden opportunity for cheap small portable bait tanks. Power them suckers with a small solar panel. Would need to work out a baffle system to keep the Minnie’s from getting pounded to death. (wouldn’t want PETA on my butt)

    Minnesota………….land of opportunity! Bet I even could get a government research and development grant.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Too late, although it doesn’t come with solar panels yet.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13408

    So nobody got their boats washed over the weekend? Thought the DNR was going to have these stations set up all ready. Looks like Im going to have to get out the bucket of soap and water and wash my own.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12972


    I don’t want to take the thread off track, but to make a Terry stop you still need articulable suspicion.

    OK for a good law abidin citizen like me……….what da heck is a terry stop or this articlable suspision????????

    walley wanna be
    Posts: 24

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    In the United States, a Terry stop is a brief detention of a person by police[1] on reasonable suspicion of involvement in criminal activity but short of probable cause to arrest.

    The name derives from Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968),[2] in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that police may briefly detain a person who they reasonably suspect is involved in criminal activity;[3] the Court also held that police may do a limited search of the suspect’s outer garments for weapons if they have a reasonable and articulable suspicion that the person detained may be “armed and dangerous”.[4] When a search for weapons is authorized, the procedure is known as a “stop and frisk”.

    To have reasonable suspicion that would justify a stop, police must be able to point to “specific and articulable facts” that would indicate to a reasonable person that a crime has been, is being, or is about to be committed.[5] Reasonable suspicion depends on the “totality of the circumstances”,[6] and can result from a combination of facts, each of which is by itself innocuous.[7]

    The search of the suspect’s outer garments, also known as a patdown, must be limited to what is necessary to discover weapons;[8] however, pursuant to the “plain feel” doctrine, police may seize contraband discovered in the course of a frisk, but only if the contraband’s identity is immediately apparent.[9]

    In some jurisdictions, persons detained under the doctrine of Terry must identify themselves to police upon request. In Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada, 542 U.S. 177, the Court held that a Nevada statute requiring such identification did not violate the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures, or, in the circumstances of that case, the Fifth Amendment’s privilege against self incrimination.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12972

    gotcha!!!!!!!!!! thanks. much more clear now!!!!!!!

    Posts: 3010

    and here I thought a “Terry” stop was the legal precedent that reasonable suspicion for a traffic stop has been established if a driver accesses Hwy 169 from the parking lot of Terry’s Boat Harbor

    bigdog mn
    Posts: 27

    Buddy from work was up on Gull. Said they got inspected going in and coming out. When taking out the inspector went through all of the compartments, bait buckets, even ran their hands along the sides and bottom of the boat, spent 10-15 minutes. Wanted them to wash boat but ended up not having too.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    The DNR at Grays Bay on Tonka, told me they had only washed one boat all weekend. It was a big tuna type boat that had been stored all winter and was being put back in the lake. I doubt those Zebs survived the winter and being out of water for 5 months. The real threat is those moored boats that get pulled out over the Summer and taken to other lakes.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    At least the big guys are getting a free wash.

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