Looking for info on a 1995 Nitro 2000/merc200

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    If anyone is currently running an older 20′ Nitro ( preferred 1995) with a Merc 200 EFI, what size/pitch prop are you running? Friends prop was stolen off his rig and he couldn’t remember what prop he had. Thought I’ld toss this out here to see how close we can get him

    Posts: 255

    If you check out the forums at bass boat central, someone will definitely help you out, it’s a great resource for bass boat owners.

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 70

    I have a buddy with a 2003 nitro 901 and 200hp EFI. His boat is just short of 20 ft. He runs a 25 pitch tempest prop. I know he has tried 1 pitch up and 1 down. This one gave him the best hole shot and didn’t have to sacrifice the top end. Sorry to hear about your friends prop.

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