Prayers Needed

  • kruger
    Posts: 593

    On Wednesday, a close family friend of mine was involved in a gun battle in Afganistan. He was hit with an IED which took his legs and arms, and has since been flown to Germany to recover until hes able to come state side. This young man was a wonderful person in uniform as well as in the community. Taylor and his family could use a little help right now, and the best way to do this would be to just take a min and say a few words! Thsnks

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    Done that is just terrible!

    IGH, MN/Holcombe, WI
    Posts: 587

    Prayer’s sent. We appreciated their sacrifice.


    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317


    Posts: 4941

    God bless the peace keepers.

    prayers sent

    Posts: 346

    Prayers sent.

    Sure puts things in perspective…My Weds was the most challenging day for me this week. I worked a long day. Woke up in early (3:30) in my Tempurpedic bed, smooched my lovely wife on the cheek and patted the head of my lab as I exited my home for the day. I returned home 14 hours later drained from a long day of work. Tired. Feeling exhuasted. Poor me. I’d really given a lot of myself that day and I “deserved” a break.

    On that same day, this young man was involved in a fire fight. Not a movie. Not a video game. Real stuff. Life-changing stuff.

    And he was doing it for me.

    May God bless that young man, may He guide the doctors and nurses who provide his care, and may He lay his healing presence upon him and comfort his friends and family.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 965

    May God Bless that young man and his family and all of our Men and Women who protect our freedom every day.

    Pine City, MN.
    Posts: 1279

    Prayers sent
    please pass on my name to Taylor here on IDO.
    if he ever wants to talk anytime he can get a hold of me by PM
    I would love to talk and help him out

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22965

    Very sad… prayers sent.

    Crosby MN
    Posts: 613

    Prayers sent and Thanks for serving !!!! Be strong !!!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Prayers sent.

    Posts: 1960

    Words can’t express…..

    Prayers sent.

    Mesa AZ
    Posts: 178

    Prayer sent.

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 122

    Short Article

    Happened to read this post, and the article a little later just by chance.

    Just a few years younger than me. Very sad. Prayers sent.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Consider it done !

    Posts: 79

    Tell your freind we pray for his recovery and appreciate his service to this country

    Posts: 593


    Short Article
    Happened to read this post, and the article a little later just by chance.

    Just a few years younger than me. Very sad. Prayers sent.

    Thats Taylor, sounds like they have him in a coma for now. Nobody knows for how long, but it sounds like it could be a while.

    AUSTIN MN Cass Lake
    Posts: 130

    Prayers sent, tell him and his family to trust in the LORD.

    Joel Schultz
    Winthrop ,Iowa Wabasha, Mn.
    Posts: 45

    This is so sad, I have a son in the guard and His mother and I know someday he will have to do his tour. I went to High School with Taylors Mom and Dad, And we have said numerous prayers and have our Church saying one on Sunday for him. God Bless

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    Prayers sent for Taylor, his family and friends and sent again to his comrades in Afghanistan!!!


    Posts: 1471

    Prayers sent for all.

    Morton, Illinois
    Posts: 110

    Very well stated. God bless this warrior and all the others that lay it on the line every day so we can enjoy the freedom and life this affords us.

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 642

    Prayers sent. I went to his parents wedding and know both his grandparents. Worked with one of his grandfathers for many years the other grandfather was my daughters principal and on the board of directors where I worked.

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