AIS Test – It might have been my idea!

  • Buzz
    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1818

    I was talking to Ron Schara about this, he is not a big fan of the process. What we need is a chemical with a dye color that would kill the ZM and Quagga larva but not the minnows or bait. So far nothing exists.

    Another problems with chemicals is that it opens a whole can of worms dealing with toxicity and effects on the environment.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22598

    speaking of worms…. do we need to switch dirt when moving lakes ? When I was a kid and dug my own worms, I used to sprinkle lake water on my worms & dirt, when it was hot out

    Posts: 423



    This isn’t a new issue, Bait buckets used on infested waters had the same rules previously. I’m hearing that folks are getting extra water at the bait shops they buy the minnows from. The hassle is bringing an extra empty jug or two.

    No it’s not a new issue. When the cat fisherman found out about this (after the fact) they were/are less than happy. It was the straw that broke the camels back in starting to push for a catfish advisory board like all the rest of the special species interest groups.

    I’ll use myself for an example.

    My bait is held in a bait tank that uses well water…or whatever a bait dealer uses. I’ll take out 24-30 ($30-$45) in my 28 quart cooler using the same water.

    While fishing the cooler sits in my boat. Noting enters the cooler, only bullheads exit.

    Now it’s time to go home and I need 7 gallons of water to refill my cooler. OK, honestly most times I have less bullheads on the way home but I’ll still need 5 gallons of water.

    For what reason? Because a CO doesn’t know if the water in the cooler is or is not contaminated.

    Guilty ’till proven innocent.

    The law is the hassle. It assumes we are guilty.

    I hear ya Bri, Last year at the Liberty Beach public landing the brown shirt fella told me I had to dump my leech water that was in a cooler. The water was from the bait shop and was not changed at all from the lake at all! As I explained to him that it was water from the bait shop and he said that it doesn’t matter. “We have to believe that any water in your boat is from the the lake regardless if it is or isn’t…” Luckily, a fellow angler near by had some ice I could use to put on my bait. I’ll tell ya, that young man working his post did not make many freinds that day as the lines kept getting longer and the wait to get out or in was getting LONGER! Never did use the leeches as the Hornets were the “bait” of choice.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1818

    Actually worms are an invasive and some folks want us to make sure they aren’t being dumped in places that they can survive. But no, changing worm bedding isn’t required

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Actually worms are an invasive and some folks want us to make sure they aren’t being dumped in places that they can survive.

    Dang. you beat me to it.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843




    This isn’t a new issue, Bait buckets used on infested waters had the same rules previously. I’m hearing that folks are getting extra water at the bait shops they buy the minnows from. The hassle is bringing an extra empty jug or two.

    No it’s not a new issue. When the cat fisherman found out about this (after the fact) they were/are less than happy. It was the straw that broke the camels back in starting to push for a catfish advisory board like all the rest of the special species interest groups.

    I’ll use myself for an example.

    My bait is held in a bait tank that uses well water…or whatever a bait dealer uses. I’ll take out 24-30 ($30-$45) in my 28 quart cooler using the same water.

    While fishing the cooler sits in my boat. Noting enters the cooler, only bullheads exit.

    Now it’s time to go home and I need 7 gallons of water to refill my cooler. OK, honestly most times I have less bullheads on the way home but I’ll still need 5 gallons of water.

    For what reason? Because a CO doesn’t know if the water in the cooler is or is not contaminated.

    Guilty ’till proven innocent.

    The law is the hassle. It assumes we are guilty.

    I hear ya Bri, Last year at the Liberty Beach public landing the brown shirt fella told me I had to dump my leech water that was in a cooler. The water was from the bait shop and was not changed at all from the lake at all! As I explained to him that it was water from the bait shop and he said that it doesn’t matter. “We have to believe that any water in your boat is from the the lake regardless if it is or isn’t…” Luckily, a fellow angler near by had some ice I could use to put on my bait. I’ll tell ya, that young man working his post did not make many freinds that day as the lines kept getting longer and the wait to get out or in was getting LONGER! Never did use the leeches as the Hornets were the “bait” of choice.

    Cory, was this one of the college kids or a regular DNR officer? If it wasn’t a DNR officer tell him you aren’t changing the water and ask for a citation. I’ll pay it.
    These people are here for surveys and education only. They can’t make you do anything, they can only inform and suggest what you do. Can’t tell you how many times I have been asked what I’m fishing for and how many I’ve caught. My answer has always been, ZERO, just on a boat ride.

    Buzz……….congrats on the idea. Perhaps you can come up with a solution for AIS that will actually work and pass it up the line to the DNR.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22598


    Actually worms are an invasive and some folks want us to make sure they aren’t being dumped in places that they can survive. But no, changing worm bedding isn’t required

    Why not ? Are they serious about stopping this or what ???

    Posts: 423

    It was one of the college kids…
    On another outing, I took one of the gals from the office and her husband out fishing and I saw the DNR kid waiting for us. It was kind of cute as she couldn’t believe how I was able to pull my boat out without getting any weeds on my trailer as the launch was just INVESTED with that lovely curly pond weed. It’s not to difficult to do if you have a roller trailer and willing to get a little exercise. My friends were wondering what in the heck I was doing with my paddle (I believe is required to have in boats 16ft or larger). I was clearing the chopped up vegetation from the last trailer. Then it was time to get on my waders and crank it up old school.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998


    I was talking to Ron Schara about this, he is not a big fan of the process.

    Him and every other angler in the state of MN.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998

    What ever happened to the burden of proof being on the accuser?

    Why am I guilty without any proof?

    The law makes me a criminal without transporting any ais…just water.

    Does the end justify the means now? Never did when I was growing up.

    This is NOT the American way.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    No, there are two. I’ve seen them here.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4060

    I can respect what the laws are trying to do, but put me down as one of the guys who will be using common sense. I will not dump my water out of my leeches, but to prevent the spread of invasives I will make sure I don’t put lake water in those leeches. If my minnows are in my baitwell and I am driving across the street for the night to turn around and put my boat back in the same lake the next day, I won’t be emptying my baitwell. If I’m going to another lake, I will drain all of the water and transfer the minnows or more likely throw them away. Are bait shops lobbying at the capital now?

    I am in favor of taking this course as long as it it online or can easily be taken at the license center when I am renewing my boat license. The people that won’t take the course are the same people that we really need to worry about when it comes to spreading invasives.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998


    The people that won’t take the course are the same people that we really need to worry about when it comes to spreading invasives.

    Kind of a big paint brush there BF.

    If it’s law, I’ll comply…until the winds change.

    Silly question.

    Invasives are bad.

    Moving water is bad.

    Moving live fish is bad.

    There are laws that make it a crime to move water (no matter where I’m going with it)and live fish.

    Then Buzz, tell me why someone under 16 years of age can take live fish home?

    Why can someone under 16 that didn’t take a test or have a mandatory sticker move live fish and water?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18756



    I was talking to Ron Schara about this, he is not a big fan of the process.

    Him and every other angler in the state of MN.

    BK-please start a poll-Who’s a big fan of Ron Shara Y/N

    Posts: 1960




    I was talking to Ron Schara about this, he is not a big fan of the process.

    Him and every other angler in the state of MN.

    BK-please start a poll-Who’s a big fan of Ron Shara Y/N

    Irrelavent. You don’t have to be a fan of a guy to share a like/dislike.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18756

    It was joke. Lighten up Francis. And stop judging my posts.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998

    I judged it, Timmy just made the objection.

    Can someone answer this…Buzz?


    Silly question.

    Invasives are bad.
    Moving water is bad.
    Moving live fish is bad.
    There are laws that make it a crime to move water (no matter where I’m going with it)and live fish.

    Then Buzz, tell me why someone under 16 years of age can take live fish home?

    Why can someone under 16 that didn’t take a test or have a mandatory sticker move live fish and water?

    Posts: 711

    i was just thinking about the good old days, remember earlier this year when our state government was shut down.
    yup thows were the days.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18756




    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094


    I was talking to Ron Schara about this, he is not a big fan of the process. What we need is a chemical with a dye color that would kill the ZM and Quagga larva but not the minnows or bait. So far nothing exists.

    Another problems with chemicals is that it opens a whole can of worms dealing with toxicity and effects on the environment.

    Rather than Chemicals or another form,
    How will Minnows do with a chunk of an Ivory Soap Bar in the bucket?

    A Chemist friend has proved that Ivory Soap will kill the Veligers (Zebra Larvae), Would Ivory kill the minnows?

    He said he threw a chunk into the bilge area of his Ranger and replaces as it wears downs/disintegrates.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026



    I was talking to Ron Schara about this, he is not a big fan of the process.

    Him and every other angler in the state of MN.

    Did he also tell you if Raven is a fan of it?

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