Mandatory new AIS course for all MN boaters.

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12216

    Did anyone else catch this on TV this AM?

    A rider was attached to the bill that will allow the DNR to raise license fees. That rider inserts language that will make it mandatory for all boaters to complete an AIS course before buying a boat (or possibly a trailer) license or renewing same.

    Did anyone else hear this? I’m looking for specifics, but the bill is very long. KSTP mentions it on the morning news, but gives no other details.

    If this is true, this is a freaking disaster. Another useless “education” effort and I cannot help but suspect that the real force behind this is wealthy lakeshore property owners who are firing the opening shots in a war to cut off public access to “their” lakes under the guise of “preventing” AIS introduction. It is no secret that rich lakeshore owners on many lakes in the state have been trying to shut down public acess because they believe that that along with buying a lakeshore property comes ownership of the actual lake.

    Anyone else hear about this addition to the DNR bill?


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Mr. Grouse,

    Buzz has posted (warned us) a number of time in the General Forum.

    Better practice up on your on line testing skills.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    I think I just heard Wisconsin laugh.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    From Buzz last week (I know there’s a Chicken Little picture around here somewhere):

    It was CAPT Greg Salo, he was at the Conference Committee on Friday night. We didn’t get out of there until 12:30. The push he is talking about isn’t just the sticker, it is that they are planning an increased level of AIS inspection and surveillance from May 12- 27.

    Here is the new Sticker/Test legislation that was passed in both House and Senate today effective 2015. This will make the current required sticker obsolete.

    16.28 Subdivision 1. Establishment. The commissioner shall establish a statewide course
    16.29in preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species. The commissioner must develop an
    16.30educational course and testing program that address identification of aquatic invasive
    16.31species and best practices to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species when moving
    16.32water-related equipment, as defined under section 84D.01, subdivision 18a.
    17.1 Subd. 2. Aquatic invasive species trailer decal. The commissioner shall issue an
    17.2aquatic invasive species trailer decal for each trailer owned by a person that satisfactorily
    17.3completes the required course of instruction.
    17.4 Subd. 3. Contracting for services. The commissioner may contract for services to
    17.5provide training and testing services under this section.
    17.6 Subd. 4. Aquatic invasive species trailer decal display required. (a) A person
    17.7may not transport watercraft or water-related equipment, as defined under section 84D.01,
    17.8subdivision 18a, with a trailer unless the person has an aquatic invasive species trailer
    17.9decal issued under this section. Temporary authorizations valid for seven days can be
    17.10requested by persons that have not completed the required course of instruction.
    17.11(b) Aquatic invasive species trailer decals are valid for three years.
    17.12(c) The aquatic invasive species trailer decal must be adhered to the side of the trailer
    17.13frame tongue near the hitch in a manner that it is readily visible and does not interfere with
    17.14the display of any registration requirements under section 169.79.
    17.15(d) Aquatic invasive species trailer decals are not transferable.
    17.16(e) Violation of this section shall not result in a penalty, but is punishable only
    17.17by a warning.
    17.18EFFECTIVE DATE.Subdivision 4 is effective July 1, 2015.

    Knee jerk reactions by the uninformed. I’m getting use to it.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12216


    So what are the chances that the DNR will think far enough ahead to have their system only make people take the test once regardless of the number of boats/trailers that they have? I’m guessing it’s about zero.

    I’ve got 4 boats. If you guys need me, I’ll be spending the next year of my life taking AIS tests for the DNR.


    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Glad I don’t have to go through this until 2014…

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Anyone remember when life was simple and fun?

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    So now is the time to see who voted yea on this and usher them out with the next re-elction effort.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    So why will the AIS stickers still be required after this class thing is started? Wouldn’t it be assumed that anyone with a valid registration on the boat has been educated enough? Sigh…

    Beaver E
    Posts: 137

    What happens if you are out of state??? I do know that the sticker is required but what about the class?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12216


    What happens if you are out of state??? I do know that the sticker is required but what about the class?

    My guess (and this is strictly a guess) is that if your trailer and boat have out of state registration, you will be exempted from the class.

    How this impacts the sticker requirement, I have no idea. Again, as a guess, the sticker requirement could go away and be replaced by this new sticker program that shows that you completed the class.

    I’ve got a few thoughts on where the legislature should sticker this. Anybody else have any input on this?


    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1095


    What happens if you are out of state??? I do know that the sticker is required but what about the class?

    Yep! I would say no class required. Wouldn’t want to hurt tourism

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    The good:

    These “laws” aren’t scheduled to be inforced for some time (years). There is time to change them, or it’s possible they are put into place to to educate people by talking about them, media ect.

    The Bad:

    There will (and has) been millions spent and time lost before St Paul could repeal the laws.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Maybe this can be a new sideline for me,

    I may just have to setup a business to take Online DNR Test to help everyone out. How would the DNR know who or whom is taking a test?

    As long as all of the correct personal information is provided.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501


    So now is the time to see who voted yea on this and usher them out with the next re-elction effort.

    Here is the role call for the house. My rep disagreed with my views that I voiced to her.

    I could not retrieve the senate roll call, must not be published yet but the count was 43-19.

    * Unofficial Recorded Roll Call Floor Vote

    H.F. NO. 2164

    77 YEA and 52 Nay

    Date: 4/27/2012

    Journal Page — * Please see the Journal of the House for official recorded roll call votes.

    Those who voted in the affirmative were:
    Abeler Anderson, B. Anderson, D. Anderson, P. Anderson, S.
    Anzelc Banaian Barrett Beard Benson, M.
    Bills Buesgens Cornish Crawford Daudt
    Davids Dean Dettmer Dill Doepke
    Downey Drazkowski Eken Erickson Fabian
    Franson Garofalo Gottwalt Gruenhagen Gunther
    Hackbarth Hamilton Hancock Holberg Hoppe
    Howes Kelly Kieffer Kiel Kiffmeyer
    Kriesel Lanning Leidiger LeMieur Lillie
    Lohmer Mack Marquart Mazorol McDonald
    McElfatrick McFarlane McNamara Murdock Murray
    Myhra Nornes O’Driscoll Peppin Petersen, B.
    Quam Rukavina Runbeck Sanders Schomacker
    Scott Shimanski Smith Stensrud Swedzinski
    Torkelson Urdahl Ward Wardlow Westrom
    Woodard Zellers

    Those who voted in the negative were:

    Atkins Benson, J. Brynaert Carlson Champion
    Clark Davnie Dittrich Falk Fritz
    Gauthier Greene Greiling Hansen Hausman
    Hilstrom Hilty Hornstein Hortman Hosch
    Huntley Johnson Kahn Kath Laine
    Lenczewski Lesch Liebling Loeffler Loon
    Mahoney Mariani Melin Moran Morrow
    Mullery Murphy, E. Murphy, M. Nelson Norton
    Paymar Pelowski Persell Poppe Scalze
    Simon Slawik Slocum Thissen Tillberry
    Wagenius Winkler

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094


    From Buzz last week (I know there’s a Chicken Little picture around here somewhere):

    It was CAPT Greg Salo, he was at the Conference Committee on Friday night. We didn’t get out of there until 12:30. The push he is talking about isn’t just the sticker, it is that they are planning an increased level of AIS inspection and surveillance from May 12- 27.

    Here is the new Sticker/Test legislation that was passed in both House and Senate today effective 2015. This will make the current required sticker obsolete.


    17.16(e) Violation of this section shall not result in a penalty, but is punishable only
    17.17by a warning.
    17.18EFFECTIVE DATE.Subdivision 4 is effective July 1, 2015.

    Knee jerk reactions by the uninformed. I’m getting use to it.

    What a useless piece of legislation.

    1st, it does not become effective until July 1, 2015 Which IMHO most lakes will already be infested making this a mute point.

    You’ll be required to have this sticker on your trailer, yet it is Not Transferrable, OK,

    But there is NO PENALTY,
    Violations Punishable only by a WARNING!!!

    I now firmly believe the 2012 Session of the Minnesota State Legistlature will be the laughing stock of ALL Late Night talk shows and the by most News Anchors around the World.

    What a JOKE !

    I’ll be calling and emailing my State Representative and Senator to let them know my feeling on this…..

    Then, I will remind them of this next Tuesday at our Endorsing Convention……..

    Surely, I cannot believe they voted for this, but then maybe it is my fault for suppporting the License increase bill, of which this got attached.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501


    The good:

    These “laws” aren’t scheduled to be inforced for some time (years). There is time to change them, or it’s possible they are put into place to to educate people by talking about them, media ect.

    The Bad:

    There will (and has) been millions spent and time lost before St Paul could repeal the laws.

    It looks like in the senate there was a motion to reject the conference committee report but got shot down 24-37.
    So there are some in there that took the time to buck this. It is up to us this election, people.

    Posts: 3395

    I wonder how they plan to educate, and test us? If it is an online video, with an online test afterwards what would the big deal there be? I am sure boaters would be hit for a fee as well to take the test. I hope it isn’t worse than that.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    The fee is the license increase to cover this crud amongst other things. Dont forget it is a fee that you will be paying every year even after you take the test. They will continue to add and spend more on stuff like this. This is not over.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Will this NOT disenfranchise ALL of the Fishermen/women whom DO NOT have Computers

    I guess if you own a boat & trailer, then you must own a computer with Internet Service too!

    Posts: 4033


    Will this NOT disenfranchise ALL of the Fishermen/women whom DO NOT have Computers

    I guess if you own a boat & trailer, then you must own a computer with Internet Service too!

    You will probably be able to take the test at the DMV when you renew the registration, or the very least any public library in the state.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046

    I’m not worried about this at all. if you all you’re going to do is give me a warning, i’m not too concerned.

    17.16(e) Violation of this section shall not result in a penalty, but is punishable only
    17.17by a warning.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    It’s going to take Stuie West weeks if there’s a video! (with his dial up)

    Yah, there’s always the library.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    Just got my sticker. Put it ‘inside’ the glove box.
    Nuw thit I hav the AiS stiker i feal edicated aganst the evils of invasiv speecys.

    Posts: 711

    I just sent my represetative, Denny McNamara who i’ve known most of my life an e-mail(seems i’ve been sending him a LOT of e-mails this year) telling him i will no longer support him to represent me. i’m sure i’ll be getting a phone call from him to night.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Great! Point him to this thread where all the uninformed are posting.

    Posts: 3395

    Are there other things that your representative has done that you have not been in favor of, or is this one thing the deal breaker for your vote?


    I just sent my represetative, Denny McNamara who i’ve known most of my life an e-mail(seems i’ve been sending him a LOT of e-mails this year) telling him i will no longer support him to represent me. i’m sure i’ll be getting a phone call from him to night.

    Posts: 711


    Great! Point him to this thread where all the uninformed are posting.

    I’m not sure which way to take this, not everyone on here is uninformed are they?

    Posts: 711

    it’s been a number of things that have been biulding up to this. don’t get me wrong, Denny’s a good guy but over the years he’s become just another politician. he doesn’t listen anymore. and i don’t mean to me, he doesn’t listen.
    for what ever reason all my friends seem to have appionted me spokes man with our representative. i do copy many of my friends on all e-mails i send to and recieve from Denny. and Denny knows this so he knows it’s not just me.

    Posts: 1009

    only a matter of time and we will have to apply for a permit just to launch our boat.. this will be required for each outing and with only so many available you might be on a waiting list for a few years at a time!

    you may think what i said is funny but there are in fact bodies of water in the USA that are like that already!

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