Got inspected in Lake City today.

  • bck
    Big Stone Lake Sd
    Posts: 257



    don’t get so worked up about this. It was no big deal.

    Umm…do you know how much that’s costing YOU?

    I believe you hit the nail on the head! What is the cost of all these worthless stickers? I live in South Dakota but often fish minnesota,own 2 boats so I sent in for the stickers for both boats they mailed them to me for free. Just think of the cost of printing the stickers, now add the cost of mailing them to any angler who wants to comply with the regulation? I cant put a number on it but I feel safe in saying there has to be 5 numbers before the decimal point. Money 100% wasted IMHO and now they want to raise fees?

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    Money 100% wasted IMHO and now they want to raise fees?

    awe, come on. That pretty sticker will make a great addition to the bottom of my livewell. That is a great investment.

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316


    I’m far from ready to tolerate it.

    x2 I agree with Suzuki. Wasn’t this country founded on standing up for our rights and not to “just tolerate it” as the original poster stated?

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316



    After you’ve been on the water 16 hrs or so, ‘Pretty’ can mean quite a number of things…

    How many people actually fish for 16 hours straight?

    Me and the crew will do it everyday next week on a Lake Erie troll-a-thon.

    Posts: 1960




    After you’ve been on the water 16 hrs or so, ‘Pretty’ can mean quite a number of things…

    How many people actually fish for 16 hours straight?

    Don’t know about 16 but a lot of us put in 10-12 hour days on the water.

    What does the number of hours one fishes in a rowhave to do with restricted access and assinine money wasting antics?


    Big Stone Lake Sd
    Posts: 257



    Money 100% wasted IMHO and now they want to raise fees?

    awe, come on. That pretty sticker will make a great addition to the bottom of my livewell. That is a great investment.

    Your livewell? I put mine in the oil storage on the 620, livewell on the lund.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046



    After you’ve been on the water 16 hrs or so, ‘Pretty’ can mean quite a number of things…

    How many people actually fish for 16 hours straight?

    you have obviously never experienced the MN River when it is ON FIRE!!….

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Lets see. Last 2 introductions were from a dock. Makes me wonder if most of the zebras aren’t being transported by docks, personal watercraft and big pleasure boats more than by fishermen.

    I have not been paying closest enough attention, but will PWC and pleasure boats need the sticker? Why isn’t there a law requiring all transported docks be sprayed and washed?

    Personal water craft use jets, so they are pulling up water all the time.

    Docks are extremely risky since adult zebs attach to them continue their life cycle. They are having sex right on the docks which means it is likely their kids are playing in the pipes, axle, wood and tires, if the dock has them.

    I don’t fish for 16 hours, but I have been known to be out that long after passing out or being chloroformed by Brian.

    White Bear Lake, MN
    Posts: 643




    After you’ve been on the water 16 hrs or so, ‘Pretty’ can mean quite a number of things…

    How many people actually fish for 16 hours straight?

    I fish for 24plus hours when the fishing is hot!

    Been there done that..

    Posts: 543

    Tolerate it? This sounds like another “security theater” type situation like what the TSA has been doing since their inception at the airports.


    Sorry, we just have to tolerate it.

    Posts: 543


    800,000 boats, 14,000 lakes, perhaps 30,000(?) public and private landings. But not to worry, 40 or 50 spray stations will take care of the problem

    lolll.. losing it on this thread

    Posts: 711


    One thing I have not seen addressed…..

    Lets use Mille Lacs and Zebra mussels as an example:

    My boat trailer is made of hollow tubing with a wire harness threaded through it……lots of protected, inaccessible surface area to trap tiny zeebs, or any tiny particle of an AIS….. When both launching and loading, the trailer fills with POTENTIALLY INFECTED water and drains….very possibly trapping some little tiny zeebs inside……

    The next day, I go to another lake…. the trailer gets filled with water when landing and leaving……drains out back into the lake….. I would find it likely that there is a high probability that something unwanted could flush out of that trailer into another lake…..

    Damn, I am sure glad I got a sticker to prevent that!!!!

    I don’t care how pretty the gal is, the inside of a trailer is a transporting machine, and there is no lecture, sticker, or powerwash station that is going to eliminate(or even reduce) that risk.


    I’ve brought this vary subject up to the DNR and my state rep. (Denny McNamara) and i was completely ignored by both.
    The more i bring it up, the more i’m ignered.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506


    800,000 boats, 14,000 lakes, perhaps 30,000(?) public and private landings. But not to worry, 40 or 50 spray stations will take care of the problem

    And most people on the Lindner thread support higher licensing fees to give the DNR more money to help implement these programs.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046



    800,000 boats, 14,000 lakes, perhaps 30,000(?) public and private landings. But not to worry, 40 or 50 spray stations will take care of the problem

    And most people on the Lindner thread support higher licensing fees to give the DNR more money to help implement these programs.

    It is for the Greater Good of all people…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    So you’re saying it’s….

    The Peoples Sticker?

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    There has been many days where I have fished for over 12 hours. My goal is to always catch so many fish I don’t have to do that but If I feel my catch quota is lacking I will definitely go over the 12 hour mark. Now let me remind you, I’m not talking catch and keep just overall catch. I remember back in 07 where 14 hour days on the river were common place. I’m talking 100’s of walleyes. Tight lines and good fishing people.

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