1999 40 HP 2 Stroke Johnson – Oil Injected

  • Chad Luebker
    Annandale, MN
    Posts: 407


    I have a 1999 40 HP Johnson that is oil injected. The oil reservoir is OUTSIDE the tank. However, last fall I noticed the oil reservoir was cracked before I put it into storage. I have been calling dealers for a replacement oil reservoir and all the dealers are telling me to disconnect it and mix your oil with your gas. I guess they have seen many engines blow up because it doesn’t work right. I am wondering what the good ole IDO site people think. It’s on a pontoon so it’s nice not mixing the gas and oil especially since it has a built in gas tank. However, I don’t want my motor to blow up. Keep in mind it has been working just fine besides the crack in the oil tank so it can only hold about 1 quart of oil before it leaks out. It’s a tough decision to purchase a new oil reservoir or disconnect it and just mix the gas and oil. Thanks.


    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12260

    These “dealers” are on crack. Order the reservoir and ignore them. Anyone who’s telling you that a 15 year old engine is suddenly going to blow up is an eeejet. Unless you are deaf and blind so that you can’t hear a warning horn and see a warning light, why would a system that’s been working for over a decade suddenly stop?

    You have an outboard with an OMS, which was OMC’s oil injection system. This systems predecessor was the VRO system and there were a limited number of problems with early versions of this system (in the mid 1980s). The system was modified three times since then and each successive generation of OMS added more safety and redundancy features.

    Like ethanol in gas, the VRO and OMS systems became the whipping boy for everything that ever went wrong with an OMC engine. Most of these “diagnoses” were made by armchair generic mechanics that had no idea what they were talking about or how the system worked. Pretty soon even some dealers were buying this line of [censored].

    Here’s an excellent article debunking many of the urban legends around the VRO and OMS system.



    Posts: 1291


    These “dealers” are on crack. Order the reservoir and ignore them. Anyone who’s telling you that a 15 year old engine is suddenly going to blow up is an eeejet. Unless you are deaf and blind so that you can’t hear a warning horn and see a warning light, why would a system that’s been working for over a decade suddenly stop?

    You have an outboard with an OMS, which was OMC’s oil injection system. This systems predecessor was the VRO system and there were a limited number of problems with early versions of this system (in the mid 1980s). The system was modified three times since then and each successive generation of OMS added more safety and redundancy features.

    Like ethanol in gas, the VRO and OMS systems became the whipping boy for everything that ever went wrong with an OMC engine. Most of these “diagnoses” were made by armchair generic mechanics that had no idea what they were talking about or how the system worked. Pretty soon even some dealers were buying this line of [censored].

    Here’s an excellent article debunking many of the urban legends around the VRO and OMS system.



    Agreed.You can find used tanks on ebay& such.

    Posts: 63

    i have a 2000 50 horse johnson and mine did the opposite last fall was dumping to much oil in you do what you want but i have heard a few horror stories. I mix my gas kind of a peace of mind for me. I will sell you my oil tank if your interested shoot me a pm i am located in the red wing area

    Posts: 4033

    I have a 50 evinrude with the same set-up. Has never been a problem, used in the summer fishing and fall/winter duck hunting.

    I heard a couple stories about an outboard motor blowing up and killing the guys in a bass boat. Everyone take your outboards off immediately and go back to the old fashioned ores, it is a serious problem!

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