In-Depth Outdoors ~ Welcome Back Everts!

  • In-Depth Webstaff
    Posts: 2756

    Everts Fishing Resort and the New Management Team of Steve, Kari and Little Jimmy Weber!

    Many of the Ido followers have met the new team already. If you haven’t we encourage you to stop in, introduce yourself and find out the latest fishing info the river has to offer. Not to mention friendly faces!

    Many of the old regulars will be floating around the resort for evening grilling and fish talk around the campfires as in the past. River Rat Randy has been promoted from President of the Everts Welcoming Committee to “Director of Hospitality” and Dean Marshall could be caught coming down the hill to steal BK’s cookies again.

    Here’s a message from Steve~

    Hi everyone! This is Steve Weber the manager of Everts Fishing Resort.

    First off, Kari and I know it’s was a tough 2011 for many of the good folks that visited us. I promise you, that is long gone.

    In fact, we’ll prove it to you, mark you’re calendars for Saturday, June 16th, Fathers Day Weekend. Everts Fishing Resort is Teaming up with In-Depth Outdoors to bring the members (and non members) of Ido an old fashion Get ToGether. Stay tuned for details that will follow!

    For the last 8 weeks, Kari and I have met some great people that have helped us through getting the resort up to speed. We came in during the warm weather and right into the lap of the busiest time of the year. We made it and we thank you for understanding when we didn’t have your favorite bait for a short time.

    I’ll be honest. There are times I wondered how one person could keep juggling everything at once. Thanks for your continued support Dean!

    I’m not great with computers. Kari is the computer person and checks the email and private messages on Ido frequently.

    Myself, I would rather meet you in person. So stop on down and say Hi!

    PS The Ramps Are Open!!

    For those of you that haven’t visit the Resort:

    Everts Resort is located on Pool 4 of the Mississippi River below Lock & Dam #3. We are the nearest boat launch and cabin facilities to the best year round walleye and sauger fishing in the Upper Midwest. The Mississippi River is home to large numbers of Walleye and Sauger… and trophy Walleye exceeding 10 lbs are always a possibility! Add in world class Smallmouth and White Bass fishing, big Northern Pike, monster Channel and Flathead Catfish, slab sized Crappies and Sunfish, and you’ve got yourself the perfect location for your next fishing vacation!

    * Five cabins available that sleep up to 8 people each.

    * Direct TV.

    * Wi-Fi availability.

    * Internet and computer use for Everts customers.

    * Cabins include twin and double beds,

    refrigerator, freezer, microwave, stove,

    oven, coffee maker, full kitchen, utensils,

    bathroom, shower, TV, riverfront location,

    guest controlled air and heat, use of fish cleaning facilities, and boat docking.

    A large propane-fired fish cooker is also available.

    * Our cabins (and ramps) are open all year long!

    (Some cabins are winterized – please

    check on running water and availability.)

    * Campsites include water and electric hookups.

    Campers also have access to showers and bathroom facilities along with boat docking and fish cleaning facilities.

    * Referrals to area fishing guides by request.

    * Bait & Tackle Shop

    – Wisconsin fishing licenses

    – Gas/Oil

    – Live bait: minnows, crawlers, & leeches

    – Seasonal Baits

    – Maps

    – Bulk line spooling

    – Pop and Water

    – Snacks: Chips, Candy, & Jerky

    – Plus a huge assortment of tackle, plastics, jigs, & Blade Baits!

    ~Home of the famous Bucktail Wayne custom hand-tied hair jigs!~

    ~BfishN Tackle Blade Baits, Jigs and Plastics including the New Pulsars!~

    ~Limit Creek Rods~

    ~Interstate Batteries~

    * Boat & Motor Rental

    * Boat Launch & Rig Parking

    ** Our boat ramps are open for use 12 months a year,

    even during the winter months! Just like the walleye season!**

    ~Everts Fishing Resort. Since 1936, more than a resort…it’s a tradition!~

    For more information email [email protected]

    or call

    Steve or Kari @ 715-792-2333

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Welcome to the Ido Family Kari, Steve and Jimmy!

    I’m looking forward to the G2G! Good times with good friend as a great location!

    If anyone see’s Steve in the golf cart, keep an eye out. He’s already run into the bait shop door.

    Kari put me up to posting this!

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    Good to hear!!! I wish I could b at the get together, but I’ll be in new jersey for some army training. I encourage anyone that can make it to attend! I remember the good ‘ol get togethers and they are a world of fun!! even if BK does show up.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    June 16th will work for Cheryl and me. We both look forward to see old friends and new faces alike.

    Posts: 3681

    Wishing you all a warm welcome and a long and prosperous run at Everts.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Good have Steve, Kari and Jimmy aboard !!!!!!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547

    Post deleted by Jeff Jerry

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Jeff….I think you wanted RiverDans post…

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506


    Welcome to the Ido Family Kari, Steve and Jimmy!

    If anyone see’s Steve in the golf cart, keep an eye out. He’s already run into the bait shop door.

    Kari put me up to posting this!

    Not worry Steve, B Rob and I witnessed said poster with that very same golf cart parked ON the steps to the house. There are pictures to prove it jerr

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547

    I can’t wait to get some free time and head down. Looking forward to meeting the new family and the old pharts. Don’t be offended I are one as well.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    Plan is to be on URL on June 16, but if we have a breakdwon, I”ll be hitchhiking over to Evert’s. Can’t find better people… Thanks for all your help this spring, Steve & Kari.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Steve, great to be welcoming back Everts to the mix.

    I’ve had the fortunate opportunity to meet you this spring and I appreciate all the help you’ve given me.

    Looking forward to the GTG.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    If I can talk Jesse into giving me a hand, the alligator gar is heading back down to the Resort this Friday.

    …I’ve spent two weeks trying to talk the FW into displaying it in our bedroom….not going to happen.

    Posts: 2627

    I can honestly say that EVERTS IS BACK!!!!!! Steve and Kari have brought back Everts to it’s standard of so many years—the hospitality is great and you always feel welcome when you walk in the door. Evert’s has been our home away from home for many of us and it has that feel again. I am definitely going to try and make it on June 16th. Welcome Steve and Kari and looking forward to meeting little Jimmy.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Best news I have heard in a long time

    Can’t wait to get my behind there!

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431


    I can honestly say that EVERTS IS BACK!!!!!! Steve and Kari have brought back Evert’s to it’s standard of so many years—the hospitality is great and you always feel welcome when you walk in the door.

    I stopped by last night, I have to agree. It is nice to be welcomed as if Dean was still running the show at Everts.

    I know a lot of guys that were feed up with what was happening at their favorite hang out and vowed never to go back, really need to go back and try it again. I can promise you that you will not be sorry.

    It was my pleasure to meet Steve and Kari last night

    I wish you guys the best of luck with your adventures at Everts and with BK and all the other characters that call Everts their home away from home.


    Kari, I sure hope that you find your keys. Also I would not raise the reward much higher, I think BK has them and is waiting till you get the reward high enough for his liking.

    Wisconsin, St. Croix
    Posts: 7

    Glad to see Steve taking charge. The future looks great for Everts.

    Posts: 217

    Fine folks indeed it is nice to actually enjoy and return to my happy place. Keep up the good work guys it will get easier everyday. Good times ,good people (except for BK) great place

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    except for BK

    That’s it! I’m not teaching you anymore walleye tricks.

    Posts: 3010


    That’s it! I’m not teaching you anymore walleye tricks.

    Walleyes can do tricks?
    Even more amazing, it’s also possible to teach them to Brett?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    we cant wait to meet the rest of BK’s fan club

    I’m not sure that was funny.

    Find your keys yet?

    Posts: 3010

    up the ante

    start offering cookies for their return

    or better yet, declare the entire Evert’s property a “baked-goods-prohibited zone” until such time as the keys are back in your possesion

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’m holding out for two of the calendars that include the 12 free launchings.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Somehow I need to convert this thread into a “how did Steve run into the bait shop door” thread.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431


    Somehow I need to convert this thread into a “how did Steve run into the bait shop door” thread.

    Was he looking for Kari keys when he did it

    Posts: 3010


    Somehow I need to convert this thread into a “how did Steve run into the bait shop door” thread.

    Sooooo, How DID he ?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010



    Somehow I need to convert this thread into a “how did Steve run into the bait shop door” thread.

    Sooooo, How DID he ?

    Rut Row Scubby, kinda quiet in here.

    I have this feeling I’ll be on “fish gut” duty all weekend.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’m thinking the fish house will be a pleasure.

    I saw what you were feeding Little Jimmy.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Jez! One butt is enough!

    Have Steve shoot me a pm on those to Trophy Collection Catfish reels, when he has a moment…please.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431


    thanks brian, the fish house will be waiting for ya…you can have a choice between that or diaper duty….
    your choice, lol

    We all know BK is all ready full of diaper doodoo……

    Way too easy, thanks for the set up, Kari

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