I don’t deal well with threats – NFL to Minnesota

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    It seems the NFL is trying to flex it’s muscle with our wimpy governor.

    Vikes Stadium

    Posts: 1899

    Good riddance. The NFL has gotten way too big for it’s britches and needs to be knocked down a few pegs. Whether it’s threatening the state legislature or screwing local tv stations out of advertising money when they blackout a game, they really need to take a step back.

    Posts: 3010

    Do you suppose our wimpy governor even understands the concept of “calling their bluff” ?

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12804

    i dont think the gov is the issue!!!!! he’s been a cheerleader for a new stadium for quite some time. its the idiots in the house ans senate!

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    I doubt this is a bluff.

    And why shouldn’t the NFL flex a little here. They have multiple cities that would most likely hammer out a stadium overnight to get a team.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    its the idiots in the house ans senate!

    I think those “idiots” are actually listening to the people… the majority of which are telling them DO NOT use state or local funds to pay for a stadium.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Kooty, while we all know my stance on the stadium, you will find 1000’s who would scream and cry like little girls after the Vikings move. It’s a power play by the NFL, it will work because people are scared to lose the team for whatever reasons.

    It’s been well documented that stadiums do not pay for themselves. It’s a feel good thing so people can say they have a pro football team. You will even hear some say “to be a big league city you need the NFL.” Like General Mills, 3M, Target, Best Buy, CH Robinson, Gambels would leave if the Vikings leave.

    Let them squirm, let the NFL throw their weight around, it’s a done deal, we just haven’t been told yet.

    The only question left to be answered is “how much will the NFL & the Wilfs extort from the taxpayers.”

    Posts: 1899


    It seems the NFL is trying to flex it’s muscle with our wimpy governor.

    Vikes Stadium

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12804



    its the idiots in the house ans senate!

    I think those “idiots” are actually listening to the people… the majority of which are telling them DO NOT use state or local funds to pay for a stadium.

    to bad they dont listen to ALL the things “the people”tell them!!!

    John Kaus
    Posts: 27

    “Build us a stadium of we will leave” See ya bye! You know if they made it affordable for me to even think about taking my 3 boys wife and to the game I might have gone but I can’t afford $450.00 for tickets, parking and food just to go to one game. I heard on the radio this morning some blow head talking saying “it’s not just about money, It’s the memories of going to the game” Bull [censored]! It’s getting to be a game for the rich and wealthy sucking off the tit of the middle class. It’s a business and they should treat it as such and quit asking everyone to pay for it. I’ll just keep taking my kids fishing….now those are memories. And I didn’t ask for a handout to buy my boat.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    Hasnt it been proven over and over again the majority dont want this? Yet somehow the minority opinion is still being pursued? I dont understand and dont want to. Already sorry I added to this post.

    John Kaus
    Posts: 27


    Hasnt it been proven over and over again the majority dont want this? Yet somehow the minority opinion is still being pursued? I dont understand and dont want to. Already sorry I added to this post.

    I’m not! It’s America you have the right to say what you want!

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603


    It’s been well documented that stadiums do not pay for themselves.

    I’d be really interested in seeing this WELL Documented information.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Both sides have documentation that debunks(sp?) the other.

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380

    The team will move if we don’t get a new stadium. I want it done.

    Anybody that says they don’t want the stadium are basically saying they want the Vikings to move. If that’s your opinion fine, I don’t agree.

    The Vikings are the biggest game in town. The NFL is the biggest game in America. If the Vikings leave, many of you guys who don’t want the stadium will be complaining.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    its the idiots in the house ans senate!

    We can’t seem to win no matter what. Recent examples that are fresh in my mind.

    1. Governor vetoes Castle Doctrine update law after it passes the house and senate by 60/40 split.

    2. Legislature passes law to require sticker in boats that will magically prevent the spread of AIS.

    3. NO group will address the raping of one our most precious and historical lakes in Mn each year.

    4. My property taxes continue to rise the last two years even though my assessed value has now dropped $50k+ in the same time period.

    I have such a hard time understanding why/how people become so corrupt when we send them to St. Paul and Washington D.C.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Still holding out hope that it happens in Arden Hills and not the concrete jungle.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    I was listening to 93x this morning when they were talking to Randy Shaver and he commented on how the NFL team owners have already made their “billions”(what he said) so they don’t count on their teams for a source of income.

    My question is….if you(Ziggy) have enough $ to buy an NFL team for a hobby why can’t you build the stadium yourself??

    If I am going to pay more taxes I really don’t want to help pay for a new stadium when schools, fire departments and law enforcement are all in need of more funds.

    Timing on this is really crappy…the economy is in a shambles and people just don’t want to give up more of their hard earned income for something the majority of people will never use.

    I would have agree with what was said above….for once I think the government is actually listening to the majority….just wish they would on topics that are far more pressing than a new stadium.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895



    its the idiots in the house ans senate!

    I think those “idiots” are actually listening to the people… the majority of which are telling them DO NOT use state or local funds to pay for a stadium.

    My somewhat shorter version would be….”Bye”


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    The team will move if we don’t get a new stadium. I want it done.

    Anybody that says they don’t want the stadium are basically saying they want the Vikings to move. If that’s your opinion fine, I don’t agree.

    The Vikings are the biggest game in town. The NFL is the biggest game in America. If the Vikings leave, many of you guys who don’t want the stadium will be complaining.

    I DON’T want the Vikes to leave, but I’m not willing to pay the ridiculous amount they are requiring. The NFL has much deeper pockets than our state does right now.

    Posts: 1899


    The team will move if we don’t get a new stadium. I want it done.

    Well then donate the land and start building. Chop, chop now. Time’s a wastin’.

    What’s that you say? You don’t have the money for that?

    Neither do we.


    Personally, I would be devestated if the Vikings left Minnesota.

    Although I agree that taxpayer dollars could be put to better use, I have yet to see a reasonable alternative to getting a stadium built. If this is what it takes, then so be it.

    Here’s a thought…Why couldn’t the tax burden fall upon the entire state or the 5 County metro area instead of just hennepin county?

    At 5.5 million residents in MN, a $400 Million state contribution to the stadium would cost residents only $65 over the length of the financing term.

    Even if they went with a 5-County Metro tax, residents would still only pay $160/person over the length of the financing term to keep the Vikings here.

    To me, those numbers are well worth it to keep the Vikings here. Granted I wouldn’t see a penny of that money in return, but i’d be OK with that as a Vikings fan.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Let them move. Then the MN people can become Packer fans and not suffer from depression and anxiety during the season any more. And for those that want to spend money to support the team, you can always buy some ornamental Packer stock certificates.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1281

    State run casino cures all!!! stadium money, education money, less power to Natives, I don’t have to pay if I don’t want, fisherman happy, win-win-win-win-win

    I just don’t see a down side for the majority of Minnesotans. i guess just another example of its not about the majority.

    I say build it. i hate the Vikings but surely would hate to see them leave. i will pay my share and I am from WI.

    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 277


    I have such a hard time understanding why/how people become so corrupt when we send them to St. Paul and Washington D.C.

    It’s not to hard to understand. It’s the endless flow of $$$ into their pockets

    Posts: 1027


    I was listening to 93x this morning when they were talking to Randy Shaver and he commented on how the NFL team owners have already made their “billions”(what he said) so they don’t count on their teams for a source of income.

    My question is….if you(Ziggy) have enough $ to buy an NFL team for a hobby why can’t you build the stadium yourself??

    If I am going to pay more taxes I really don’t want to help pay for a new stadium when schools, fire departments and law enforcement are all in need of more funds.

    Timing on this is really crappy…the economy is in a shambles and people just don’t want to give up more of their hard earned income for something the majority of people will never use.

    I would have agree with what was said above….for once I think the government is actually listening to the majority….just wish they would on topics that are far more pressing than a new stadium.

    I couldn’t agree more. Why should the taxpayers pay for any part of a private enterprize that has a bunch of prima donna millionaires pumping their biceps or chests up when they make a play. Makes you want to puke.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5711

    How many of you guys actually go to the home games on a regular basis? I’m not talking about using tickets your company bought either…I mean get in the car and drive down and buy tickets/parking/concessions to watch the game in person. And drop what, $300 or $400 in the process? There are over 4 million people in Minnesota and I’d be willing to bet that 99% of them have never been to a Vikings game. Like most people I have only ever seen them on the TV. Therefore:

    As long as there’s a TV camera pointed at them, what do I care where the stadium is?

    They could be the Hong Kong Vikings and I’d be watching them on TV, just like now. Let the Chinese build them a stadium!


    Posts: 1899


    They could be the Hong Kong Vikings and I’d be watching them on TV, just like now. Let the Chinese build them a stadium!


    Zygi could use non-union child labor and save a TON of cash!

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Let the NFL flex their muscle. If their so stupid to leave one of top most markets of TV revenue, that’s where they get there money not the stadiums, let em go.

    Its all about the money taking a parallel step from one market to another market that is similar does not make sense when other teams in a lesser market are ripe for the picking.
    With the $26 billion, that does not include what the dish networks are paying, the NFL gets just from the big networks alone I think the NFL can chip in a bit.

    If we loose them so be it. Maybe we can get this state out of the poverty induced service industry and create jobs worth something.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I’d support a state owned and run casino with absolutely no Indian involvement in it, IF the monies raised from it went to the stadium. I’d also support building new hiway lanes around any and all indian casinos so that admission into indian casinos from the public sector could be charged on the way in on the existing routes along with a full accounting of the cash on hand going in and then tax the bejesus out of anything over that amount on the way out….and yes use the tax gathered to support the stadium. One way in, one way out, and if the indians aren’t going to pay taxes then let those that use the indian casinos do it. Such a venture woiuld maybe serve a couple ways for us “other” natives.

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