Minnkota Remote transom steering???

  • mark-bruzek
    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3909

    Why has MK not released a Vantage with the remote steering like on the I-pilot?

    Future plans of this?

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4080

    What advantage do you see to the remote versus controlling it by hand? I only use the Vantage while I’m backtrolling and I’m always sitting right next to the vantage. Maybe on a console boat where the driver might not want to sit by the Vantage? I guess in that situation, I would probably have the bowmount down anyway.



    I only use the Vantage while I’m backtrolling and I’m always sitting right next to the vantage.

    Same here.

    Although i’m a newbie to the tiller world, I find myself using the Vantage primarily for backtrolling. For most other applications, I find myself using the ipilot on the bow instead.

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    Because then you would only buy 1 TM…

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3909

    Just a brain child…

    -As mentioned it would work well for a console to back troll.

    -There are times i am using the terrova and transom at the same time.

    -It would allow your buddy to steer as well when you are tied up with a fish. I always bring my Terrova remote when fishing with others.

    – Get rid of drift socks for those who rig sideways.

    The are defiantly uses to a troller on each end, why not make them both remote steer.

    As we all have learned from the terrova remote feature it is GREAT to be able to work the trolling motor from anywhere in the boat.

    If they build it, we will find ways to refine our methods…

    Who thought a bowmount remote would would be so sweet before they invented it?

    Posts: 630

    Right, I pilot forward, vantage reverse.

    Posts: 29

    If you had room on your transom couldnt a person mount a Terrova on the back just like the front? Just a thought.

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