Once you found Morels?

  • riverruns
    Posts: 2218

    So once you found them what is the proper steps to clean them and store them for a couple of days? Figured that they should be starting around here soon if we get some warm days.
    Thank, Shawn

    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099

    cut in half rinse and soak in water, if its for a long while dehydrate and freeze, when you want to eat soak them in water they will return to normal size then fry in butter toss on top of a deer chop and eatem up!

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    I’d also suggest GPSing the location so that you can get back next year!!

    Elgin, MN
    Posts: 245

    I would not soak them for that long or they get soggy. I usually soak them for the better part of a day then rinse and dry and put in fridge. You do not need to freeze if you are going to eat in a few days.

    Posts: 4033

    Cut in half lengthwise and soak in saltwater over night. This will draw all the bugs out (yes there is more bugs in there than you think). Once that is done, rinse them off real well and store in the fridge in a bowel. Layer of moist paper towel, layer of shrooms, layer of moist paper towel, layer of shrooms, etc. They will keep like this for a week or so.

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 149

    Store in fridge do not wash at all until you are ready to eat. They will last longer.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13916


    Cut in half lengthwise and soak in saltwater over night. This will draw all the bugs out (yes there is more bugs in there than you think). Once that is done, rinse them off real well and store in the fridge in a bowel. Layer of moist paper towel, layer of shrooms, layer of moist paper towel, layer of shrooms, etc. They will keep like this for a week or so.

    X2 – though you give up a lot of fiber and protein if you get all the bugs out

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Soaking as mentioned is a must, but they are so full of air pockets that the halves like to float. Try placing them in a bowl into which a small plate will fit. Put the morels in the bowl, cover with the plate and then fill will water….cold water. You may add salt or no. By keeping the mushrooms submerged, any bugs hiding in hard to notice places will get chased out and will be floating on the water, not still hiding in a crevice, nor can they simply relocate to a mushroom sticking safely out of the water bath.

    Mississippi River
    Posts: 168

    I would only keep in water one night. If I want to store them for a couple days I will put in a brown paper bag, they seem to stay fresh in the bag. Good work and enjoy!

    Posts: 543

    I think you shouldn’t soak them, only rinse them to get the sand out before eating. The bugs will be killed by the cooking process IMO.

    SE WI
    Posts: 146

    After soaking in salt water,rinse,then pat dry in a towel. No,not the good one your wife has hanging for display…

    Salad shooters work really well for getting the water out of the wrinkles. It also gets (almost) all of the last of the grit and bugs out.

    Posts: 1009

    couple hours in salt water! before eating!! put in a brown paper bag in fridge to store for a few days!

    we cook crocks full and add butter and a small amount of seasoning then freeze them with liquid in sour cream containers! they last all year and taste great est part is you dont need to fart around with the dehydrator.

    that is how we do it and it has worked great for us!

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824


    Store in fridge do not wash at all until you are ready to eat. They will last longer.

    Store in a paper bag in the fridge. Air tight containers work but moisture can be your enemy while storing. Wash before you eat is the best way to go. A quick rinse is all that is needed. Dont fear the bugs. Anything that does not rinse away will not hurt anything. Most do not have sand and dirt on them. While harvesting take care of them and make sure you dont cut them too low where dirt/sand can get into your shroom bag.

    If you want to dry them. Cut them in half and lay them on a screen. Any screen will work but make sure they are cut in half. We did try to dehydrate and was not as impressed as the screen. patients pays off there IMO. Lay them on a screen and keep them in a dry/dark area that is well vented. It will take a few days. Make sure all the moisture is out and vacume seal them for storage. Will last for a long time!!!!!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19026

    I like the screen idea. I dried them once by stringing up whole mushrooms on a sewing thread and hanging. I ended up grinding the dried mushrooms up and putting in a spice container. I would shake them on meat while grilling. Subtle but awsome.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    I have tried the string thing with a batch too and it works. Just takes so long and they dried so uneven. Wack them in half and they all dry pretty even then. the screen is so easy too!

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