So I must have messed up on the first try of this post so hopefully I don’t screw it up again!
As a few of you guys know I have a warehouse located in the St.Croix business center which is just about 2.5 miles from the Hudson side boat launch off of hwy 94. I was doing some wholesaleing for a while and my partner kind of fell off and screwed me over. Now I have my personal stuff in it and store some stuff for buddies.
We were gonna build out half of the warehouse for a tattoo shop, and the plans were complete and moving forward rapidly, but after some late night thinking and some poor communication I pulled the plug on that idea and decided I might just get out in June when I need to re-sign a lease or move-on.
Now I have been doing some research and trying to get an idea of what people think of this! I would love to open up a bait shop, and also do something like a sportsman’s pawn/consignment shop. I would buy, sell and trade used and new fishing equipment and hunting gear. I would sell minnows, and also large suckers, leeches etc. And of course BEER.
Obviously this a long ways out, but you have to start somewhere and this site has proven to be a bunch of great people that don’t just e-thug, and trash anyone’s ideas. I have been emailing and making calls on bait tank cost’s, and what all it would take to get this idea rolling! I would also be contacting vendors to get a decent stock of new gear!
Any questions, comments or ideas are more than welcome