BREAKING NEWS, A.I.S. Suit Dismissed by JUDGE

  • carroll58
    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    YES, Folks,

    The Judge dismessed the LAwsuit seeking to have centralized inspections at Lake Minnewashta Regional Park for Lake Bavaria, Christmas Lake & Lotus Lake.

    Judge Dismisses Lawsuit, Chan. Villager

    What will these Lakeshore Owners try next???

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19013

    Ha Ha!!!!!!!!!! Now maybe they understand the concept of public water.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    So are these guys going to sit at launches in shitfs and harass people with questions, picture taking and video recording? Seems like the next logical step for loonies.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094


    So are these guys going to sit at launches in shitfs and harass people with questions, picture taking and video recording? Seems like the next logical step for loonies.

    Just have your phone/video camera ready to document any & all forms of questions and perhaps harassment. Then, No questions what was said or done for the Lawyers and POLICE/DNR C.O.’s.

    New Prague, MN
    Posts: 578

    Thank God I love fishing those lakes. Maybe now they will realize they are the problem?

    Probably not

    Either way it’s time to celebrate! Thank you judge!

    Posts: 1899


    So are these guys going to sit at launches in shitfs and harass people with questions, picture taking and video recording? Seems like the next logical step for loonies.

    I’ve got a bunch of plastic green plants left over from the wedding decorations a few years ago. I might just superglue them to my prop and trailer and try backing the boat into the water for a chuckle.

    Maybe I can find some fake zeebs and glue them to my prop, too.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19013



    So are these guys going to sit at launches in shitfs and harass people with questions, picture taking and video recording? Seems like the next logical step for loonies.

    I’ve got a bunch of plastic green plants left over from the wedding decorations a few years ago. I might just superglue them to my prop and trailer and try backing the boat into the water for a chuckle.

    Maybe I can find some fake zeebs and glue them to my prop, too.

    That is hilarious! Finally a good use for my Reel Weeds!!!

    starvin pilgrim
    Posts: 335



    So are these guys going to sit at launches in shitfs and harass people with questions, picture taking and video recording? Seems like the next logical step for loonies.

    Get some shell macaroni and paint it.

    I’ve got a bunch of plastic green plants left over from the wedding decorations a few years ago. I might just superglue them to my prop and trailer and try backing the boat into the water for a chuckle.

    Maybe I can find some fake zeebs and glue them to my prop, too.

    New Prague, MN
    Posts: 578


    So are these guys going to sit at launches in shitfs and harass people with questions, picture taking and video recording? Seems like the next logical step for loonies.

    They did that last year! No joke! I just looked at them and when they check all of the bass boats but once a rec boat came they let it go that was when i went up to the rec boat’s trailer and offered to help the guy pull all of the weeds off of his

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I think my nephew and I will have to hit one of the lakes. You know how I hate controversy and like to avoid conflict.

    Posts: 1899


    I think my nephew and I will have to hit one of the lakes. You know how I hate controversy and like to avoid conflict.

    Let me know when you go. Me and my brothers combined with you, your nephew, and your horse might be too much “non conflict” for them to handle.

    If there’s rabble to be roused, I’ll find it.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    We can make T-Shirts up. “Got Clams?” “Inspect me for Invasive Crabs…PLEASE!” “I Got Your Inspection Post Right Here Buddy”

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19013

    I’m in. We can wrap my Reel Weeds all over our trailers.

    Posts: 1899


    We can make T-Shirts up. “Got Clams?” “Inspect me for Invasive Crabs…PLEASE!” “I Got Your Inspection Post Right Here Buddy”

    My brothers and I can wear zebra print wife-beaters with “Got Mussels” written on them. Then when they try to inspect us, we rip our shirts off like Hulk Hogan and start flexing.

    How do ya like dem muscles?

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    It is not over yet!

    The Legislature is currently considering legislation that would modify statutes to allow mandatory remote inspection stations, the ruling said. “This is the legislative function that must be allowed to pass or fail without judicial involvement. Perhaps this opinion and result will spur appropriate legislative action.”


    The city of Chanhassen, which was originally listed as a defendant in the suit, is currently working with a contractor that is hiring workers to staff public access sites beginning May 25 to check boats to prevent the spread of zebra mussels and other aquatic invasive species. Inspectors will work at Lake Ann, Lake Susan and Lotus Lake. The inspectors will work from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Fridays through Sunday at all lakes and work additional hours during the week at Lotus Lake, according to Todd Hoffman, Chanhassen’s Park and Recreation director.

    Will these be those certified volunteers the DNR appoints or will they be wearing special colors something like that of that Angle vigilante group? LOL!!!!

    Call you legislator soon!! Before they sneak it through.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    “Will these be those certified volunteers the DNR appoints or will they be wearing special colors something like that of that Angle vigilante group? LOL !!!!!!

    From what I know, the DNR does not certify volunteer AIS inspectors. Some local units of government will hire paid staff and these staff will likely receive DNR AIS training. I’m not sure what if they will have the same authority as level one AIS inspectors. Sometimes volunteers are used and they are also DNR trained but they have no powers.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Thank You Buzz for the correction.

    And Thank you for adding LOL!!! for me, I should have done that.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Or make a t-shirt that says,,,I got a serious contagious case of the crabs from the lake Bavaria association, or any of the other lakes, maybe that’ll get thier attention.

    waconia, mn
    Posts: 132

    What’s next? They gonna sue the waterfowl??

    Posts: 31

    Do they mean there no weeds or zeebs til May 25th, and then only on the weekends?

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