Are we losing our country?

  • derek_johnston
    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    A friend of mine told me that Pepsi was going to put the statue of liberty on their cans but that they were going to remove the statement “in God we trust” or something to that matter. Pepsi said they didn’t want to offend anyone. God can mean anything, this kind of thing is getting ridiculous. It sounds to me like they don’t want to lose their non-religious pop drinkers in their marketing scheme. But yet they can manipulate the statue of liberty and try to make people feel good about drinking an American soda.

    Are we getting to the point that we are soon going to let anyone into this country and let them run it the way they want to?

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4751

    Amen Derek! The problem is the squeeky wheels know how to get all the attention while many others are apathetic, thinking it will never affect them directly…it will …then its too late.

    Thanks for caring enough to voice your opinion!

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    I wonder if this is just someon resurrecting (no pun intended) the stink over the Dr Pepper cans from early 2002. They featured the statue of liberty (she’d naked under that toga, ya know), and around the top said, “One Nation… Indivisible.”

    A handful of Christian groups made a stink about printing the above quote with the words ‘under God’ omitted. Mid Continent (IIRC) issued a statement saying that they omitted the words because there was not room to print them around the top of the can.

    I think all the ruckus was just some obscure fanatics trying to get their name in the paper, but don’t quote me on that.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    This was suppose to happen already I believe. I told a friend about it and that person contacted their Dad who works for Pepsi in a management position and he hadn’t heard about it. This was probably about 6 months ago. Lets hope that it doesn’t happen. If it does happen, even though I’m a huge Diet Pepsi drinker, this guy will boycot Pepsi. Maybe if enough people do that, if it happens, Pepsi will get the strong message that like it or not, this country was founded under God.
    Thanks, Bill

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Bill, I think a boycott would be overreaction. This was not a slam on religion, it was just a soda company doing something patriotic, and I’m all for it. If you think that the omission of ‘under God’ is just hemming and hawing in an effort to bow to the Politically Correct Thought Police (PCTP), then complain about the PCTP and credit Mid-Continent for at least doing something.


    In February 2002, several news media outlets in the country reported on a special edition Dr Pepper can that was created to show support for the patriotic fervor that has been sweeping America since the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, and to show the world that we are a united nation of people who place a high value upon freedom.

    Much of the information being circulated on this subject, especially on the Internet, is incomplete or inaccurate. Here are the facts:

    The can, released in November 2001, features an image of the Statue of Liberty along with the words “One Nation … Indivisible.” The special packaging was designed to reflect our pride in this country’s determination to stand together as one. The Statue of Liberty and Pledge of Allegiance were chosen as two of the greatest symbols of American freedom. Only three words were used from the Pledge of Allegiance. Those three words were in concert with the patriotic mood of the nation.

    We at Dr Pepper/Seven Up strongly believe that the message on these cans is a resoundingly patriotic message that we are a united nation.

    More than 41 million special edition cans were ordered by Dr Pepper bottlers in portions of a dozen states. The limited edition patriotic was retired in February 2002 and will not be used again.

    Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4751

    Good reflection and research G. Lets get more facts and then respond…
    H*ll with Pepsi Bill…switch over to DietRite and kick the Aspartame…you’ll get your memory back!

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Why don’t we all just drink beer. Wasn’t it Ben Franklin that said” beer is proof that God loves us”

    Devils Lake ND area
    Posts: 330

    Drink Coke before noon and Grain Belt in the PM.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Get what back?!? Who are you? Where am I? Good one Tommy! What was done on the Dr. Pepper can was to get a point across in a limited amount of space. [that we stand together] What Pepsi is talking about deals more with God and not wanting to offend people who don’t believe in God. Look at how our country is today. There are alot more problems today and it started years ago by kicking God out of our schools. But yet look at how blessed the United States is compared to alot of other countries. Our country was founded under God, its on our coins and on our dollars bills and we have Churches everywhere. And now we are ashamed of God??? We should be ashamed of ourselves if we are becoming ashamed of God. He gave so much so freely yet we are so ungreatefull. Anybody , including my own kids, who have seen some things in me that they like, see them because of the doing of the Lord. Any good that ever comes out of me is HIS doing. For I am only human and am nothing and can do nothing good without him. And thats the Gods honest truth. Maybe it seems like I get alittle carried away to some of you when it comes to things about the Lord. Maybe if I share a few personal things you may understand me alittle better. Since 1986 I have battled health problems due to work injuries. I have had some back and neck injuries that are permanant. I have worn a Tens unit while working since then. A Tens unit has two electrodes that are placed on my neck that help to block out pain signals that are sent to the brain. Using my hands and arms irratates my neck. That causes alot of pain to shoot into my arms and hands and upper back and shoulders. I also have permanant carpel tunnel in both hands as the nerves were too badly damaged so surgery didn’t help. I have had a couple back surgeries and yet am still in alot of pain. Arthritis has settled in my spine where my injuries have been and also have degentaive disk disease in my spine due to all the injuries. That means my disk are falling apart which means alot of pinched nerves. I take a handfull of prescription drugs each day to help me survive the day along with certain excerises and neck traction at home. And am so far still able to work. The Lord is my strength, He is what keeps me going on even though every year it gets worse. I have no retirement future as I won’t be able to enjoy it. I depend on the Lord for everything, and I mean everything. I have 4 kids who are now grown up whom I finished raising 3 of them myself due to a divorce. I have 5 grandkids too. So I have family that I try to guide towards the Lord and help in any possible way I can. We are all close and that helps alot too. In one sense you may say life stinks. In another sense its great as I have been very blessed with my kids and grandkids and I have a big fishing family here at in-depth that I can share and talk with daily. I have met alot of people here both in person and on the message board that I would have never met otherwise. In one sense I can’t do alot with them but in another sense I can here. My strength to go on comes from my relationship with the Lord. He does for me what I can’t do – gives me the desire to live and want to be able to share and help others. He gets me through the day when my body doesn’t want to go further. He keeps me going even though I don’t want to move somedays because of the pain. The pain is always there and won’t completely go away no matter how many pain killers and other meds I take but the Lord is always there to help me and even carry me on the worse days. So the Lord is much more than just a God up in Heaven to me. He is my strength, my will to live and my love to share and love and help others. Thats why I defend Him when others want to put Him down. I know first hand who He is and what He does for us if we let him into our lives and just how much He loves us. I am alive today because of him.

    Thanks, Bill

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    It takes a lot of guts to just open up like Bill and I salute you!

    Listen brother……… I know this is redundant for you but it’s obvious you focus on your purpose here and keep your sights on eternity. Death is permanent. No one but Christ has conquered death but if we think about the people that have been deceased since the beginning of our time……… compared to the ages their lives were still but specks, flickers of existance. Our time here is brief by comparison also. Bill………. stay the course, finish the race………. a perfect and restored body awaits you for when your purpose is complete. It’s promised. In the place where every knee will bow, and every tongue confess, that He is Lord.

    As for the thread, it does come back to our own complacencies that have allowed things to get to the state they’re at. Our rights to let the people rule are all but being made illegal because of poorly discerning judges that have been elected to power. It’s not illegal to try and put things back but you’re subject to being sued for it! “It’s not fair” and “Politically Correct” are 2 phrases that turn my stomach.

    I’ve voiced my position quite clearly on many a post…….. so this shouldn’t shock anyone……… but we’d help each other so much more than we do if we could just kick all “the lefties” out of power. “Religion” is such a loosely used word and the majority of those who use it don’t even know the difference between it and faith. It’s become rare to know the definitions of either one enough to even discern the difference. We can point the finger at a million and one things but our own failures to stand and defend our convictions is the greatest contributor. At some level, this comes from all of us, me included.

    Complacency is the death cargo of the non-achiver. Everytime we ask, “What’s the big deal” or “It’s a free country” gets voiced, there’s the voice of someone who hasn’t got the whole story or historical value necessary to understand why it should be a respected condition. And like it or not, deny it or not, this is true for every last one of us, again…….. me included.

    Bill………….. you’ve got a purpose driven life and the support of many. I’ll miss you if you go before me, but only for a short while, because I will be happy for your newly acquired perfect life, the one that lasts forever……… and ever…… and ever……… and ever. No more drugs, traction, pain signals, or deterioration. This hope, is the strength of which you speak, and can be found no where else. No where.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290


    Why don’t we all just drink beer. Wasn’t it Ben Franklin that said” beer is proof that God loves us”


    Drink Coke before noon and Grain Belt in the PM.

    If it was just that easy haha. I think that if you conform to please just one audience your losing the whole idea behind land of the FREE, everone has their own thoughts on the whole God issue. NO one is making them drink pepsi or say the pledge, so just let it be.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    It’s like I said before: This whole thing is a hoax. It is a weak attempt to resurrect the Dr Pepper can hoopla from two years ago which fizzled out.



    Comments: This false and utterly pointless call to arms is a variant of a different email protest which targeted the manufacturer of another soft drink, Dr Pepper, in February 2002. Dr Pepper cans did, in fact, carry such a patriotic slogan during a brief promotion in 2001-2002 featuring an excerpt from the Pledge of Allegiance. However, Pepsi — manufactured by an entirely different and unrelated company, I hasten to add — has never run such a promotion, nor announced any plans to do so.

    Official statement from PepsiCo:

    We wanted to clarify an erroneous report that has been circulating around cyberspace for some time. Pepsi has not created any packaging containing an edited version of America’s Pledge of Allegiance. A patriotic package used in 2001 by Dr Pepper (which is not a part of PepsiCo) was inappropriately linked to this rumor. Dr Pepper’s position is very clearly articulated at:

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