As someone who has been trying for years to get the Bass opener moved up, I’m likely bias. The questions being asked illustrate many of the issues. What part of the opener is based on resorts? Is the opener part of the “resort” industry or is it based on fisheries science? Where do spawning cycles come in?
Do we even need seasons? Or as some evidence suggests, we open the walleye season when folks have the best opportunity to hammer the fish? Is this really protecting the resource or is it catering to the resort and tourism industry?
With Bass season, we have a late opener near Memorial Day. Most years the Bass are either still actively spawning or still in pre-spawn. Yet the late opener is understood to be protecting the bass from nest predation or excessive harvest; when nothing could be farther then the truth. Is biology the basis of the late opener, or is it a season influenced by the resort industry to have a second “opener” in which to attract another group of anglers.
This may be one of the first years out of the last 20-30 that Bass will have actually completed spawning, prior to the opener. If the Walleye and Pike opener is moved up, will this mean all the other seasons shift forward Bass, Muskie?
All the States surrounding Minnesota have openers that are earlier then ours. What is it that the science and biology of fish is different in these States? The big Northern States like Michigan, New York, Wisconsin have made science based decisions to open the Bass Seasons sooner then they used to. Is the MN DNR thinking all these States are using flawed science or doing a bad job at managing their fish populations or is MN just stuck on dogma and repetition?