
  • out_fishing
    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    So after I win the Mega Millions what kind of boat or boats should I get?

    Mike Stephens
    Posts: 1722


    So after I win the Mega Millions what kind of boat or boats should I get?

    A submarine so you can hide from all the relatives

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22972

    I have heard the odds of winning said a couple different ways….

    #1. You have a better chance of getting attacked by a Polar Bear and a Grizzly Bear… at the same time

    #2. This one’s for BK… you have a 19 times better chance of hitting 2 holes in one, in a round of golf…

    I will still buy a ticket… but I have been being careful about any bears in the area…

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    I have heard the odds of winning said a couple different ways….

    #1. You have a better chance of getting attacked by a Polar Bear and a Grizzly Bear… at the same time

    #2. This one’s for BK… you have a 19 times better chance of hitting 2 holes in one, in a round of golf…

    I will still buy a ticket… but I have been being careful about any bears in the area…

    So your saying there’s a chance…

    When I win I am building a Zebra mussel and Silver Carp rearing pond.

    Posts: 593

    ^^^That literally just made my day!

    Posts: 1899


    So your saying there’s a chance…

    When I win I am building a Zebra mussel and Silver Carp rearing pond.

    If I win it, I’m going to buy every commercial spot for the Superbowl. Come time for the big game, all you schmucks are going to be treated to a bunch of commercials of me doing various things like cooking bacon, mowing the lawn, lifting weights, helping Pug tend his zeeb/asian carp rearing pond that I bought for him, etc.

    I’ll probably be in my undapants for more than one of the activities.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Ewwe, birthday or not, that was not a good image!


    you have a 19 times better chance of hitting 2 holes in one, in a round of golf…

    Gotta play to have the 19 x better chance of 2 holes in one.

    Can odds be so bad that they are actually good?

    Posts: 1899


    Can odds be so bad that they are actually good?

    Those odds are for everyone else. They’re much better for me because it’s my birthday tomorrow.

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960

    The few dollars I spend on a ticket when it’s really high is worth the time I spend day dreaming about all the fishing I would do if I actually won.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    You can all just forget about it, I just bought the winning ticket.

    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757


    So after I win the Mega Millions what kind of boat or boats should I get?

    A new Skeeter for me would be nice.

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902

    I got my tickets. Figure I will buy another 2100 so I dont have to tow it around. And of course 2x the rods and tackle cause I dont wanna carry that around either lol

    Posts: 2998

    The odds are slim but it can be done, my cousin’s grand parents on her moms side won it a few years back on the hot lotto I think for a cash option of 4.64 million. I know I bought a few tickets!

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Remember my highschool lunch ladies???????!!!!


    I shoulda went into the lunch program instead of college after graduation at Holdingford. AND, many of these 16 multi-millionaires went right back to work! Heck, The husband of one of them picks up my 6 year old kindergartner with the school bus every single morning. I get to waive to a millionaire every morning of my life SO yes, we’re telling you there’s a chance!

    Posts: 699

    Yep the chances are slim but SOMEONE wins it. Might as well be me.

    Aitkin Mn
    Posts: 185

    That big Texas highway patrol boat will look like a bath toy when you see what I buy with my winnings

    Posts: 593


    That big Texas highway patrol boat will look like a bath toy when you see what I buy with my winnings

    Hastings MN
    Posts: 413

    I’ve already made a list for people I’m going to FORGET

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22972

    The youngest lunch ladies husband turns wrenches for me… I remember the following monday morning after they won it… he got about 3 phone calls in 10 minutes… prior to that day, he never got 1 call… Very grounded people. I told him yesterday, he messed up my chances… 2 lottery winners working in one place ???

    starvin pilgrim
    Posts: 335

    I once had an old car that had a hole in the drivers seat that I covered with a old rug. I told my family that if I won, I was going to buy a new rug to cover the hole.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    With that kind of money you could buy the whole boat harbor, boats and all. The old lady and I said we’ed buy new socks, shoes are ok then go out on the town in a taxi.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    All that money……………..thats the state and city contribution for the Viking stadium.

    A good portion of mine would go towards harassing the politicians that mess with the Legacy funds every year.

    Then I would fund Fellegy for a few rounds of his case. Just to mess with the other side.

    The rest I would just pee away I guess.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12958

    so a couple of ya know the holdingford lunch ladies too???? i too worked with the hubby of one of them!!!

    and you guys are all wrong……..i bought the winner this morning!!! and it wont be coffee in dat cup!

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    All that money……………..thats the state and city contribution for the Viking stadium.

    A good portion of mine would go towards harassing the politicians that mess with the Legacy funds every year.

    Then I would fund Fellegy for a few rounds of his case. Just to mess with the other side.

    The rest I would just pee away I guess.

    Ya, Steve would get a check that would make him smile, maybe a new Lambo with all the ground effects, a 120mph Fountain performance boat to go crappie fishing with, a house in bermuda or some prime fishing spot that’s warm, fish a few major tournaments, shoot a few pistol tourny’s….er…at 64 I’m not sure I have enough time to do the bucket list considering how many items are in it, but I’d sure try…:)


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I hope the lunch ladies were able to manage the money. There can’t much worse than winning a lottery and blowing all the money. That happens a lot.

    It sure is funny how a lottery only seems worth purchasing tickets for when there is record winnings. We pooled our money here at work for the first time. As if splitting say $20M as opposed to $500M is not “worth” it.

    I already made it clear that if I have a duplicate winning ticket separate from the pool, I am tacking half and my share from the pool too.

    The first thing I am going to do is make James an offer he can’t refuse to let me become IDO staff as the Millionaire Field Reporter. I’ll be fishing every day with my solid gold cranks.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22972

    Just went and got us 40 chances here at work. Our resident millionaire collected a buck from everyone… and sent me to BP Wish us luck !!!

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843


    Just went and got us 40 chances here at work. Our resident millionaire collected a buck from everyone… and sent me to BP Wish us luck !!!

    Hey G……….I’ll wish you luck for a % of the winnings.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    The ladies at the gas station this AM were sure pimping the tickets to everyone. I was suckered into buying another.

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