I am taking delivery of my new truck tomorrow and am wondering if anyone has been through something similar. Last month the tabs on my current truck were due, paid my $374 and called it good. One month later I find myself buying a new truck.
I am being told:
Critical habitat plates cannot be left on my old vehicle, new owner must buy his own plates. (why not let the new owner drive the vehicle with the existing plates and replace them when the tabs are due?)
They can however be transfed to my new truck for $5
I must buy NEW tabs for my new tuck whether I transfer my old plates or get new ones.
There is no refund or price reduction to offset the cost of my 1 month old tabs to my new tabs.
So, I just paid close to $400 one month ago to tab my truck, I am basically tossing that money out the window to the state and they are making me buy new tabs for over $500 and they keep my $400 for a vehicle that was used for one month before needing the plates removed?
I must have missed this when I did this before. I do not think it was even offered to me to transfer over my plates on my previous truck purchases.
Oh, the new truck is a 2012 Sierra SLT with the 6.2L