Flowering crab tree

  • trophy_hunter_15
    SE Minn
    Posts: 23

    Along with the arrival of spring brings the leaf sprouts on our flowering crab apple trees. On these trees we get those tent worms or army worms. They are the ones that make the white silk tents. The trees are small enough now that I can spray them with the help of a ladder. Does anyone know what they are and is there anything that can be done to control or prevent them as the will devour the whole branch if I am unable to kill them. It seams that we need to spray the nest every year. There must be something with those trees they love. Any help is greatly appreciated

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090

    They’re most likely Eastern Tent Caterpillars and there’s not a whole lot you can do to make your trees an unappealing host. However, rarely will they cause any significant damage to the trees unless they completely defoliate them. It’s still a good idea to get them out of there though. you can manually remove the nest and burn them or spray em with some dish soap and water. No harsh insecticides are needed for those guys.

    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1608


    They’re most likely Eastern Tent Caterpillars and there’s not a whole lot you can do to make your trees an unappealing host. However, rarely will they cause any significant damage to the trees unless they completely defoliate them. It’s still a good idea to get them out of there though. you can manually remove the nest and burn them or spray em with some dish soap and water. No harsh insecticides are needed for those guys.

    Like he says, but make sure to open up the “tent” with a stick or something so the liquid gets inside.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Spray the whole tree down with Dormant oil this will also knock out other pest. Spay now before the leaves come out.

    Mayer, MN
    Posts: 593

    Those little buggers like my Canadian Red Cherries also.

    SE Minn
    Posts: 23

    Thanks Guys, they are sprayed for now. Hope they are done now.

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