pink slime?

  • chomps
    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    not sure if all of you have done some reading up or are aware of what some of the media has been up to, but here are some links to get you caught up.

    beef is beef

    The media would have you believe that this process is dangerous to us as a consumer, and truth be told, it is a product since the process was started, there has not been one single person with e-coli or other bacteria and not even a recalled product. My kid came home from work yesterday and laid some paperwork on the counter and said the company he works for had temporarly suspended production at three plants. The trickle down effect to suppliers and trucking companies will definately effect many many people. BPI is a Siouxland company, the owners give back to the community. As a testimony to the way these guys do business goes back to last spring when the river was rising and several small communities were in danger of flooding. He sent his workforce out, with pay, to help those who needed it. This went on for a week. I was going down to my local HyVee who buckled to the media hype and kindly ask them to put products with lean beef trim back on the shelf. I’d ask each of you to become educated and form you own opinion, most of you have already consumed lean beef trim in your burgers, our school systems also used this product because of the cost and fat content. Now another protein source will need to fill the void. So look to higher fat content burger to be put in it’s place.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Sounds like meat to me…..

    I used to eat pickled beef sticks that the main ingredients were beef lips…

    Tasted just fine to me…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Did someone say…McRib?

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    I really have no problem with it. How many other product have ‘gross’ stuff in them? Anybody ever hear of mechanically seperated beef or chicken? It is in tons of stuff.

    So now we’re legislating on the ‘gross factor’. Think how many other things would have to be changed if people knew how it was really made. Look up how chicken nuggets are made sometime…Yum! Hell, just look at how chickens are raised commercially and you’ll never want to eat that again!

    That being said, I think we need to grow up a little and accept that these are the dirty little secrets of keeping the cost of food low.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361


    I really have no problem with it. How many other product have ‘gross’ stuff in them?


    Savage, MN
    Posts: 83


    That being said, I think we need to grow up a little and accept that these are the dirty little secrets of keeping the cost of food low.


    I pay more for my food so I know things like this aren’t in it. But really have no problem using it occasionally. But don’t bich and complain about “pink slime”, then do more biching and complaining that the price of your food is going up because it is no longer being used.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    I read about this Chomps, Nasty!

    Glad I have never in the last 20 years anyway had to have this. Mine is all deer meat for hambuger and I add the cuts of beef to make mine.

    I just let the locker do the grinding and wraping for a buckish a pound.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010




    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Just proves that there are people more gullible in the world than me. If they named it Pink Tasty Trimmings, people would have no problem with it. And people don’t sit back and say, they’ve safely been doing it for years, so what would be my beef with it now?

    So now I have to pay a higher price for hamburger at Cub because they caved to the brainless Chicken Littles whining about toxic death blood red slime that we’ve been eating for a very long time.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    But you don’t GET IT Pug! It is GROSS NOW!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317



    I really have no problem with it. How many other product have ‘gross’ stuff in them?


    Pool 4 walleyes.

    Posts: 1493

    Whatever happened to using all of the animal???

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    I did not hear anything about legislation. As far as I know the USDA supports Ammonia gassing of mechanically recovered meat.
    The public is speaking and the market is listening to what their saying.
    As for me I want to know what is in my food or at least be able to know and be able to choose if I want to consume it or not.
    I choose not to eat this stuff if at all possible.

    Ammonia gassing of mechanically recovered meat has not been around all that long comparatively speaking, the process being developed in the 1990’s.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    The public is speaking and the market is listening to what their saying.

    After the media misreports and uses carefully selected provocative language on purpose.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Rather dim view of the public. Its understandable. The general public are like sheep that like to be spoon fed and told what to believe.

    Posts: 543

    I like you would rather pay more for a higher quality product than this garbage.. This is why I try to stick to venison..



    That being said, I think we need to grow up a little and accept that these are the dirty little secrets of keeping the cost of food low.


    I pay more for my food so I know things like this aren’t in it. But really have no problem using it occasionally. But don’t bich and complain about “pink slime”, then do more biching and complaining that the price of your food is going up because it is no longer being used.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Rather dim view of the public. Its understandable. The general public are like sheep that like to be spoon fed and told what to believe.

    In general. It is a very general statement and one to which I do not exclude myself from when I say it.

    My favorite saying is “Humans Are Not As Smart As They Think They Are”. Maybe Yogi Berra said it first and I channel it.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974



    The public is speaking and the market is listening to what their saying.

    After the media misreports and uses carefully selected provocative language on purpose.

    that is exactly what the media hype has created, they will tell you the product is everywhere, and if you eat it you will go home glowing in the dark. Sad thing is people out there who are not educated enough to make a decision for themselves have forced people out of a job and also will create higher priced burger for everyone. I also agree that I should know what is in the food you are eating, but do you guys also know that amonia is used in chocolate and your heads of lettuce.

    Center of Iowa
    Posts: 727

    It is nothing but a clever name.

    Meat reclaimation is nothing but being thrifty.

    Now we need to raise and kill more critters to make up the difference.


    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1844

    Post deleted by curmudgeon

    Posts: 4033

    Just wait until the people who bitched about the pink slime go to buy “real” beef… They cost probably hundreds if not thousands of people their jobs and in the end, they will be the ones suffering when they are paying $5 a pound for ground beef.

    I would not be surprised at all if ABC news (the one that brought it up first) gets sued for bringing this all up and bankrupting that company… IMO they should be sued up the [censored] and it should all be given to the workers who lost their jobs and their families.

    Posts: 788

    Get a grip folks , youve been eating it for years and years.


    Swea City, Iowa
    Posts: 451

    that is exactly what the media hype has created, they will tell you the product is everywhere, and if you eat it you will go home glowing in the dark. Sad thing is people out there who are not educated enough to make a decision for themselves have forced people out of a job and also will create higher priced burger for everyone. I also agree that I should know what is in the food you are eating, but do you guys also know that amonia is used in chocolate and your heads of lettuce.


    The company I work for has done Fabrication work for BPI since I started working there (15 years). Beef Products is a top notch company. I have been in several food production plants, including BPI a handful of times and I can tell you firsthand you won’t find a better facility than they run anywhere! In my opinion BPI is an industry leader. It is sad to see what is happening to the company and even worse to see the effect that the media can have on people.

    Posts: 963




    I really have no problem with it. How many other product have ‘gross’ stuff in them?


    Pool 4 walleyes.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    went in to the HyVee site and typed in a response, basically said that their decision to pull finely textured meat off the shelf has ramifications, that being said, I would suspend my shopping at their stores.

    HyVee’s comments

    If your local supermarket has buckled to media hype give them a shout. I will say that the consumer should have the right to purchase what they want to consume. So if an individual wants to pay extra for fresh ground beef, be my guest, but I know plenty of families who can not afford such a luxury.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    If I had money, I’d open up a Pink Slime Hamburger Store. Sounds like a loser? But if you had the right tagline, you could bring in a lot of libertarians.

    “For People, Not Sheeple”
    “Because You Are Not Dumb and Easily Led”

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Chomps, I do not pay extra for my hamburger that does not have pink slime.

    Our grocery store is not affiliated with these big conglomerates such as Beef Products or Cargil as far as fresh meet is concerned. Our grocery(County Market) store in facts cuts grinds their own meets thus giving us quality meets at a low price. Never had used pink slime and never will. I suspect this is the case in many communities.

    So the scare tactic of meet prices going up because of non use of pink slime is bogus!!!

    This pink slime scare may be a blessing to the independents over the conglomerates.

    With the conglomerates the bottom line is money and not the consumer.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22946

    There are all kinds of manipulations going on to the food chain… in our house, we only consume certified organic meat and also free range, although I do eat venison when I get one It costs more, but we know what we are eating. If you want to have your eyes opened, buy a McDonalds Cheeseburger, Fries and Chicken nuggets… put them on a paper plate and wait…. my wife did this back in 2007.. to this day, they look dehydrated, that’s it… no mold, no fungus, no smell ??? Not even the cheese ??? My young neices seen this and have swore off Mickey D’s for life

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974


    Chomps, I do not pay extra for my hamburger that does not have pink slime.

    This pink slime scare may be a blessing to the independents over the conglomerates.
    With the conglomerates the bottom line is money and not the consumer.

    I’m just wondering what do you pay for a pound of 85%? Just as you mentioned you can buy burger ground on-site at the store. I can also, and usually do. I also will hook up with a farmer and get some of his steer, steaks, roasts and burger. What you see that comes in a tube, usually 10#er’s, will often contain finely textured meats, at the height of production it was estimated that 70% of the burger sold contained finely textured meat. So lets take your example, you can buy burger that doesn’t cost any more, but it still is $2.89 to $3.19 per pound, or there is an option to puchase 85% at $2.29 a pound. You have a choice right? And to say that this doesn’t affect you is silly. What do most frozen patties have in them? Most burger joints serve frozen patties. So, ok, take out the lean meat and add a filler or fat to keep costs down at the burger stand. Lets purchase the burger ground up from your butcher, where does that beef come from? Is there a better safety history? This is where people need the education. To sit by and say it doesn’t affect you is the problem. If media can dictate what you can or can’t purchase, we are all screwed.

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