Boat Launch 10 Commandments

  • cutty
    Posts: 14


    Good points. It all depends. Some people just do not know the unwritten rules. They may be new to it and just haven’t learned. Others may just be rude and selfish and in need of a good embarrassment.

    That may work up in MN. Down here where us folks with the most land and money get to make the rules we handle the situation differently. If you give one of your betters a good embarrassment you will be rewarded with a good thrashing…for the first offense. We also eat all the fish we can catch, if that isn’t enough to feed all our rich yuppie friends at the bar, we just take your fish away from you.

    May the good lord do what ever he can for you

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    That may work up in MN. Down here where us folks with the most land and money get to make the rules we handle the situation differently. If you give one of your betters a good embarrassment you will be rewarded with a good thrashing…for the first offense. We also eat all the fish we can catch, if that isn’t enough to feed all our rich yuppie friends at the bar, we just take your fish away from you.

    May the good lord do what ever he can for you

    Um, ok.

    Posts: 1899


    Boat Launch Commandment #11

    If you see someone who is new at launching, someone having a difficult time or someone elderly, don’t sit on your butt and stew about it, get off your backside and lend a helping hand!

    Is this your way of asking for help launching your boat, Bret?

    Posts: 630

    That may work up in MN. Down here where us folks with the most land and money get to make the rules we handle the situation differently. If you give one of your betters a good embarrassment you will be rewarded with a good thrashing…for the first offense. We also eat all the fish we can catch, if that isn’t enough to feed all our rich yuppie friends at the bar, we just take your fish away from you.

    May the good lord do what ever he can for you

    So where is “down here”?

    Fishing Machine
    Lansing, Ia
    Posts: 810

    So right you are Herb.
    I let someone help me once. They had everything screwed up and it took longer to undo what they thought was right. They ment well enough. But from then on I was on my own. I always had my stuff ready to go before getting to the landing either way. I was faster in and out than a lot of the pro guys. Just let me in do my thing and I am gone again.
    My husband could never back anything up and do it right. Some people are that way.
    I’ve helped guys having trouble getting their boat on their trailer. They were very appreciative of it.

    Posts: 1960


    That may work up in MN. Down here where us folks with the most land and money get to make the rules we handle the situation differently. If you give one of your betters a good embarrassment you will be rewarded with a good thrashing…for the first offense. We also eat all the fish we can catch, if that isn’t enough to feed all our rich yuppie friends at the bar, we just take your fish away from you.

    May the good lord do what ever he can for you


    Minnetonka, MN
    Posts: 11

    I say be patient if you can, as some of us are rusty. I’ve been away for a while and my buddy shakes his head as I line up his boat, but I’m apologetic and trying my best. Just like anything, it takes a little practice.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    Shotgun, perhaps some driveway or parking lot practice before you get to the landing is in order. Or hit the landings now. Nobody there to get get impatient. You’d have the launch all to yourself all day.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    I say be patient if you can, as some of us are rusty. I’ve been away for a while and my buddy shakes his head as I line up his boat, but I’m apologetic and trying my best. Just like anything, it takes a little practice.

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody take more than a few extra minutes extra trying to back a boat in, a lot can be done in a couple minutes and I guess if someone can’t wait, that’s their problem not yours.

    If your trying, that’s good enough for me.


    Minnetonka, MN
    Posts: 11

    Thanks for the advice, but I’m good with backing up a trailer. What I said was I was rusty lining the boat up on the trailer in the current and wind. (I’m used to my 14 foot tiller) And I am out there now and I will be this weekend.

    Minnetonka, MN
    Posts: 11

    I will also say, I appreciate the tips in this thread. There are some things you just don’t experience when you drop a boat in less busy waters.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Couple summers ago I happened upon a fella that was backing his trailer into the water to load his boat. He was all over the place…to the point were the regulars were afraid to park near the launch.

    After watching him struggle for a very few moments, I asked if he wanted a hand. He happily agreed. While others were loading the boat, I explained to him if he put his hands on the bottom of the steering wheel the trailer would turn the same way.

    He was very grateful for the tips.

    Now if I was at the launch and Fishing Machine saw me backing the trailer, she would just give me the “look” and I would jump out of the cab and let her finish. We have that kind of relationship.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361



    Boat Launch Commandment #11

    If you see someone who is new at launching, someone having a difficult time or someone elderly, don’t sit on your butt and stew about it, get off your backside and lend a helping hand!

    Is this your way of asking for help launching your boat, Bret?

    I it looks like I need it, YES

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    Thanks for the advice, but I’m good with backing up a trailer. What I said was I was rusty lining the boat up on the trailer in the current and wind. (I’m used to my 14 foot tiller) And I am out there now and I will be this weekend.

    Ah gotcha. Well then, good luck fishing.

    Posts: 630

    “BE PREPARED” sums it up. Beyond that, I am looking forward to being part of the show this weekend.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1285

    All great points.

    If you are waiting in your vehicle BE PATIENT! we are here to have fun. BE PATIENT!

    If you are in the boat loading or backing up a trailer. RELAX! Don’t worry about what others may or maynot be saying about the job you are doing. Being nervous or anxious will only make things take longer.

    Now hurry up DANG IT!

    Posts: 823

    Rule #11A..

    If you happen to be one of those die hard winter fishermen…. No wait, they will already know. If you happen to think your going to dig the boat out on a day off in the winter time and give it a try, please let all the water drain out of the trailer before you pull up the ramp. I’ll gladly wait an additional 45 seconds while you do it…. Its very courteous to those that follow. And if youre waiting to launch, and someone is taking the time to drain their trailer, please understand that they are not doing it to tick you off, they are doing you (and everyone else) a favor. Its not nice to chew their butt when they are actually doing you a favor.

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 204

    My biggest pet peeve is when you pull up to a BOAT LANDING and the dock is full of people who are fishing when it clearly states “NO FISHING FROM DOCK” and not a single one moves, or even pulls in a line. Makes me wanna trim up and let the 25p stainless unleash hell. But I’m apparently too nice, because I sit there and manuever around like a nice guy…….

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    But I’m apparently too nice, because I sit there and manuever around like a nice guy…….

    I guess so. Back right in there and launch. If you break off a line, so be it. Maybe to be nice, yell a warning to them that you are launching NOW.

    Hutchinson, MN
    Posts: 7

    Ok I loved the original post on the 10 commandments and don’t post on here often but I was so mad this past Saturday nite at the back channel I have to vent to the IDO family. It was around 730-8 pm and we pulled up to load the boat. There was 1 boat waiting, us and another that came up behind us. In the meantime there was a boat that just loaded facing toward RW and his buddy in a car facing the landing with lights on. WTF!!! The boat landing in front of us had a hard time backing up with headlights in his face and we also did. I had a spot light in boat and tried to get there attention by spotting them from the water as a signal to shut the dang lights off.(As to all the post above about the secrets to turn autolights off– JUST turn the dang key OFF that will do it!!!!!!!!!!!!) My issue is that they decided to block the exit as well. So as you know at this time the landing was pretty empty with plenty of spots to pull off and do your deal of unloading your stuff, getting your buddies stuff out and so forth. So if your a guide picking up people or not please think of the others at the landing and turn your dang lights off and move out of the way just because someone isn’t there now be forward thinking and move incase someone does show up. My buddies with me that have only been to river with me 2x’s said boy those guys are rude and why are their lights on?? I just said some people just don’t have common sense. I think you got my point!!!!

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