Boat Launch 10 Commandments

  • pool-8-lax
    La Crosse Wisconsin
    Posts: 209

    1. All public boat landings are not your personal property

    2. The boat landing is for loading and unloading your boat. This is a water sport plan on getting your feet wet or bring waders.

    3. The boat landing is Not for you to unload the trunk of your car or the bed of your truck into your boat. Load your boat at home or somewhere out of the way of others.

    4. If its dark out, turn off your headlights. You can see the water and landing better with less light. The next person in line or loading their boat wont be seeing stars for the next week.

    5. If it takes you more than 3 minutes to load or unload your boat maybe you need a boat slip.

    6. The boat landings are Not for you to wipe your boat down and clean it.

    7. The boat landing is Not a place for conversation. Do this on the water.

    8. If you are meeting someone at the landing and you dont have a boat, dont park as close to the landing as you can.

    9. The boat dock is Not for you to tie up and go to the convenience store.

    10. If you need to practice backing up your trailer find an empty parking lot, Not the boat landing on a holiday weekend.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    4. If its dark out, turn off your headlights. You can see the water and landing better with less light. The next person in line or loading their boat wont be seeing stars for the next week.

    All good comments except this one. It’s 2012. Most vehicles now days have auto headlights. It’s not up to me when they are on or off.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3913

    If they were only enforceable.

    Savage, MN
    Posts: 83



    4. If its dark out, turn off your headlights. You can see the water and landing better with less light. The next person in line or loading their boat wont be seeing stars for the next week.

    All good comments except this one. It’s 2012. Most vehicles now days have auto headlights. It’s not up to me when they are on or off.

    Every vehicle I’ve seen still has an override switch to manually turn them on or off.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    I’ve never been able to figure mine out (my truck). Not that I’ve tried very hard to find it. I do know where the over-ride is on the work car.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    If they were only enforceable.

    X2…..Sportsman policing sportsman is about the only way.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1846


    5. If it takes you more than 3 minutes to load or unload your boat maybe you need a boat slip.

    You will be screaming at me about this one when I am alone…I’m just not that fast.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    Me too. Sometimes it takes that long to walk to my truck and back it down when alone. Not a good rule at all

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    Same here, I got the headlight thing figured out but I say as long as the guy (or gal) is tied up at the back side of the dock and hasn’t stopped to gab, they’re doing okay. Some of us are slowing down just a bit. jerr

    Art Green
    Posts: 733




    4. If its dark out, turn off your headlights. You can see the water and landing better with less light. The next person in line or loading their boat wont be seeing stars for the next week.

    All good comments except this one. It’s 2012. Most vehicles now days have auto headlights. It’s not up to me when they are on or off.

    Every vehicle I’ve seen still has an override switch to manually turn them on or off.

    Bet you cannot find an over ride on mine that will let you still drive the truck to launch the boat. GM came out with that as an after thought. Been to the dealer many times hoping to find a way to turn them off, other than the PARKING BRAKE.

    Posts: 2627

    What year amd model of GM truck do you have? I am betting someone here has an answer. I know in our 2002 Chevy is was some crazy technique but it would work. It was like you turned the key on then hit the cargo lamp switch 5 times or something like that. We found it buried in the owners manual.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    you hit the dome override 5 times with the key in the on position…works while its running too

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 121

    All good points most of it is common courtesy. But as stated in the first commandment the key words are “public boat landing” therefore all the taxpayers are paying for it.Sounds to me somebody else should be looking for their own slip as not all of us are professional truck drivers or guides who load their boat everyday. I try my best but the boat dont always go on the trailer right my 63 year old dad aint the fastest at getting down to the boat and i own a boat so i dont have to get my feet wet anymore. Not talking to the fisherman who just pulled in sounds kinda arrogant to me but then again I’m not a guide I dont fish everyday. Just remember common sense and common courtesy are not a gift they are a punishment for as us with it we have to deal with the arrogant pricks that don’t.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    All good points most of it is common courtesy. But as stated in the first commandment the key words are “public boat landing” therefore all the taxpayers are paying for it.Sounds to me somebody else should be looking for their own slip as not all of us are professional truck drivers or guides who load their boat everyday. I try my best but the boat dont always go on the trailer right my 63 year old dad aint the fastest at getting down to the boat and i own a boat so i dont have to get my feet wet anymore. Not talking to the fisherman who just pulled in sounds kinda arrogant to me but then again I’m not a guide I dont fish everyday. Just remember common sense and common courtesy are not a gift they are a punishment for as us with it we have to deal with the arrogant pricks that don’t.


    As long as somebody is making an effort to get their boat in the water, I’m fine with that.

    Like said, we’re not all able to make that 3 minute mark, a little patience goes a long ways.


    Northern IA
    Posts: 83

    No rule on jerking the trailer up the ramp in below freezing temps?! Always love following that act Haha

    Pool 8
    Posts: 52




    4. If its dark out, turn off your headlights. You can see the water and landing better with less light. The next person in line or loading their boat wont be seeing stars for the next week.

    All good comments except this one. It’s 2012. Most vehicles now days have auto headlights. It’s not up to me when they are on or off.

    Every vehicle I’ve seen still has an override switch to manually turn them on or off.

    I have automatic headlights on my truck, they can be manually shut off.

    Iowa Marshall Co
    Posts: 956

    So….have a bad day at the ramp??

    Art Green
    Posts: 733


    you hit the dome override 5 times with the key in the on position…works while its running too

    Tried that, does not work on my 99 silverado.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22911



    you hit the dome override 5 times with the key in the on position…works while its running too

    Tried that, does not work on my 99 silverado.

    Carry a small hammer and break them when you get to the ramp…. don’t want to ruin somebodys night by having them on…

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    Don’t be afraid to offer help when somebody is alone either.


    Iowa Marshall Co
    Posts: 956


    Don’t be afraid to offer help when somebody is alone either.


    I like the way you think

    Posts: 630

    The one that gets me is putting the cooler and rods in the boat on the ramp. Other than that just make an effort and be aware that there is a line of folks behind you. I have helped many people load and unload. Sitting in your truck yelling at the steering wheel doesn’t help anyone.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    The one that gets me is putting the cooler and rods in the boat on the ramp. Other than that just make an effort and be aware that there is a line of folks behind you. I have helped many people load and unload. Sitting in your truck yelling at the steering wheel doesn’t help anyone.

    Good points. It all depends. Some people just do not know the unwritten rules. They may be new to it and just haven’t learned. Others may just be rude and selfish and in need of a good embarrassment.

    Posts: 630

    There does seem to be a sorry lack of situational awareness these days.

    Posts: 1899


    There does seem to be a sorry lack of situational awareness these days.

    You mean like the guy who loads his boat on his trailer and then leaves it in the water while he sits there and gabs for 10 minutes with some random guy walking by while there are 3 other boats circling the loading area waiting to dock?

    bigdog mn
    Posts: 27

    I have a 97 and a 99 chev. I know I pulled a fuse to get the headlights to only be on when I turned them on for the 97, pretty sure I did the same on the 99.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Boat Launch Commandment #11

    If you see someone who is new at launching, someone having a difficult time or someone elderly, don’t sit on your butt and stew about it, get off your backside and lend a helping hand!
    It seems like these days it is easy for people to complain about a little time they had to waist waiting instead of jumping in and helping out.

    But I do agree there are always some that just lack the common since or even think there backside has no odor and plain just don’t care.

    PS: My running lights are always on also. Don’t stare at them and you will be fine

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    The Fishing machine won’t accept help from anyone. Figuires if she can’t get it done by herself she won’t be out there anymore.
    So if you happen to be waiting on her it’d be best to keep quiet till she’s done.

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