LX-7 Wish List Item(s)

  • smokinbobo
    Monticello / Guthrie, MN
    Posts: 382

    I spent most of the winter with my LX-7 chasing Walleyes from here to the Canadian border and I came to find that my favorite display was the chart with the zoom window focused on the bottom 5 feet of the water column.

    Now that I’ve switched over to spending more time looking for panfish I wondered why the unit couldn’t display two zoom windows with independent depth and range along with the chart for those time where there are fish of interest on the bottom as well as suspended to achieve maximum target seperation in each area with out having to move the zoom window bach and forth. This could be useful for ‘Eyes with the occasional suspended Crappie, Perch when actively feeding and being pulled off the bottom, etc.

    What ideas have others come up with that might make this unit even more versatile?

    Also, since Lowrance and Humminbird have their own forums, why not have them for Vexilar and Marcum, especially now with the programmability of the LX-7?

    Posts: 222

    I wish the sense intervals were smaller. Instead of 1, 2, 3 and so on I would like to see like .5, 1, 1.5 and so on. I notices with some jigs if I have set the sense on 3 the jig mark is huge. And if I drop it to sense 2 i cant see the bait.

    Posts: 113


    I wish the sense intervals were smaller. Instead of 1, 2, 3 and so on I would like to see like .5, 1, 1.5 and so on. I notices with some jigs if I have set the sense on 3 the jig mark is huge. And if I drop it to sense 2 i cant see the bait.

    Ditto. I believe this will be addressed sooner rather than later.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22728

    I think with the ZOOM window, we got spoiled. Yeah it would be nice to have 2, then again 3, then again 4… pretty soon it’s not a ZOOM anymore Just use the “traditional” flasher to target the suspendeds like we used too Also, don’t forget about the “graph” …they show on there too 1 thing I noticed since the update, not sure if it’s just me, but when the sun is low, such as early morning, on Mille Lacs, I was pciking up tons of “garbage” all through the column… as the sun got higher, it diminsihed and then finally disappeared. I tried everything to clear it up to no avail

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