Prayers greatly needed.

  • jeff-patrick
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    All things do happen for a reason Jerry. Your sister is one of those many special people.

    My prayers are with your sister & family Jerry

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    Thanks for the update Jerry,
    I have and will continue to keep your sister and all of you in my prayers. I lost my Mom 7 years ago to cancer and it was her faith in God that got her and our whole family thru that difficult time before she passed. If there is anything your or your family needs please do not hesitate to ask.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4751

    When things like this happen I am brought to the reality that my worries and problems are little compared to what others face in their lives.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    “This life is but a preparation for the next one.” – Rick Warren, author of “The Purpose Driven Life”.

    My prayers are with you Zimmy as it’s always difficult to feel joy in what is physically witnessed as loss. Whether it be health, spirit, perserverance, or a life. While difficult, we shouldn’t be discouraged. One, miracles do happen and the prayers will continue. Two, hope will lead to the strength needed by many. There is a “better” and patience will bring you to it. Your persistance and commitment will be rewarded, it is promised. Keep the faith and in all things, remember all things are the Lord’s anyway. We are just stewards of what’s been given.

    I offer the same………….. if you need an ear, a prayer, a passage, a reference, or to “vent”…………. my pm box is always open!

    May strength and courage continue to flow through you and your family, with the help of God’s grace.


    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3295

    I wanted to add my prayers and well wishes to you and your family.
    My younger brother Pete passed away on New Years day 2001 to brain cancer at the age of 41. It definitely drew our family together but it was still the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through. He was one year younger than me and together we went fishing every chance we could get.
    This year we already lost one of our best friends (Mitch Pings) to colon cancer.
    Almost everytime I go fishing I think about Pete. Then I think about Mitch. Now I will also think about Zimmy’s sister and there family, and include all of them im my prayers as well.

    La Crosse
    Posts: 12

    And a for all of the folks above and below.

    St. Paul MN.
    Posts: 438

    Zimmy, I lost my mother to pancreatic cancer this year and don t have the words to sooth your famlys heart. but your famly and sister will be in my heart.Once my Mother found out the pancreatic cancer spread to her liver and was going to be fatal,we found the help of Hospice they help my mother and famly in ways we could have never helped her.There is always hope and your sister will be in my prayers.

    Verona, WI.
    Posts: 10

    My prayers for your sister’s health.


    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    Ive been off board for a week or so…. really sorry to hear this… way to may great people have been lost to this horrible scrouge… including people from my personal family…. and you have all my prayers that it wont claim yet another great person….

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