Prayers greatly needed.

  • zimmy101
    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    I know that I haven’t been on this board long, and some have thought I may have had a few harsh words for Lenny Jamison also known as Gator Hunter, but actually Lenny and I have worked at the same place for many years. We talk pretty much everyday. He just thinks the world of this board and the GREAT guys he has meet from here. I have not meet anyone from here yet though, but from what I have red this is seems more like a FAMILY than a group of guys and gals. A CARING FAMILY!

    I have red how when someone has become seriously ill or have come onto some serious misfortune, everyone has been there for them.

    Well I was hoping that this family could find time to say a prayer or keep my sister Suzanne in your thoughts tommorow. I found out last week that my sister was diagnosed with liver cancer. She had not been feeling well, so she went to the doctor two weeks ago. The doctors had found a small spot of cancer in her liver back then. Her and her husband Kim had an appointment at the Cancer Center in Eau Claire yesterday, where she found out that she now has over one hundred spots. The doctor told them that she has a rapidly growing kind of cancer. She has cancer in her pancreas also. It’s not good! My sister and her husband decided today to get another opinion. They have nothing to lose at this point.

    My sister just turned 38 last month and has a husband four kids… youngest 4 and oldest 12. Samantha, Alexis, Jesse and Jake.

    My sister needs any prayers she can get.

    Thank you…. Jerry Zimmer

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Jerry my prayers are with your sister and family. This is a hard time for you and your family and I pray that the Lord will give you all the strenth to get through this. Yes this is a big family and we all care about each other. I am sure there will be many others who will join in prayer too. May God be with yous.
    Thanks, Bill

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Jerry, be assured your request has been answered.

    A friend of mine told me something I’ve never forgot and I hope it helps you and Suzzane’s family as much as it helped me. “God will never put more on your shoulders than you can bear”.

    Dallas, WI
    Posts: 1003

    Hi Zimmy – Sorry to hear about your sister – my family’s prayers are with her. I lost my best friend on April 2nd, 2002 to pancreatic cancer – it was a battle of only 4 months but so much changes in research and treatment. I have studied quite a bit about the disease and there has been sucess in the chemotherapy drug 5-FU. This drug is given in toxic levels and obviously causes side effects but the only thing I am saying is there is always hope through prayer and modern medicine. I am living proof of that. It is always a wise move to get another look at things.
    If you need anything, just yell. There are some great oncologists that work out of Mercy hospital in Anoka.
    We’ll be thinking of you!!

    Dallas, WI
    Posts: 1003

    Sorry Zimmy, I almost forgot. There is a website – you can easily build a web page there – it is meant for those with serious health issues. You would be suprised the people that visit there, help you spiritually AND offer critical suggestions for diagnostics and treatment.
    Remember that hope outlasts trouble and that the atmospere is never so brilliant as it is after the storm.

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Jerry,I’m going to church this morning.I’ll make sure I say a prayer for your sister and her family.Take care Jerry.

    Ryan Hale

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Consider my family on board.

    Best wishes.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443


    My prayers are with you and your sister and family.

    God Bless,

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    my family and I are on our way to Easter Service this morrning, our thoughts and prays will go out to you and yours.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 70

    jerry my prayers are with your sister and all your family


    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    Thank you very much everyone!!!
    Gregg, I want to thank you for the Caringbridge site. I have already started working on a site. My brother-in-law told me yesterday that all the phone calls they have recieved from friends have been to much. Maybe this site will help slow down on all the calls. Kim said that everyone means well, but it’s just hard right now. Once again… THANKS EVERYONE!! We will make it thru this. We are a very CLOSE and STRONG family!

    Apple Valley, Mn (Pool 2)
    Posts: 352

    consider it done

    Posts: 262

    yes ,our family will rember you and your family!

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 683


    My family will keep your sister in our prayers.


    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    Your family has my prayers buddy. If you need anything you know where to find me. You can borrow my shoulder anytime.

    Gator Hunter

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Zimmy………………. there’s no amount of words that can bring instant relief in a matters like this, but there is power in prayer and I’ll pray for that power to rain down mercifully upon your sister………. and His grace and strength to be upon those that love her.

    Thanks for considering us family………….. it’s a priviledge not taken lightly.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    You will be in my prayers!
    God bless,

    Tom S
    Woodbury MN
    Posts: 150


    Your sister is in our prayers

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    i have you and your family on my list of prayers and continuous thoughts. please keep us informed with any updates.



    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    When I got home from work today, I see I got an email from my sister’s husband, Kim. He wrote me that my sister has an appointment at Rochester Mayo 8:30 Wednesday morning. Hopefully the news will get better.

    Now I would like tothank everyone from the bottom of my heart for all of your thoughts and prayers. It means alot!It was a very tough weekend, but we kept strong for my sister. We truly adore her and her family. Our family couldn’t ask for a better brother-in-law in Kim! All the kids are VERY special too.

    My sister did sleep a lot this last weekend, which is great, because she hadn’t spelt much before that. I took both of my sister’s kids down to the playground so the Kim could talk to the rest of the family on what they learned from the doctor. Of course I brought my digital camera along to takes shots of the kids. They’re all pretty much naturals when it comes to having their pictures taken. I thought maybe you guys(DADS)would like to see some?

    Thanks again, Jerry

    This is a picture of Suzanne’s youngest, Samantha, at the rock wall.

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    This is a picture of Suzanne’s other daughter, Alley, with my other sister’s girl, Lynn Marie. Talk about a bad hair day? When the girls would slide down the tube the would pick up electricity. Ask me, I know!! I got one heck of a shock when Alley touched me! lol

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    Picture of all three girls.
    Hi girls!!

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    All of my nephews playin buckets.

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    ….and finally a heated game of Rummy Royal. We played with the same board when I was a kid. Boy, that game is a blast!! Notice my nephew with the sunglasses pretending to be a bigtime poker player has no chips in front of him.

    Posts: 6259

    My prayers will be with you and your sister and her family. God bless and good luck.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    Those are some great looking kids Jerry, they are lucky to have an uncle like you. Glad to here your sister is coming to Mayo, she could not have picked a better place. I live in Rochester so if there is anything you or your sister need just give me a shout.

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    I was glad when I read they were going to Rochester also, Steve. Thanks on the offer. I’ll keep you in mind.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4751

    Dear Zimmy, looks like we have a lot in common…Bow hunting and fishing. You are certainly a great brother to offer so much concern and kindness for your sister. I had a scary time with a tumor on my vocal chords that certainly prayer and the great staff at the Clinic managed to cure, but I believe all the prayers from folks was one of the most important things to help me deal with it.
    I will lift up your sister and your family daily in prayer, Zimmy, Don’t stop praying and let your sis know we are all praying for her.

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    Thanks Tom. I truly do enjoy bowhunting and fishing. It’s a great time to reflect on life!
    I haven’t posted any updates on my sister tests from when I first posted about her going to Rochester Mayo. It has been a very difficult time for my family. My sister made the trip from Plum City Wi. to Rochester six times in the last two weeks. Around 160 miles round trip each time.Most days the test lasted ALL day! She was hoping that she wouldn’t have to do many test, because she had already under went tests at the Cancer Center in Eau Claire the week before, but that wasn’t the case. The doctors at Mayo were having problems finding the source of her cancer. Finally last thursday they had it narrowed to either colon cancer or cancer of the bile ducts.They doctors said that they were hoping that they would find colon cancer, because they have done much cemo treatment for colon cancer. But this was not the case! The test for colon cancer had came up negative.They did find out that she has a type on cancer that started in the bile ducts, They have another word for this cancer, but this is was easier to explain. The doctors told my sister that they do not have any proven cemo treatment for this so this would be considered experimental cemo. The doctors do not know what kind of effects and symtoms that come about from this treatment also. As of today my mom said that my sister is uncertain if she wants cemo. She may start taking treatment and see what effects it has. She has a very strong will right now even though she has been in great pain for over a week. Right now the doctors have her on a pain patch to help ease the pain. She has been home with her family since last Saturday.

    My other sister Chris and my Mom accompanyed Suzanne and her husband Kim, when they had their final meeting with all the doctors involved with Suzanne’s case. After the meeting my sister Chris stayed back and asked the doctors how long Suzanne had. The doctor’s told her that if Suz could handle the cemo treatment that she might live a year. If she did not go with the treatment it would be less. Not what we wanted to here.
    We have all noticed that ever since this has come about in our family. Our FAMILY has become closer and stronger than ever before!
    A friend of mine wrote this to me yesterday and it has stayed in my mine all day today. I called him up last night to thank him for those kind words. It really helped! This is what he wrote….”All things in life happen for a reason and your sister must be a very special person in order for the lord to want her before “her time”. I wish you and your family the best!!!”
    I still hope everyone can keep my family in thier thoughts and prayers and if anyone ever needs an ear to listen on anything… “Well, I’m there!”
    Thank you,
    Your Friend and Fellow Sportsman,
    Jerry M. Zimmer

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