child influences

  • heavychevy
    prole, iowa (close to martinsdale)
    Posts: 190

    A little about me so yall can get to know me a little and see where I’m coming from. First of, I was raised by my grandparents because my father died and my mother didnt want to do it to start with. So my ideals and mentality were developed and shaped basicly by the beliefs of their time. My grandfather was a gunner with the navy up through Pearlharbour and while he left the forces he never left the navy if that makes any sense. So between him, John Wayne and Clint Eastwood, I have adoptet those same strict morals of right and wrong, and how a man should act.
    About 6th grade i started working with my uncle on his farm to help support us. My grandparents were older after all and trying to raise 3 young kids was really tight on their retirement checks. After high school, I worked at a few factories untill I finaly found my niche in life working @ a sawmill. I would rather have been working my uncles farm full time but he lost it with a few bad harvests. I worked the sawmill untill about 3 years ago when I moved to Des Moines and met the woman who is now my wife. That may be more information that anyone on here wanted to know, but I figure it would be a good introduction of myself and yall would have a better understanding of my line of thinking and not rush to think that im jusat an a@#.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Anyone that fishes with good ethics and understands where they came from is a good person by my standards

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    x2 Thanks for the insight.

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    Too bad here are not more like you today, the biggest problem I see with todays kids is lack of respect and an I deserve what ever I want attitude.

    prole, iowa (close to martinsdale)
    Posts: 190

    Thankyou ice nut, and I fully agree. It seems to be the same with all kids nowdays.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 627

    Welcome and enjoy the sight! There will always be people you rub the wrong way.

    Bk always rubs people the wrong way but we have learned to expect that from him!

    Iowa, Clinton
    Posts: 489

    sounds like your grandparents did a good job, as far as kids today – lack of respect for their parents and not spanking, words don’t work!! the fear of god does

    prole, iowa (close to martinsdale)
    Posts: 190

    You are absolutly right Grumpy. I am a firm believer in spanking. First time i ever spanked my stepson he was terrified because it was the first one he had ever had, from anyone. He still likes to try me ever now and then, but as soon as I get up or look at him right, he’s in his room or anywhere Im not. Lol. Guess time will tell if im turning him into a psyco or not.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    WELCOME!!! I’m VERY happy to have alittle support around here.

    I spent three months a year livng on a farm until i was 12yo. Got a real education about life there. The corporal was sparred there on me, but i sure learned what was in store if i repeated what i’d seen.

    i raised 4 step daughters and was not allowed your freedoms with your SS. They would have benefited i suspect, but i WAS allowed to CRUSH LITERALLY their cell phones and THAT did the trick.

    With my 7yo daughter, she’s seen what SHE has to do to protect herself when there are 7 dogs loose, so i only have to mention that if she ‘screws up’, she’ll be getting a ‘dogging’ that she’s been dishing out… That widens her eyes pretty fast…

    Good luck with the kid. Sounds like he’ll be a fine young man. Make sure you take him fishing as soon as he can float and you’ll have a fishing partner. My 7 yo even wants to go wintering on WiChan!!!

    prole, iowa (close to martinsdale)
    Posts: 190

    Thanks stuwest. I have tried taken him fishing but he aint ready for it yet. I mostly do night fishing and he gets scared of the dark something fierce. I did take him during the day once and he almost lost his pole because he was playing a video game. I told him no more video games when we go fishing so he has decided he doesnt like fishing. I keep trying and make him go every now and then, but I see no fishing partner in the future. His father is unfortunatly still in the picture and let me say, what a character. Far as military parents, I think its a great, sure helped me alot.

    Posts: 2627

    Sounds like your grandparents did a great job Chevy My question is—who brought fishing into your life and taught you to fish? Hang in there with the step-son and maybe one day he will figure out there is more to life than video games.

    prole, iowa (close to martinsdale)
    Posts: 190

    I really can’t think of anyone in perticular other than my friends who were also country kids. Then it was just a matter of nothing else to do. I believe it wasn’t untill I got my drivers license that I really started understanding how relaxing it was. Lol, and I used it to weed through girlfriends. Figured if they were to prissy to touch a worm or the fish, then they didn’t have much grit to em and disapear when things got rough. Worked fairly good as a judge of the female persuasuion.

    prole, iowa (close to martinsdale)
    Posts: 190

    O, and the problem with my boy I know is mostly my fault because I try and hold him to the same standards and values I had as a kid his age, and it just doesn’t work. For one he’s a city kid to the bone, and his mom spoiled him to the bone before we got together trying to make up for divorcing his dad. I just have to work on remembering that he’s not me when I was 10 I guess is what I wanna say.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Sounds like you are doing a great job Joshua!
    Young kids can get bored very fast when it comes to fishing. When my daughter was young what worked for me was I let her bring what ever she liked along with her in the boat like her barbie dolls. The other thing I did to get her to go fishing was we would spend the morning in the boat fishing and in the afternoon we would hit the Red Wing water park, she loved that and would ask when are we going again dad!! When she got older she would bring along books to read in the boat, she never really got hooked on the fishing but we were spending time togehter and to me that is what it is all about. Now that she is in her teens she is more interested in boys then going fishing with the old man. I guess that is pretty common for most girls her age. What I would suggest to you is to let your stepson bring along his computer game, if it gets him out there with you and helps him from getting bored then that is half the battle. For me it was more about spending time with my daughter then the fishing, they grow up so fast and before you know it they are grown up and off doing there own thing. My hope is as my daughter gets a little older she will want to go fishing with dad again and I think that will happen because I did not force it on her when she was young and when she was done and wanted to do something else we did.

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