the Crud has hit our house

  • broncosguy
    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    sick wife last week, daughter 2 weeks ago, now my son. at least i will have to say i stay home with my kids until they are healthy and do not send them to school sick.

    i know not all parents can do that. but wish some would try a little harder. as i have a few buddies that would rather send there kid a “little” sick to school then give up vacation time.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13778

    My wife works in the school district down here with the 4/K kids. Its surreal to hear all the stories of how sick some of these kids are and the parents send them off to school. I understand that in a household where it takes two incomes to survive, parents can not just run to school and pick up their child – but where is the contingency plan????? Best line ever that my wife was told ” I can’t pick XXXXXXXX up from school today and risk getting sick myself….can he stay in the health room and get better before he comes home?” This child had diarrhea so bad that all his clothes were soiled and he was already on a second set of “loaner clothes” from the health room …. some kid’s parents

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    yeah real sad. and i understand that some parents do that and can not take work off, but like you said have a back up plan. My neighbors that are retired will actually go pick the kids up if we are in a bind. butluckily i have a very good understanding employer in regards to emergency time off.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Yuck. I am fortunate enough to have a very liberal sick policy at work. I think I have only taken 3 sick days in the past 7 years, but with a child now, I know I will be making up for that.

    It’s amazing how much crud the kid brings home from daycare. I have been “under-the-weather” more this winter than I have in the last 5 years combined

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Someone in our house has been sick since Christmas eve. We have had everything from the puking flu to ear infections to head/chest colds. This week it’s my turn again with the head cold. We are all tired of being sick.

    Posts: 1036

    Agree – someone in my family also has been sick since Christmas and we even shared it with the in-laws (Happy Holidays!).

    Does it seem like it’s worse this year and the strains/virus/etc. are hanging around longer?

    Rogers / Grand Rapids
    Posts: 561

    Same here… First it was the 4.5 yr old with a cold that turned into a ear infection. Then it was the 7 month old that was misdiagnosed twice as just a cold that was a really bad ear infection that prevented her from eating. That one cost me a trip to Childrens Hospital because they thought she needed an IV. Then it was the wifes turn.

    Thus far it has avoided me. Although I have drank ~ 64 ounces of OJ and another 100 oz of water a day for the last week its trying to fight me. I was sleeping by 7:30 last night.

    My employer understands with sick family but my wife has been a stay at home mom for almost 2 years while she finishes shool.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5685

    I’ve always thought it was related to the weather. It used to be (back when we really had winter) that people tended to get sick in the Fall and the Spring, around times when the temperature was hovering around the freezing point. November, March, that’s when you got sick. This winter we’ve been seeing day after day of highs in the 30’s and low’s in the 20’s , and everybody has been sick for months.

    Get well soon boys, there are Sturgeon waiting for us!


    Posts: 1899


    It’s amazing how much crud the kid brings home from daycare. I have been “under-the-weather” more this winter than I have in the last 5 years combined

    Tell me about it. Our little guy is just getting over pneumonia and now the wife and I both have a case of the yuck. At least he was able to be treated with antibiotics and not be hospitalized like the other baby at daycare.

    Posts: 630

    We have had it as well, somebody has had a cold or pinkeye or some other assorted ailment since Christmas. Need some 30 below to sterilize the state.

    Posts: 348


    Iowa - Franklin Co
    Posts: 277

    Yeah – my wife picks up our grand daughter from day care and we watch her for 3 hours each afternoon. We ALL have been sick most of the winter with various things. I commented to my wife that our kids were never this sick. She said DUH, we did not send ours to day care. Even my 26 years as a public school HS teacher did not make me as sick as this year has.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Maybe we are all just getting softer. I still think I’m tough, but apparently not.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Question for all of you who were or are still sick. Did you get a flu shot back in early October when the vacine became available? Not judging anyone, just curious.

    For the record, I got the shot as I do every year and have dodged all illness. While at the same time my co-workers are dropping like flies sprayed with raid!


    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    Question for all of you who were or are still sick. Did you get a flu shot back in early October when the vacine became available? Not judging anyone, just curious.

    Yes, I got it

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    I can’t recall JJ. I remember getting my girls vaccinated, but I don’t recall if I ever got mine. I have every year for the past 7 and can’t believe I forgot this year. Darn brain cell killing beer!

    Posts: 1899


    Question for all of you who were or are still sick. Did you get a flu shot back in early October when the vacine became available? Not judging anyone, just curious.

    For the record, I got the shot as I do every year and have dodged all illness. While at the same time my co-workers are dropping like flies sprayed with raid!


    Nope, and I never will. I’ve only got a cold right now, but that’s a lot for me. Last time I was laid up from the flu was in February of 2007.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    My wife and 2 kids got the flu shot and all 3 have been in and out of the doctor since the new year. I didn’t get the flu shot, and I am starting to get whatever the kids have. My girls are 3 and 18 months, so they have a private daycare, where they are the only ones all day. The 3 year old goes to pre preschool (don’t get me started) so I think she picks up the germs at school.

    Hopefully this ends soon, but it has been a strange cold/ful/ear infection season at our house.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5685

    I keep seeing the CDC doctors on TV every year explaining why this year’s vaccine isn’t exactly the right one for this year’s virus. I’m waiting for the day I see one of these guys in the white lab coats gloating about how they really nailed it this time or words to that effect.

    A couple of years ago Mom got a flu shot and ended up in the hospital the next day. That event has me spooked.


    Posts: 698

    Been sick since T Day hoping it ends soon and well.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3668

    Since our kids got a little older and out of the toddler era, we have not had any real sickness around our house. My wife is a firm believer in the flu shot, I think it is another way “the man” is trying to keep me down. I was forced to get it this year for a job related reason, but think it is a big bunch of hooey.

    You can’t tell me that right now some doctor somewhere can determine which of the millions of strains of flu are going to be in this area around this time next year, put this strain into production and get somewhere close nine months from now?

    I think illness has much more to do with quantity of rest, nutrition, and outlook on life than some stupid shot will ever get you.

    And for reference, I run on an ambulance crew and see the worst of the worst illnesses every year. Take care of yourself and save the expense of the shot.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    I think illness has much more to do with quantity of rest, nutrition, and outlook on life than some stupid shot will ever get you.

    I’ve been sleeping well, eating better than I ever have, and have lost 40 lbs in the past few months (plus a flu shot). Hasn’t helped me

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13778


    Question for all of you who were or are still sick. Did you get a flu shot back in early October when the vacine became available? Not judging anyone, just curious.

    For the record, I got the shot as I do every year and have dodged all illness. While at the same time my co-workers are dropping like flies sprayed with raid!


    We did a couple years ago and I think it was the worst thing we could have done. If you said sick, cold, flu,…we were puking out brains out that entire fall/winter/spring. Vowed to never get one again.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3668

    Well I got 1 hour of sleep Monday night, 2 on Tuesday, but I did grab 7 last night. Feeling much better

    I guess I must live a much cleaner life than you

    Posts: 1899


    I’ve been sleeping well, eating better than I ever have, and have lost 40 lbs in the past few months (plus a flu shot). Hasn’t helped me

    Yeah, but you’ve got a young kid who just started daycare, don’t you? That’s a whole different kind of animal right there.

    The little rugrats trade germs quicker than they trade baseball cards (or is it Pokemon cards now) and it’s all stuff we as adults aren’t normally exposed to if we aren’t around kids regularly.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Knock on wood, I don’t get sick very often. Not sure if I have ever even had the flu. Meaning I have never been sick for more than a day or two. Sore throat, cold, yes. Flu – can’t really say for sure.

    I started getting the flu shot a few years ago as a precaution for a couple of friends who were dying. Everyone who goes to a hospice ward of a hospital is encouraged to do so. No biggie for me. My work offers free shots every year. What can it hurt?

    I agree it’s a dart board lucky shot to get the right strain. But I believe they get it right more than not. And vaccines for other diseases certainly are effective. Polio, measles for example are pretty rare or non-existent due to mass vaccinations.


    starvin pilgrim
    Posts: 335

    Eat healthy,plenty of rest and bull,lifes a crap shoot. i’m gonna have a beer.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    Yeah, but you’ve got a young kid who just started daycare, don’t you? That’s a whole different kind of animal right there.

    Yes, I am 110% sure that is to blame. Not much you can do, though.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106


    Eat healthy,plenty of rest and bull,lifes a crap shoot. i’m gonna have a beer.

    I agree

    instead of getting the shot I decided a few a day in the winter and been healthy the whole time.

    as for the flu shot i got one 1 year and i was miserable all winter and until spring. sicker then a dog. it seemed every day i was achey sick and just not feeling good. have not had one since. and i stay pretty healthy then every 5 or6 years am sick for about 3 days then good to go for another 6 years. lol

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Just in time for the weekend my oldest is running a fever, my wife says she is gonna puke and the middle one is complaining of stomache pains. Who wants to come over for dinner….

    If this is a 12 round match, we are going the distance!

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