First lets please keep politics out of this discussion and any comments strictly directed twards pros and cons of solving this topic. Theres Democrats and Republicans that both want this pipeline and the others on both sides that don’t.
I Think its time to start forcing the price of oil products down and theres an opportunity to do it now. With the price of gasoline and diesel forcast to go to $4.00 and maybe even god forbid $5.00 I come from the thought that we need to do something now, because alot of people are struggling now. I can’t see running a pipeline through this country if were just temporarily going to benifit from it with jobs building it, and then the maintence jobs after its built. Ya its nice to have those temporary jobs and the ones after but is it worth it putting several states aquafers at risk, for those few long term jobs.
The oil that would come through this pipeline is considered dirty oil but theres billions of barrels of it.
Heres what I think and the only way Id say yes to building it. I’m for building it (only) if we benifit from it here in the United States directly other then those few long term jobs and the jobs that it creates from the actual construction.
I say yes to building it only if atleast a %50 minimum is turned into diesel fuel, home heating oil and the other cheaper fuels that this oil can only make, and that percentage is kept here in the United States for us to use.
Forceing down the world oil prices, and especilly ours here at home has to be done, there is no other way were going to get reasonable fuel prices, period. Opec sets the prices by supply and demand so thier countries can make maximum profit, at our expense. This fuel from this pipeline would be sold on the world market so there would be no benifits if the price wasen’t going to be forced down. The way I see it is if we kept that %50 and sold it here that would show Opec were not messing around and we took advantage of this pipelines oil because we don’t like thier and other countries prices. Everybody would benifit from the cheaper fuels here so why not. Nows our chance to say yes to the pipeline in a big way, otherwise all were doing is putting through a pipeline to benifit the Canadians and the (few) here that would benifit. Do we want to risk leaks and contaminate water in those states if we have nothing to gain but a few jobs. A few long term jobs isn’t worth the contamination aspect eigther, but a long term cheaper fuel supply is. If were going to put at risk other peoples water supply there ought to be something in it for everyone, and not just a few long term jobs and the Canadians profits. If we can benifit in a direct way I say yes, but for only a the short term jobs and a few long term jobs, putting other people water supply at risk, I say no as I don’t want to do that to them. I heard on television that the republican governer of Nebraska doesn’t even want it because of the Platte river aquafer. Theres got to be something in it for us for as long as the pipelines here. What do you say and please keep politics out of this. To me theres not enough benifits for us.