Hey B, I know you are talking to Buzz or Vern Wagner, but I would like to field this one for him.
Vern is a VERY active member of Anglers For Habitat.
Anglers for Habitat is a non-profit alliance of anglers dedicated to the preservation and improvement of aquatic habitat, clean water and fishing in Minnesota.
Since he’s attending these meetings/hearings and is in the loop so to speak with the thoughts of government before most of us…yes, he does know what’s happening in St. Paul before it happens.
No, he’s not in government.
I wish I could be as current on these issues as he stays.
After saying that, I don’t always agree with what he’s saying, but in many cases (as in this one) he’s just trying to inform us of what’s coming down the road.
I called him tonight. I wanted to know “what the hell is going on!”
He urged, almost pleaded with me to come to some of these meetings where he’s the only person trying to stick up for the angler.
The Corp is looking at ways they can open the lock gates less. What’s this mean to us river fisherman that fish on two pools in a day? Delays.
Worse, they are talking about limiting recreational boats to one pool. No fishing P3 and P4 the same day. Some people that won’t bother. Others will just trailer from pool to pool.
But wait! The roller gates at L&D #3 are wide open 15% of the time!! The Vermilion goes around #3!!
See Vern, now you know why I don’t go to those meetings!
They are all freaking NUTZ! (and I say that in the kindest way)
Think it’s just the river? Lake hopping will be a thing of the past as well.