Marcum vs620

  • josh a
    Posts: 588

    My girlfriend just bought me a vs620 for valentines day, maybe the best present i ever got! Just wondering if anybody would like to post a review of them. How are they in stained water or in low light periods? Do they spook fish?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13675

    I have the MarCum VS625SD. Out of the box, I had a camera head that leaked in the first couple hours of use. Marcum replaced it, and I have probably 300 to 400 hours on it now. Its all good!!!!!
    I’ve had mixed feelings on the camera head. Some fish spook, other come up and investigate. I like it when mine stays in color mode because I think you get a better depth perception of the image. But the B/W is very good. For ice fishing, I try to keep it as reasonably as far away as possible, yet still see my jig. Its an addiction

    Lake Mills, WI
    Posts: 831

    Had mine out for about 40 hours, new to me this winter. Addicting is a good word for it. Unbelievable tool for fishing cold front fish, as I experienced last weekend.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547

    I won’t go fishing without mine. I have use the camera almost exclusively vs. my Marcum LX-5. Just mind blowing the difference when you can actually see the fish’s mood on a camera vs. a locator. This weekend I plan on doing a lot of scouting on a lake. Just taking the camera to checkout structure.

    josh a
    Posts: 588

    Everyone always talks about fishing the transitions, rock/sand mud/sand and so forth. I can’t wait to actually be able to find one

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998

    I’m not sure where your fishing Josh, but where the rip rap stops falling down the bank and the sandy bottom starts is an awesome transition.

    P4 Sunday 2/12/12 some place along the MN side near the dam, I captured this one. Too bad Jesse didn’t with his ringworm.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13675


    Everyone always talks about fishing the transitions, rock/sand mud/sand and so forth. I can’t wait to actually be able to find one

    I can’t tell you enough how much you can learn about your locator in your boat if you run it in open water. After a summer of spot checking what I see with a H/bird 1198, I could almost go out looking for Bearing Sea gold (just kidding, its not quite that good) but now I know the difference in shale rock, granite boulders, hard silt….by how the bottom reflects. Just remember to stop and fish once in a while

    josh a
    Posts: 588

    how would a guy go about recording video with this thing?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998

    I thought you would never ask…

    josh a
    Posts: 588

    great video! I’ll probably have to watch it about a dozen times to really figure out whats going on. from what i see if i already have a video camera i don’t need the aiptek. I s that right?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998

    As long as your video camera has a VIDEO IN (A/V IN) port, you are set!

    West Central, MN
    Posts: 338

    I purchased the MarCum 625SD. This past weekend I gave the Marcum camera and LX-5 a workout at the Alexandria fishing contest. It was a mighty cold weekend and it wasn’t the easiest way to scout for fish chiseling through 6″ of ice in pre-drilled holes, but with a little effort transition areas and fish were located! Weeds and sand were easily visible, even a yellow chisel that was found in the bottom of the lake. Numerous sunfish, bass and pike were attracted to the camera head…a wonderful sight to see in these situations.

    I found my spot fairly quickly and stuck it out, well I guess I had to since all the other holes were claimed eventually. My small silver/glow Slender Spoon was my choice lure and it was a waiting game until start time. 12:00 rolled around and small sunfish were all over, and all I wanted was to get on the board. I ended up weighing a fish I thought was a joke, but that weight lasted the whole tourney. I upgraded one sunfish and waited out for a pike to seal the deal, but the pike hit a tip-up and got off.

    With the assistance of the MarCum 625, LX-5 and the Slender Spoons it was a winning trio of $700 when it was all said and done for my wife and I.

    Time to attempt one more contest and then bring on open water. I can’t wait to use this camera in the summer! And use the camera to go get that chisel back if I can find a magnet…

    josh a
    Posts: 588

    ok, one last question. I noticed your camera had a very bright light on it while you were filming in dark water, the 620 just has the little blue lights. will i be able to see at night? is there a way to get a brighter light?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998

    If I was a mean person, I would tell you to turn the camera towards your eyes, turn on the light switch and then hit the UP arrow 3 times.

    I’m not so don’t do that directly into your eyes.

    It’s bright and you will see amazingly well!

    $700.!! That just paid for some gear!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13675

    Brian, i was thinkling about your post yeasterday while out on Fox chasing crappies. Watched a big pike blast a small crappie. One of those moments where you get all ticked off because all I would have done was press the record button when I dropped the camera down

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998

    You wouldn’t believe the times I missed a great shot because I couldn’t record fast enough!

    Two trips ago, my 4 gig card was filled up 1/2 way through the day. This NEVER happens…then I remembered I was using the card for a hard drive to transfer files. No problem, just erase the whole card…right?

    I’m glad there wasn’t anyone on the river that day, I think I made Jesse uncomfortable by my rant. I erased some VERY big fish clips. We don’t get great shots of 7+ pound fish very often…and I dumped them.

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