Time for a new bed

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    The wife and I started shopping for a new bed last weekend. We are considering the memory foam style beds. However, I’m concerned with how warm are these things. They are all “selling” cool foam something or other. My internal heater tends to run a bit warm anyway, so I’m a bit concerned about this style of bed.

    So, is the memory foam really that warm?

    Here are a few we are considering:

    Serta iComfort

    Tempur Pedic

    Sleep Number – Memory Foam

    One thing we discovered, beds aren’t cheap. Gonna be another month of saving a few more bucks to pay cash for one of these beasts…

    We want something that will last us 20 years. Other than that, we don’t have a lot of needs. Medium firmness.

    Any other beds you think we should consider?


    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13392

    We got the sleep number P5 about a year ago. Its a pretty good bed for a guy thats getting older and with more aches and pains showing up every year. I like being able to adjust it to what ever setting I want. The wifes setting is very different from mine. Tells me right there we would of never found a non adjustable bed that would of fit both of us.

    A couple of issues with the bed are trying to find the remote and there is a center to the bed. When each side is set differently you feel it in the center. There are some positions that this does work well for.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I have been extremely pleased with our sleep number bed for years.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    We got a Tempur about 9 years ago. It is not any warmer or cooler than any other bed that I can tell ? The nice thing about the Tempur, it will adjust to your body and best comfort position auotmatically, depending on how your body naturally wants to position. With an air bed, when your set at 70, your at 70 all night. If you reposition yourself in the middle of the night, the memory foam will accomodate automatic As you know, me and Pam are about the same size and we both love the bed The price is hard to swallow, but like you said, if it last 20 years, easy to justify longterm

    Oh yeah I almost forgot… she can set her wine glass down on her side and I jump up and down and it doesn’t spill…

    Posts: 466

    We have the sleep number bed for about 3 years now. No Problems.

    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    We have a old Select-comfort. It is about 15or16 years old. Like Mike said.There is a center.We find it not to be a problem.I don’t now if the heater you have will be a problem but it would be a question to ask when you buy a bed. Good luck on picking one. Some time I think its harder to pick a bed then buying a car.

    South St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 371

    I love our Original Mattress Factory bed. Can sleep 8 hours straight with no problem!

    SE MN
    Posts: 1503

    We bought a Tempur about 2 years ago. In the summer, it is hot and we abandon it and sleep in the basement. My wife really sweats in the thing…even in the winter it’s a little too warm. We paid a lot for it but I regret it. Both of us usually wake up with backaches still so that didn’t help us either. Overall, I’d say we made a bad decision getting it.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    My girlfriend has a 3 year old TempurPedic…..and I absolutely hate it. I sleep hot and the thing just melts me, even in the winter months. The firmness of the memory foam also kills my back for some reason.

    I’ve heard that a lot of people like them and she loves it….but I much much much prefer my $400 old spring mattress.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    We actually bought ours online through Amazon, we got a sleep innovations 10 inch mattress, right now a king is priced at $399, free shipping iirc. Now this is not temperpedic, and for us that’s a big plus, we do not like the latex mattresses like temperpedic, I feel like you sink too much and it’s difficult to move around in. I found that sleep innovations at the time made serta’s non latex mattresses, and was able to find one at HOM and we liked it, so we bought ours online and it came a couple days later, and we loved it right away, after a year, there are no real signs of wear, we are still as comfortable as ever and have adjusted to the differences, I wouldn’t go back to a regular mattress, all said and done we did it for about $800. Heat wise it don’t find it much hotter than our old mattress. Costco also sells some of sleep innovations mattresses, the 10 inch model we got it believe is in the firmer side of most foam mattresses, but we like not sinking all the way into the bed. 20 year warranty I was hesitant to go the route at first, but it’s been cheap and great for us. Funny the first couple weeks we would wake up a little sore, figured out it was because we were so comfortable we hardly moved all night and would end up laying on one side all night, we since adjusted and sleep great, honestly helped my back, and haven’t had a sore back from sleeping in this bed.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Have the salemen/women reminded you that you spend close to 30% of your life in your bed/work bench?

    I think it is their way to convince you to spend more money. It’s definitely an investment.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    We have had the Tempurpedic now for 7 years and luv it. My fw has bad back problems bulging disc and it is the only bed she can sleep in all night. I wake up with much less back pain. I guess I have never noticed it being any warmer then any other style mattress. It is cooler when first getting into bed in the winter months but warms up and conforms quickly.

    There is no way I would ever go back to a mattress and box spring again I do know that much.

    Galesville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1517

    I would not trade our tempurpedic in for anything. Had it a little over a year, I don’t notice the difference until I sleep in a different bed, then I notice it big time (comfort, more aches in the morning, that type of thing). It is a little warmer, but I just use less of the covers than my wife does and it works. For us the best part is I can roll around in my sleep and it doesn’t wake her up like our old bed did as the foam ‘eats’ up a lot of the disturbance movement makes in the mattress. We were able to buy a left over floor model one, which they could sell considerably lower than the standard price, but still a hefty bill. Tempur has different ‘strength’ (whatever they call it) mattresses so make sure you try out the different ones to find the most fitting one.

    Mike Klein
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 1026

    select comfort all the way. i have a p5 too and love it. my dad has bought 10 or so over the years for all the cabin and florida place too. they bought a p7 or something for florida that heats and cools says worth every penny. I like that i can adjust firmness daily as my back is sore. I am a landscaper and that in itself is enough. and the wife not liking whatevery I choose. The ability to adjust either side was another plus. Now my sister in law works there damn I dont need another or do I?

    Posts: 4524

    Sears had a Tempur Pedic new style. The tempurpedic was first used when they put a man on the moon and has not changed to much sense them. This new bed is white with little blue specks in it, what makes it different is 4″ of cooling gel. Coooooooool

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 341

    Sleep number

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574

    I think Nick and I were shopping at the same time last year, like him we went with a cheaper foam bed from Sam’s. I like it quite a lot. I too was concerned about the foam being warm, honestly this is the first time since shopping that I’ve thought about it. So long story short and imho, the one we have is not hot.

    Lake Nebagamon Wisconsin
    Posts: 417

    Sleep Number…We have had them before they were numbered, about 15 years. Suggest you get the pillow top. It is a bit more expensive than the standard models, but a whole lot more comfortable.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Thanks for posting this John my wife and I are in the same boat and trying to decide which type of bed to go with as well. We have a Serta top of the line pillow top spring mattress that is around 15 years old. I use to sell them back in the day, the mark up on beds & furniture is terrible. I got mine direct from the factory reps as a perk for selling there beds paid $400 for it, on the floor it sold for $1200. After 15 years the padding on this bed is shot, my wife bought one of those pads for the bed similar to the memory foam and it has made somewhat of a difference and I have not noticed that it is any warmer. My wife also tells me that according to Consumer Reports there can be a big difference in quality and firmness with memory foam so you have to be careful if you get a different brand than tempurpedic. The other thing to know when buying a bed or furniture is do not be afraid to barter with your sales person, let them know that you can get the same bed at there competitors for cheaper, ask them to beat the price. Beds & furniture has the highest mark up of any retail product out there, it is so high that it has a higher profit margin than new cars. The store I worked at the owner had a friend who had a car dealership, when the owner showed him his books and how profitable the furniture business was the guy sold his car dealership and went into the furniture bizz.

    Posts: 236

    Just this past summer I was in the same boat. I had purchased two beds before I finally settled on the icomfort Revolution model (the top of the line model seemed a little to firm for me) With every bed I spent a little more money on each one and also got a better product. I started with a latex foam bed and I hated it with in 3 weeks. Heat build up as well as sag. Next was an air bed and that lasted for about the same. I could never get comfortable on the dang thing. To me it just was a glorified air mattress. Finally the Icomfort was released and I settled with it. To each their own with beds obviously. The only negative I have is I wish the adjustable base would be cheaper as I see it as a pretty nice feature. Sadly it is about a grand and with that said I wasn’t about to drop 3 large on a bed. No heat issues. I suggest a test run for you and your wife at a store and see what I am talking about.

    Don Miller
    Onamia, MN
    Posts: 378

    Original Mattress Facory. Like new after 10 years.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    Original Mattress Facory. Like new after 10 years.

    A couple of posts have said Original Mattress Facory are they a spring bed or foam?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    That is our leading candidate as of now. More shopping this weekend.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Koot, you can just keep taking them back like he did until one fits..

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Ya, I gotta research the “try for XX days” to make sure I truly can. That selling point is obviously very attractive when you are spending this kind of cash.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I’ve never taken one back but it sure seems like the best approach. There is obviously no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to beds.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    Ya, I gotta research the “try for XX days” to make sure I truly can. That selling point is obviously very attractive when you are spending this kind of cash.

    They probably won’t want it back after you have slept in it!

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1844

    We are also in the Sleep Number camp. The oldest is 12-14 yrs.

    Probably not a consideration for you, but they are very easy to disassemble and move. No gigantic piece that is hard to get a grip on. This is very convenient if your abode is mobile.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I see there is a bed mfg as one of the site sponsors??

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100



    Ya, I gotta research the “try for XX days” to make sure I truly can. That selling point is obviously very attractive when you are spending this kind of cash.

    They probably won’t want it back after you have slept in it!

    My fear is my kids. My wife lets them eat in our bed occasionally in the morning while she is getting ready. Ticks me off, but hey a stray piece of captain crunch can cause serious irritation!

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