20 years ago today..

  • deertracker
    Posts: 9311

    Probably was a union QB. He sure had a long and successfull run.

    Breezy Point, MN
    Posts: 207


    Probably was a union QB. He sure had a long and successfull run.

    Nah, no union for Favre, I never saw lawnchairs and doughnuts/coffee while he was working.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    Do we really have to dredge up the “Favre” thing again after arguing about unions.

    Is anybody catching any fish out there?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Wow, we must be getting old. Doesn’t seem that long ago.

    BTW, to get back to back franchise QBs, well, just another reason to continue my “hatred” of the Packers.


    A lowly viking fan!

    josh a
    Posts: 588

    Without John Madden talking up Brett Favre every monday night for 15 years straight he wouldn’t be as highly thought of as he is. Most over rated QB ever! Oh yeah, and he was a union QB for sure, the entire NFL is union, thats why they make so much. He didn’t have coffee and a lawn chair but but he did have heated seats and a guy to sqirt gatorade in his mouth for him

    central Iowa Lake City Mn
    Posts: 25

    union and proud of it. I will take my 40 thousand a year pension and free health care any time.

    Posts: 216

    Both the wife and I are retired auto workers,30 years apiece for us with nice pensions.I feel sorry for the young work force with no job protection so you can put in your retirement time.The union protected us and I am very grate full for it.Companys do not have to tow the line anymore, no job security,here today gone tomorrow.The only thing that counts is money not people.Just glad we had it when the getting was good and we can enjoy our senior years.If companys took care of there people you would not need unions.Union retired and proud of it.

    Posts: 6259

    Actually this post has absolutely nothing to do with unions in any shape, way or form. It is about football, specifically one player who by trade 20 years ago today changed the course of a franchise. If you guys need to vent on whatever issues you have going on in your life then create your own post and start venting away.

    Iowa, Clinton
    Posts: 489

    oh well..

    Posts: 6259


    oh well..

    common courtesy?

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