Hey Im New From Door County

  • jjsguideservice
    Posts: 12

    Hey Everyone,

    I am new to this forum and I thought I would give you a little back ground about myself and let you in on how the bite is going on Green Bay. Here we go!

    Back Ground…

    My name is Capt. JJ Malvitz. I was born and raised in Sturgeon Bay Wisconsin which is located on both Green Bay and Lake Michigan. My family immigrated here around the turn of the century and settled in Northern Door County in a small town called Sister Bay which is located on the Green Bay side of the Peninsula. My great grandfathers started commercial fishing these waters at that time, and helped establish the commercial fishing operation in the county. In those days they fished for Lake Trout, Chubs, and Whitefish. My family still owns our fish tug and it is currently located in Sheboygan Wisconsin near Milwaukee.

    My passion for fishing started at a young age. I remember going to my grandparents and casting from there pier from sun up to sun down. Its in my blood. As I grew older I was took a job as being a first mate on one of the larger chart boats in Sturgeon Bay. Here I learned from more experience Great Lakes anglers. I then found that I enjoyed watching others catch there first Salmon than if I were to catch it.

    When I turned 18 I enrolled to get my US Coast Guard Captains License. I completed the class and started my own guiding operation. I am now 20 years old and am a full time college student at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay pursuing a degree in Media Communications and minoring in public speaking. It is my goal to some day work in the outdoor media field.

    The Fishing..

    Growing up on the shores of Green Bay has been truly amazing. I have seen the eco system on Green Bay change year to year. All the way from water levels to invasive species… The structure around the Door Peninsula is very diverse. Steep drop offs to sandy shallows. It is truly a banquet table of different species.

    The ice fishing in Door County has changed dramatically in the last 7 years. The changing eco system has forced a native species, the Whitefish, to migrate from the lake to the bay due to a lack of food base in the lake. This has offered ice anglers a great opportunity to fish for this species. They are now feeding on a small invasive called the round goby and are putting on weight. Ranging any where from 2-6lbs whitefish act like cold water smallmouths. Using light tackle even offers anglers a greater rush!

    The walleye ice action is even a great adrenaline rush. As the catching opportunity is not as great as the whitefish they are still a great species to target. The quantity of fish is not that prevalent but the quality of the fish is second to none!

    I hope I have given you a little insight about myself and my home body of water. I look forward to posting fishing reports on this forum as well as answer any questions that you ice anglers may have. I feel this is a great website to share knowledge and information with anglers alike!

    Tight Lines
    Capt. JJ Malvitz

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    Welcome aboard Capt.

    White Bear Lake, MN
    Posts: 643


    Posts: 379

    Welcome to IDO! I’ve fished near Washington/Detroit Islands since I was born (’81) and can’t say I’ve seen better fishing. All within 2 miles I’ve seen 22” smallies, 30” walleyes, 40” gators, and 20lb salmon.

    Getting excited for the Wash Island Fish Derby. My profile pic is from that in the bay

    Posts: 1748

    Welcome to IDO

    enjoy this great web site

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    Welcome to IDO JJ!

    Looking forward to reading more about the great fishing up there is Door county in your future post.


    4 miles from Pool 9
    Posts: 693

    I’ve been to Door County once and just loved it there. I did a cheese demo at The Savory Spoon in Ellison Bay. M ike and Janice aree gerat people. Can’t wait until I have a chance to go back. Would love to fish the Bay. I’ll give you a call if I ever get back.

    Posts: 12

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!! Keep a look out for my posts. I will have one up tonight about the great ice action on Green Bay this weekend.

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