You will be certified by the Wi DNR to hold angler education classes in public schools, do workshops for the dnr( some of them are paid) and you will essentially be given the right”backed by the WI dnr ” to hold these classes in public areas.
Give introduction to fishing classes and such.
Sometimes the WI dnr will call you to give a presentation at a public school or a DNR venue. most of the time the classes you teach will be on a volunteer basis but sometimes the DNR will pay you to hold these classes it depends on where they send you.
Also schools may call you to come and speak to children about fishing or maybe ask you to assist them on a field trip and most of the time those are paid.
so there are a few good reasons for taking the class and also you show your heart to preserve our native waters by becoming a ambassador to children and show your wiiling to teach them the proper do’s and don’ts…