Riveria maya Mexico? I’m heading down on Thursday for 7 days and was wondering if anybody knows anything about fishing from shore or a boat/captian to hire for a day or 2? Or is there anything I must see non fishing related while I’m down there?
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Anybody been to…
February 7, 2012 at 12:16 pm #1036240
I’ve been there before and loved it. Stayed at the Spa Palace Resort. All inclusive and no kids allowed.
Baracudu fished in the bay at the hotel but that was it.Snorkling in the bay right at the hotel was awsome. Tons of fish to swim with. With the braclet I could go to any of the Palace resorts and eat and drink there free. Took the bus into Cancun one day and it was definetly worth doing that. This was definetly the best Mexico trip I ever had. With the way things are down there right now I wouldn’t stray to far from the beaten path though. PM me if you need more.February 7, 2012 at 12:32 pm #1036241The wife and I stayed at the Barcelo Maya Beach Resort in 2008. We fished a half-day deep sea with Captain Rick’s out of Puerto Aventuras. I would not recommend them. Fine for a casual fisherman, but I would have preferred something more hands-on.
Definitely go to Tulum! The Mayan ruins are very cool, and there is a sweet beach there. You’ll see more iguanas than you can imagine (I think they’re awesome creatures, but my wife hates them).
Other than that, we swam a lot, snorkeled a lot, drank a lot, and did honeymoon stuff
It’s a gorgeous area. I heard that Xel-Ha is really neat, but we didn’t go.
February 7, 2012 at 12:44 pm #1036247My wife and I went there a few years ago. I would just as soon never have another vacation to anywhere sunny and sandy. Give me pine trees, cold weather, and stuff to catch, track, and hunt. Going to Mexico is just a waste of time when we could be doing something enjoyable.
That being said, it was OK. We did Capt. Ricks also. I did get to hold my wife’s hair while she threw up for 6 hours
That was all we got.
We are both Scuba certified so we did a couple dives there also. The reefs were cool, but the water was not very clear. On the way to our second dive, my wife threw up, so I did that dive alone
February 7, 2012 at 12:55 pm #1036249I would just as soon never have another vacation to anywhere sunny and sandy. Give me pine trees, cold weather, and stuff to catch, track, and hunt. Going to Mexico is just a waste of time when we could be doing something enjoyable.
I hear ya there man, but when your best bud ask you to be his best man in his Mexican wedding you only get one answer. Regardless if I catch fish or not it’ll be a great time. I’m just pumped I don’t have to pack my snosuit for this trip
February 7, 2012 at 1:16 pm #1036257Brent, you’re nuts. Give me the tropics any day. We were toying with making a move to Puerto Rico a few years ago, but I don’t think the wife could stand living that far from her twin sister.
February 7, 2012 at 1:17 pm #1036259Quote:
I hear ya there man, but when your best bud ask you to be his best man in his Mexican wedding you only get one answer. Regardless if I catch fish or not it’ll be a great time. I’m just pumped I don’t have to pack my snosuit for this trip
We all do what we have to do for friends
Have a good time and I hope you have better luck fishing than we did.
February 7, 2012 at 1:19 pm #1036261My wife got this dorado. We also had a small sailfish on, but lost it. Bring Dramamine. I have never been seasick, but I could tell that I would have been if I hadn’t dosed up. Those seas are something else.
February 7, 2012 at 1:24 pm #1036264I was there between Christmas and New Years this year. We stayed at Barcelo Maya. They set us up with a fishing trip out of Puerto Aventuras, and I think it was Captain Rick’s as well. Total waste of time.
One of the IDO guys posted a link to a Playa del Carmen guide not too long ago. I was impressed, so I saved the link.
Here are some reviews of the same guy.
Everything I read about the tourist charters down there told me they suck. I did it anyway. I don’t regret it, but it wasn’t worth the money. We only caught one small bonito (tuna) on a rod rigged to catch them for bait (we rigged it, but no takers). You’re basically talking about a 10mph boat cruise down the coast and back up. Seems like you’ve got a decent (50/50?) shot at a barracuda, but from what I was told sailfish are practically unheard of.
Find a good guide (my guess is that more of the good ones are in panga boats, not big charter boats), like the one referenced above, and you might just have an awesome day of fishing.
Good luck! If you go, let us know what you found.
February 7, 2012 at 1:57 pm #1036274I to was best man at a friends wedding about 5 yrs ago,we stayed at the Barcelo Maya and it was great.I think we fished with Cpt. Rick but not sure.There was 10 of us(bach party 2 days after the wedding).We were there the beginning of Jan. not really marlin season but the fishing was alright.We caught a ton of benetos and a couple of barracuda.Mine was just over 30lbs and reminded me of catching a big northern.The groom caught a what was thought to be a monster,fought it for 10 min., the capt was yelling big fish and then there was no fight left.He reeled in about a 35lbs mahi mahi with the big chunk out of the rear from a shark.I would recommend a full day at XEL HA,lots to do.Wasn’t overly impressed with Tulum ruins but was at ruins at Chitszaneha?way better.You will have fun and you are right you won’t need your snow suit.If you get the chance take a scuba course and go on a few dives it is great.
HAVE FUNFebruary 7, 2012 at 2:26 pm #1036290Quote:
Dont drink the water!!
Don’t try to walk to Cold Spring either…(inside joke)
February 7, 2012 at 2:36 pm #1036295Quote:
Dont drink the water!!
Don’t try to walk to Cold Spring either…(inside joke)
At least when you get a phone call from the Mexican authorites asking if you know a Tim Schmitz it’s not your wedding night… This time
Posts: 543February 7, 2012 at 2:44 pm #1036302if you have kids that are good swimmers, or you just enjoy the water as much as I do, definitely check out Xel-Ha.
February 7, 2012 at 3:01 pm #1036311Akumel Bay is half way down to Tulum.
The big turtles hang out in the bay. A great place to snorkle and hang for a day.
February 7, 2012 at 5:35 pm #1036356I have been and would love to go back. We stayed south of Playa De Carma(sp). We did a few tours that were awesome. My favorite ruin was called Cabol or something like that. It was more inland and you could climb up the pyramid. I also saw Talum and liked this one better. Did the XE Hal day and it was great if you like the water. Did Xcartet also, and I need to go back since we did not plan enough time at that. I took a “jeep” tour way down the coast to a small fishing village and went out snorkling. That was awesome since you do not really go out far enough to get sea sick. I talked to the locals at that village and IF IF IF I ever get back to the area, I would just try to hook up with a local to take me fishing. I think I hear, if you really want to go deep sea fishing, this is NOT the right time for this area. Still loved my trip there, have gone to a small island off Puerto Rico for the past two years.
February 7, 2012 at 7:32 pm #1036388Quote:
Dont drink the water!!
…and don’t put ice in your warm drinks (i.e. bottle of coke)!!!
February 7, 2012 at 7:55 pm #1036390Quote:
Dont drink the water!!
…and be careful what they use to wash the salad greens…
February 7, 2012 at 11:57 pm #1036463Quote:
Dont drink the water!!
…and don’t put ice in your warm drinks (i.e. bottle of coke)!!!
So your saying just drink the beer? I think I can handle that
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