new launch fees in La crosse

  • pbitschura
    Posts: 162

    city of La Crosse is instituting launch fees at their municipal launch sites. i live on the Mn side so we will be accessed a multiple to city residents. not a lot of options if i want to fish the Miss without a long ride. What do you all think?

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 70

    If its only $20 for a season pass like I heard it shouldn’t be too bad for the pocket book. I’m willing to pay a few dollars to keep our landings nice. If you’re like me you’ll get you’re monies worth.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607


    If its only $20 for a season pass like I heard it shouldn’t be too bad for the pocket book. I’m willing to pay a few dollars to keep our landings nice. If you’re like me you’ll get you’re monies worth.

    Not trying to stir the pot with this question. Just trying to get the facts correct. Is the money, generated from this fee, guaranteed to go towards the maintenance of the landings? I agree that $20.00 is not too much to ask.


    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 70



    If its only $20 for a season pass like I heard it shouldn’t be too bad for the pocket book. I’m willing to pay a few dollars to keep our landings nice. If you’re like me you’ll get you’re monies worth.

    Not trying to stir the but with this question. Just trying to get the facts correct. Is the money, generated from this fee, guaranteed to go towards the maintenance of the landings? I agree that $20.00 not too much to ask.


    I would hope that’s what its used for, but I guess I shouldn’t assume either.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 121

    The city of Eau Claire treid this a few years back and the people who use the landings fought city hall and won because the monies generated went into a park fund to be used at all parks not to the actual boat landings. But the county did institute a launch fee at county landings with monies generated going to the boat landing upkeep and replacement. I do believe they cannot institute the fee unless the money stays there. Fight city hall unless your money stays at the landings

    Posts: 162

    What i would like to know is what the fee is for non-city residents. i heard it is many multiples of this $20. Doesn’t sound casual user friendly.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    City of La Crosse – Latest News
    Posted on: October 12, 2011
    Boat Landing Usage Fee

    The City of La Crosse Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Department will be introducing a user fee for City owned boat landings starting January 1, 2012.

    Boat Landings of Interest
    The four boat landings that will be regulated are the 7th Street, Municipal Harbor, West and East Copeland Boat Landings.

    Introducing Boat Landing Fee
    To make these user fees convenient for our boat landing users, there will be an honor box at our four boat launches. If they choose to purchase a one-day pass, they will need to fill out the honor box slip, and drop the payment in the honor box while placing the permit in their dash. Season permits will also be available for purchase in the Parks and Recreation office located in City Hall. The season permit will be a sticker issued from the department that will go on the users’ water recreational vehicle trailer.

    User Fee
    One day resident
    o $3 One day non-resident
    o $5 Resident season permit
    o $10 Nonresident season permit
    o $25

    These options give boat landing users the choice of what fee suits them best for using City of La Crosse boat landings.

    Regulating and Enforcing Permits
    The City of La Crosse Police Department will partner with the Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department on permit enforcement. They will patrol the landings daily. If a user does not have a permit, they will receive a City parking ticket. The violation fee is $20.00. This process has been coordinated with the La Crosse Police Department and they will retain the violation fee.

    For more information please attend the informational meeting on October 25, 6pm at City Hall in the West Conference Room, or Contact Jay Odegaard, Recreation Supervisor at (608) 789-7593.
    Additional info »

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    The city of Hudson is in the process of raising our resident launch fees from 3.00 per launch to 7.00 per launch. Nonresident will stay at 10.00 per launch. They are still discussing the annual fees. Their initial proposal is 70.00 for residents and 100.00 for non residents. From what I’m told, Wi limits charging non residents more than 50% more than non residents. That is why Hudson is being forced to make changes to their fees.

    So if La Crosse has an annual fee for residents at 20.00, they will only be able to charge non residents 30.00.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607


    City of La Crosse – Latest News
    Posted on: October 12, 2011
    Boat Landing Usage Fee

    The City of La Crosse Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Department will be introducing a user fee for City owned boat landings starting January 1, 2012.

    Boat Landings of Interest
    The four boat landings that will be regulated are the 7th Street, Municipal Harbor, West and East Copeland Boat Landings.

    Introducing Boat Landing Fee
    To make these user fees convenient for our boat landing users, there will be an honor box at our four boat launches. If they choose to purchase a one-day pass, they will need to fill out the honor box slip, and drop the payment in the honor box while placing the permit in their dash. Season permits will also be available for purchase in the Parks and Recreation office located in City Hall. The season permit will be a sticker issued from the department that will go on the users’ water recreational vehicle trailer.

    User Fee
    One day resident
    o $3 One day non-resident
    o $5 Resident season permit
    o $10 Nonresident season permit
    o $25

    These options give boat landing users the choice of what fee suits them best for using City of La Crosse boat landings.

    Regulating and Enforcing Permits
    The City of La Crosse Police Department will partner with the Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department on permit enforcement. They will patrol the landings daily. If a user does not have a permit, they will receive a City parking ticket. The violation fee is $20.00. This process has been coordinated with the La Crosse Police Department and they will retain the violation fee.

    For more information please attend the informational meeting on October 25, 6pm at City Hall in the West Conference Room, or Contact Jay Odegaard, Recreation Supervisor at (608) 789-7593.
    Additional info »

    The public release statement does not mention where the user fees will go. Only that the money from the violations will be kept by the La Crosse Police Department.


    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Well I checked the La Crosse city web site and this is a direct quote……..

    Boat Landings
    The City of La Crosse Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department offers four public boat landings, with two on the Black River and two on the Mississippi River.

    7th Street
    Municipal Harbor
    West Copeland
    East Copeland

    In order to launch a water recreational vehicle at the boat landings, a permit must be purchased and displayed on the water recreational vehicle trailer. The boat landing user has the option to purchase either a daily permit or an annual permit.

    Daily Permits

    The daily permit will be $3 for residents and $5 for non-residents. The daily permit will be on the honor system ONLY. If the user chooses to purchase a daily permit, they will need to fill out the honor slip, and drop the payment in the honor box while placing the permit clearly visible in their dash. Daily permits are only good for the date purchased.

    Annual Permits

    Annual permits will also be available for purchase. Resident permits are $10.00 and non-residents are $15.00. The annual permit is valid through the current calendar year. An annual permit can be purchased for a second water recreational vehicle at a reduced rate (only if owned by the same applicant). The resident rate for a second annual pass is $5.00, and non-resident rate is $7.50. To purchase a second permit, applicant MUST provide proof of registration (ownership) for BOTH boats.

    The annual permit will be issued in the Parks and Recreation office located in City Hall, Black River Beach Neighborhood Center, and South Side Neighborhood Center. The annual permit will be a sticker that will go on the users’ water recreational vehicle trailer. In order for the user to get the resident rate, they must present documentation that states they live within the City. Documentation can be a driver’s license, passport, or a bill. Annual permits are only good at City of La Crosse boat landings.


    Veterans can receive a free annual permit by providing proper documentation stating they have served the United States.

    Here is the link City Web Site

    Posts: 162

    Thanks. The fees are not as steep as I thought. I hope ramp maintanance will be cared for.

    Iowa, Clinton
    Posts: 489

    regardless of where the money goes, the repairs etc. are still done? account vs. account, or a general fund, this that and the other!

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4355

    There has been a lot of these fees all around the state. The state law that allows cities, counties, etc. to charge these fees states the money must go to launch area maint. and improvements. The only problem is that no one is checking up on where the money is being spent. There some sportsmans groups around the state suing because the money was not accounted for or spent in other places.

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