A couple BIG Walleyes –

  • mojogunter
    Posts: 3403

    Well if that is the case, then I have to say they are both photoshopped.


    All the guys that can’t catch a fish say they are photoshopped.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321


    James remember you are a big guy, my fingers placed just like the pic, are 3″, pinky, ring, and middle finger. I’m 5’11 190 so I’m about average.

    Now his finger spread on the sreen measures 3/8″ and if that equals 3″ then each 1/8″ eaquals 1″. That fish measures about 4″ and that would equal out to about 32″.

    Now measuring a picture is not exact but it maybe pretty close to the 31″ mark.

    Looks like legit math but I’m not too sure.

    Pug, can you verify this???

    Melrose, WI
    Posts: 265

    You didn’t take pictures “You didn’t really catch them then”. You took pictures “you are ruining our fishery keeping these”, you took a picture “that’s photoshopped, you didn’t catch a fish this big”… LOL, you just cant win nowadays

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    BrianK: Just think how much larger that Pool 4 fish would have been if it had got up the fish ladder into pristine water.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Pug, can you verify this???

    You know what they say, big hands…

    Wait, what are we discussing again?

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