Fishing Pressure on Pool 4

  • StaleMackrel
    Posts: 443

    Have any of you guys or gals been concerned about the pressure on pool 4 in March and April? I mean 400 boats, that’s what I read and hear. Since the lower pools have been depleted, to some extent by what I read on this site, and what I hear from others; don’t you think that this could occur on pool 4? I think that increased number of fisherman(women), better techniques, more sophisticated equipment, and etc. will mean a real reduction in fish on pool 4. I think that some restrictions are in order and I do not want to hear about what the DNR has said in the past, simply because the past is the past. I have not fished pool 4 since December but I am just trying to put some common sense into this fishery for the future.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    That is the reason we all need to practice catch and release and be responsible for our actions. If the quality of fishing on the river is put in endangered we will all be the losers. Smart fishing and an intense respect for the fish and the other people using the waterways equals tremendous fishing for years to come.

    My two cents.

    Gator Hunter

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    My two cents.
    Gator Hunter

    Two cents that’s worth a fishery…priceless.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    There is no denying the pressure. It gets crowded in a hurry.

    This is the third year I have fished at pool 4 and honestly haven’t seen an increase in traffic but those that been around longer would know better.

    I can tell you that this last couple weeks the fish have won about every battle. Doesn’t matter how fancy the boat, locator, lure, or technique they simply were off.

    I’d much prefer to see some solid statistics showing we need lower bag limits or restricted seasons before any changes are made based on the number of boats out.

    One thing for sure. Catch and release is catching on. It will help preserve our fish. Slowly but surely the pig fisherman are fading away.

    I just don’t want to see walleye fishing to turn the way of bass fishing. By that I mean the expectation to release every fish caught.

    I see people get almost violent when they see someone keeping a bass for the table. If it is legal and they want a meal then so be it. It would be a sad day if walleye fisherman get to that point.

    Chisago area, Minnesota
    Posts: 27

    I’ve been fishing pool 4 since I was in high school (’85-’86) and there doesn’t seem to be anymore pressure from a weekend standpoint now versus then. There is alot more mid-week pressure from pre-fishing tournament anglers then there was back then. In my opinion the quality and numbers of fish has increased since then. Some might disagree, but we had a fantastic day on 4-5 in my boat. 12 fish by noon and 4 over 4lbs. A good friend pulled plugs in the main channel and had 12 fish by 11am and 5 were over 7lbs. The important factor here is that all the fish over 20″ from both boats are still in the river!!! Catch and release is the name of the game if you want your kids to be able to do this in 20 years. I want to provide the best fishery for my kids that I can, just like my dad did for me. thanks guys!

    See your jig on the bottom!!

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    I agree there is a vast amount of pressure on the river.

    The benefit today, is that many, many more people are practicing catch-release.

    Is it the same factory it was 20 years ago? I don’t think so, as I know two old timers that went down below the dam 20 years ago and brought back a “Golden Stringer” (as they called it), meaning they has 12 fish, weighing over 120lbs. Yes, they butchered them too.

    But that was yesterday, and today people aren’t keeping boatloads of fish. They are catching them, but only seem to be keeping enough for a meal. You really don’t see alot of fish over 20 inches any more getting the knife.

    As the others have said, take care of your resource!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402

    Welcome to the site gilly ! Sounds like your buddies had a really productive day . Care to share what kind of cranks put those bigger fish in the boat?. Where they pulling 3-ways, lead core…….maybe handlining? I would love to see pictures of the big uns.

    From the looks of the weather out there today a guy could catch a nasty sun burn . I’ll be on the river tomorrow and it looks like we could see rain during my stay

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    On going education, cpr, selective harvest, are the answers. Saying we need more restrictions on the pool is a too broad of a statement. What type of restrictions did you have in mind?

    Posts: 443

    Don, Last year in April one of my fishing friends came back from Red Wing just sick about witnessing lots of fish coming into the boats spilling roe or milt. Also I know of guys in the area who ran up to Red Wing durring this time to harvest day after day during the spawn or pre-spawn time in April. I purposely do not fish during this time because of what I just said. I do not think that education would help this problem but I do think closing the season for a time during pre and spawn time would be good. Certainly fisherman could stay home for a couple of weeks without severe withdrawl symptoms. John Jacobs

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921



    My two cents.
    Gator Hunter

    Two cents that’s worth a fishery…priceless.


    i couldn’t have said it any better than that. took the words right out of my mouth. i say that we head back down there and perfect our art of catching that big gator again this summer.


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Each year this topic comes up. Here are my 2 cents worth.

    I’d like to see a change in regulations that go into effect from the closing of the inland lakes (Late February) until the lakes re-open in Mid May. Reduce the limit to 2 fish with none over 19 inches during this timeframe.

    Still gives everyone a chance to enjoy the river and take a few home. But would require the big girls to be put back to do their business. Right now, if I hooked into 6 – Ten Pounders, I could legally keep them all. That is a shame!

    Posts: 3681

    If 5 of them where under 24inches John.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    The 24 inch rule only applies to inland waters. You can keep 6 – 30 inchers legally on the river.

    Big E
    Saint Paul, MN area
    Posts: 159

    If my memory serves me correctly…. long-term annual monitoring by MnDNR has shown ups and downs in walleye and sauger populations on Pool 4 – however, none of these seem to be tied to fishing pressure. Yes, fishing pressure might seem high. However, until we see some discernable trend I struggle to think that further regulation is warranted.

    Posts: 3681

    Jon You are right,I am wrong,my apoligies to you.Hope i never see 6 30 inchers on a stringer,but would love to catch 6 30s in one day,then i could die a happy man.

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    There is a better bite during the post summer period than there is during the spawn period. Taking the fish out of the system in October has the same effect as taken them out in April. I also can testify to a killer bite on big fish that are post spawn. All I wanted was clairification on what type of restrictions you were thinking of, thanks.

    Posts: 443

    Good info Don, but do you believe that at this time there is the amount of fishing pressure. I’m up there on occasion and it does not seem to be. Im not right but I am concerned.

    Tom S
    Woodbury MN
    Posts: 150


    Also I know of guys in the area who ran up to Red Wing durring this time to harvest day after day during the spawn or pre-spawn time in April.

    Did you inform the DNR or speak directly to these people about overharvest?

    West Central WI
    Posts: 23

    Fishing pressure of this nature and intensity is not restricted to Pool 4. In general one would have to admit that considering all waters, fishing pressure, as well as habitat decline, has without question negatively impacted the fisheries. Exceptions – yes there are. One of the good stories is in certain waters, rivers being one of them, environmental laws passed in the 60s & 70s improved water quality and fisheries.
    I appreciate everyone who makes an effort to reduce impact on the fish, in any body of water. I am however going to continue to fish the river, my few times each spring & fall. Case in point, I am bringing my nephew out Fri afternoon & Saturday morning.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    Every year this topic comes up and is hotly debated. Yet few are able to make a decision based on factual information because they either don’t seek it, or don’t believe what they see.

    For those that feel the season should be closed during the spawn, what information is that based on?

    For those that have witnessed people taking limits several days in a row, can you honestly say they were not consuming the fish, thus remaining below the legal posession limit? If not what did the local DNR say when it was reported?

    Believe me when I say I am all for preserving our hobby. I said it last year and I’ll say it again. Show me some actual research that shows closing or restricting the season during the spawn is needed and I’ll gladly leave my boat home.

    But if your basing it on grandpa’s memory of 1975’s fishing season no thanks, I’ll listen to someone else.

    Please understand I am not here to get anyones feathers ruffled. I just want folks to make desicions based on facts and not emotions.

    Won’t be long and catch and release will transform into standing by the water pretending your fishing.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    There’s no way to prove anything since we don’t know the outcome of not having a season. There’s a lot of water in this region so why not sacrifice and exploit one for our pleasure of fishing anytime we want?

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