As citizens we have the rights to enjoy public waters. Walk in them, swim in them, drink them. But we do not have the right to do them harm. If your elected officials believe the invasives do harm to the public waters it’s their duty to protect them. If it requires inspections so be it. If the results are tickets, so be it. If you don’t like it, then again, so be it.
My problem with this whole situation is that the state/federal governments have simply sat on their thumbs for decades bowing to transport companies that run the cargo ships from whose ballast water these critters come from. Or most of em. Laws should be in place to stop this from happening to begin with! 
Now, the cat is out of the bag, there are still no laws to stop new critters from getting into out water and fields and now we get to pay the price for “slowing” the spread. I have been watching the slow steady march of the asian carp as they move upriver for years. Groups have been sounding the alarm for years. DNR’s from several states have been sounding the alarm for years and yet all we have is some “electric fences” that appear to have either failed or not worked as intended. I don’t know about this gee-wizz DNA test that can isolate asian carp DNA from river water and everything else that is in it, but, if it is true then the buggers are already to the northern suburbs.
The east coast states pretty much sued every state to the west over pollution from power plants. Why can the upriver states not sue the bejeezus out of what ever state allowed these fish to be imported and then accidently released?
I carefully pick any weeds off my boat before I leave the ramp/parking lot, I have removed my drain plug since I bought the boat. Lol, I thought it was a law before it was a law so no big deal to me there. I wash my boat when I get home and only once in 5 years have I been lucky enough to go out again the following weekend. Except for that one time the boat sits for at least two weeks between outings. From how I understand the law any boat could be tagged for not being clean just pulling out of the ramp. No way to get it completely dry, it just came out of the water! What if it is raining? I am sorry, I am NOT going to crawl under my boat in a gravel parking lot, with mosquitos and other summer time bugs gnawing on me to look for some tiny speck of weed that hung up out of view from me. If that warrants a ticket, so be it. They start doing that and people will just stop buying/using boats your just about certain to get a ticket if/when you get caught up in one of these roadside checks. Sure, the guys pulling out with weeds visibly hanging from the trailer deserve a ticket. I don’t feel I do if some DNR employee specially trained to ID and locate the almost microscopic speck of a spiny water flea or zebra mussel larvae discovers something after contorting himself to get eyes on some dark inaccesible recess of my boat.
Yes, I will say yessir, yessir, three bags full WHEN I get checked, I will TRY to comply. Do I think I will still end up with a ticket, yup. Dunno how any boat can pass with the wording of the law.
Big money grab is all this is.