Posts: 247
January 7, 2012 at 12:11 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Mandatory boat inspections
1)close the barn door once all the animals are already out
2)Illegeal search without cause
There will certainly be a blog website or a twitter feed with the location of all the checkpoints and the appropriate detours. Catch us if you can boys.
Only a matter of time before a lawsuit gets this thrown out.
You might be part of the problem……
Please have a beer or four while you are driving back from the lake
Close to the same thing happened down here with autos. Every year you had to have your car inspected for brakes, muffler etc. Then they would give you a sticker to put in a designated area of your vehicles window. There became a big black market on stickers and with this law a whole lot of problems were created, making it a huge hassel for law enforcement and the public. After a few years they got the law overturned. The same thing will happen with boats and trailers.
Can I cite DNR and Sheriff for said violations?
I see their rigs with hanging weeds all the time up here.
The first speaker yesterday was Gov. Dayton.
“Warnings are over” was his message.
How long until they try to ban bunk trailer??? I know I get all the visible weeds off my trailer but I know there on the bunks….
What a waste of the tax payers money. Not to mention illegal search and seizure. Sorry governor Dayton, but your ideas do not supercede the US Constitution….
Time to put the generator and power washer in the back of the truck so you can wash it at the launch. I appreciate 100% of the concept behind this. However, there is situations where you can not get everything, and simply transporting is against the law. I clearly believe a boater should clean their rig before dropping into a different body of water. But if the boat is in transit to home and will be dry-docked for a week or more Just leaves a huge black hole in the enforcement of this.
Not to mention the bunk carpet is saturated with water. Who knows how many eggs are clinging to that carpet.
I don’t want to sound like an idiot but I thought this had to do with safety issues on a boat, fire extinguisher etc. but transporting of plants? Its hard for me to even relate to this topic when ducks and geese are probably the main transporters. Is checking for plants even going to slow it down?
mossydan, it has everything to do with invasive species and will it actually do any good? probably some but not much.
Are they legal? Only if the see you leave a known infected lake and fail to pull your drain plug or remove any weeds. if you pull out of your driveway with a bone dry boat and get pulled over and hour later on 94 in Rodgers no way in he!! is that legal. They need probable cause. DUI checkpoints are illegal and in most all situations so are these. I predict it will go to court and won’t last long.
It’s too bad it has come to this, yes waterfowl do transport invasive but it is a slow process, boaters do it much quicker because many aquatic plant don’t need roots to survive to grow and multiply. This fall at a boat landing in Middleton, near Madison (Marshall Park) I wathched at least 25 boats get pulled out while I was cleaning all the weeds off my boat and trailer. The landing was full of weeds, no way to avoid them. Not one of those boats stopped to clean off their trailer, just drove away dragging a carpet of weeds with them. These are people who cause things like this to happen. I called the dnr but as usaull it was to late for them to be able to respond. I would like to see a couple of wash down stations located at the landings were a person could at least rinse down their boat and trailer before leaving. The spread of invasvies is probably inevitable but why help it along.
If it could be obtainable, the goal would be to “save” the lakes, but it’s not. The goal has moved to SLOW the spread to other lakes.
I found it interesting that our dinner speaker (who’s name excapse me right now) was an underwater photographer. He had a number of photos on Zebra mussel shots and his comment was….
“there is life after Zebra Mussles”.
As I was scanning this sticker that was handed out for free yesterday, I happened to notice the ™ or TM next to the STOP EXOTIC HITCHHIKERS!
Why would someone want to trade mark that?
Just asking.
That speaker is right, there is life after zebra mussels, it is just that they change the ecosystems food base. For example, in lake michigan the numbers of alwives have been reduced to the zebras filtering out the nutrients that are needed for zooplankton which alwives feed on. The lake has adjusted ans any system will. Even the gobe was thought to a big problem and now they a forage bass for smallmouth bass. The real problem makers for us water recreational enthuasist are the invasive weed that take over, Icould list them but anyone can look them. Another fairly new is the spiny water flea, this litte bugger can change a lake drastically. Reducing water clarity which effects plant growth which effect what zones of the lake will hold enough dissolved oxygen to support fish and so on. Notto mention they get all over fishing line and are a pain having to clean your line every cast and forget trying to troll when there numbers are peak during the summer. This is happening right now on Lake Mendota in Madison.
Time to put the generator and power washer in the back of the truck so you can wash it at the launch. I appreciate 100% of the concept behind this. However, there is situations where you can not get everything, and simply transporting is against the law. I clearly believe a boater should clean their rig before dropping into a different body of water. But if the boat is in transit to home and will be dry-docked for a week or more
Just leaves a huge black hole in the enforcement of this.
Randy –
As always – you are spot on. I was thinking the same thing. My bunk trailer has gone down the road with milfoil – hanging – I just could not get it all, I pulled out in a T-Storm , etc.
I clean it off when I get it home but I always wonder about the bunks and all the milfoil that gets simply smashed into the carpet – especially when the landing in on the windblown shore.
Not going to be fun in MN….
Grouse_Dog Show me your papers commie!!!!!
Trust me on this – Attempt to be a JA when you get pulled over – and the worst will come of it. These guys love to “take it to the next level” and I have experienced it firsthand, in higher testosterone days….
You are full of BS on a website – I am sure you will have your tail between your legs when the CO has your dead to rights and you are blowing a .09 in MN – the only reason he pulled you over is because you were pulling a boat.
You are probably one of those guys with a Monster sticker on his truck window and a set of tennis balls in two balloon hanging from the trailer hitch.
There is room for all of us on the road – just have to give some guys a little more rope.
I would like to see a couple of wash down stations located at the landings were a person could at least rinse down their boat and trailer before leaving. The spread of invasvies is probably inevitable but why help it along.
Finhunter, we have decontamination stations already in every state.
They are called car washes.
The money generated from the fines won’t cover the cost of the labor to enforce it. I don’t see any budget increase being made. Other needed DNR programs will lose because of it.
If you’re pulling an enclosed trailer, is it ok for the police to pull you over, just to see if there is anything illegal inside?
Just saying…
Grouse_dog Judgemental much? You make me laugh my arse off. Based on your location it’s not hard to figure out whose side your on. Just how much control are you willing to hand over to the government? My guess, all of it! Because how could the government ever be wrong. You probably think FREEDOM is overrated. This is how it starts. Then one day you have to call a gov’t hotline to see if it’s ok to take a shower and your wondering “How did that happen?”.
Uptown selfrighteousness!!!!!!
In May, Gov. Mark Dayton signed legislation aimed at strengthening MN aquatic invasive species prevention efforts. The law came after a year long effort by the DNR to gather input and support from stakeholder, including lake associations, cabin owners, angler and conservation groups, and local units of government.
In addition to doubling the DNR’s aquatic invasive species budget, the law bolstered the the DNR’s ability to conduct water craft inspections and decontamination: implement enforcement check stations; accelerate the hiring of new inspectors; require lake service providers-to acquire training and permit; and enforce stronger rules prohibiting the transportation of invasive species.
January 5, 2012 DNR NEWS
Media contact: Chris Niskanen, communication director
In May, Gov. Mark Dayton signed legislation aimed at strengthening MN aquatic invasive species prevention efforts. The law came after a year long effort by the DNR to gather input and support from stakeholder, including lake associations, cabin owners, angler and conservation groups, and local units of government.
In addition to doubling the DNR’s aquatic invasive species budget, the law bolstered the the DNR’s ability to conduct water craft inspections and decontamination: implement enforcement check stations; accelerate the hiring of new inspectors; require lake service providers-to acquire training and permit; and enforce stronger rules prohibiting the transportation of invasive species.
January 5, 2012 DNR NEWS
Media contact: Chris Niskanen, communication director
Until someone with a few bucks gets hassled and gets the process started legally to challenge this with the 4th ammendment. Sorry, but governor dayton cannot overstep the US Constitution.
Really ???? taking an extra minute to pull some weeds from your trailer doesn’t take that much time does it ?
nothing to get all worked up about is there ?
They are only trying to protect the lakes you fish in for you.
Don’t violate and there won’t be a problem seems pretty easy and painless to me
As long as you keep voting idiots into office this will be the outcome
So I pull all the weeds off my boat then bleach it and dry it for 5 days and then when I swing by Lake Minnetonka to pick up a buddy for a trip to Brainerd or Alexandria or Leech I am then subject to an inspection. Complete nonsense.
NO one here is in favor of spreading AIS.
The fact is some people are willing to trample all over your rights to get it done and that is where I draw the line.
Pretty simple stuff really.
Well I suppose the reason for extra enforcement is BEACAUSE not enough people are following the laws already in place. It’s the 1 person screws up everybody suffers syndrome. Nothing worth getting all worked up on-line about, take it to your legislature
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