I need help and also prayers.

  • adam-bartusek
    New Prague, MN
    Posts: 578

    On New years eve i received some shocking news. It was one of my best friends birthdays, we have been fishing buddies our whole high school lives so far.

    This year my buddy’s dad committed suicide. There was no note, nothing leading up to it at all. We are all still in shock and I feel so badly for their whole family.

    My buddy is huge into fishing. Every summer all I heard him talk about was him, his brother, and his dad’s trip they would take annually up to Lake of the Woods. He talks about it all the time. He absolutely loves it up there and now the yearly trip is gone.

    Me and another friend would like to start a new yearly trip with him. Being 18 money is kind of a big deal right now with college coming up. But we really want to pay for this trip the first year. Does anyone know of a cheap guide/resort that is good up around Lake of the Woods or Rainy? All ideas will be apreciated.

    This family needs all the prayers they can get as well. Please help our community out down in New Prague. This family was always so happy and willing to help everyone else. It’s a tragity this unfortunate event would happen to them.

    Thanks and have a great New Year everybody!

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 691

    First – sincere condolensces to you and your friends family. Suicide is one of those deaths for which mere words cannot describe.

    Second – right now LOW’s is one of the hottest destinations so unfortunately there are few low budget deals available. The old saying ‘make hay when the sun shines’ comes to mind. They’ve had some lean years up there so time to pay some bills and refill the bank accts. If you are looking at ice fishing Wigwam offers a comfy room for $35 per person. The ice bite is so hot all you need to do is set up outside of the pack. But that’s about the best I know of… Hopefully someone lucky enough to get up there more often or someone that lives there can chime in….

    May the Good Lord look over this family and bring them peace…

    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099

    i believe chris (rainydaze) guide service is offering some sort of deal where if you book a trip this winter or next open water season with him on rainly lake, you can bring a friend for free, look him up and email him see what hes offering. i highly recomend him! good luck!

    Polk County, WI
    Posts: 79

    First off, my condolences and prayers to you and your friend and his family. Suicide is something I have never understood even after losing three friends to suicide. Just be there for your buddy, he may get angry at his dad for the suicide, he may get depressed because of his death, just remind him of the good memories that he and his dad had together (I.e. fishing trips to LOW)… I think it is great what you are doing for your friend..

    Don’t know about availability right now, but this is courtesy of Ballard’s Resort
    3314 Bur Oak Rd NW – Baudette, MN 56623
    218-634-1849 or 800-776-2675

    Over-night Sleeper Fish House Packages All Rates Per Person 2 Nights 2 Days 3 Nights 3 Days
    weekend $255.00 $375.00
    mid-week $215.00 $315.00

    10 x 20 Sleeper Packages Include: Spacious fishing accommodations, 2 holes per person, gas furnace, lighting, bunks with mattresses, cook stove, utensils, restroom, bait, tackle, fish cleaning table, & taxes.

    Transportation to and from the sleeper house is provided. Arrivals will be taken out between 10 am & 2 pm. Departing groups will be picked up between 10 am & 2 pm.

    It seems like no matter where you go, mid-week is going to be your best bet due to people having to work.. Hopefully you can find something within your price range…

    New Prague, MN
    Posts: 578

    Sorry I didn’t specify we are looking for beginning of June. My bad!

    Lake of the Woods, MN
    Posts: 504

    To this point in my life there has been nothing greater a loss than losing my father, but yet at the same time nothing has made me stronger…the irony is puzzling.

    This is what I’ll do for you…if you would like to choose so, Wigwam Resort will put you two up for two nights and I’ll take you fishing for a day free of charge. No promises as to the fish count, but I promise to do my best to give you a fun time to remember for many years. Give me a call on Thursday at the resort sometime after 3 PM and we’ll work out the details, if you would like.

    Jody and I will say a prayer tonight…God Bless.

    Jean-Paul Tessier aka Wigwam Fisherman
    Wigwam Resort
    (800) 448-9260

    dan stien
    Waunakee, Wisconsin
    Posts: 400

    I can’t help with any ifo for Minnesota but I do send my condolscences to you and your friends family. I know the pain of suicide all to well. Like others have said just be there for your friend. It is awesome what you are trying to do for your friend and maybe it will lead to a new tradition for all of you.

    wigwam all I can say .

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    I was going to suggest camping — I did a lot of it when I was your age. You can get on some pretty sweet water for very little money if you are willing to sleep in a tent. Also, a loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter can go a long way when it comes to food! Man, those were the days.

    Anyway, from what I can tell you’d be crazy to not call Wigwam. What an offer!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    my condolences and prayers to you and your friend and his family.

    good luck on finding your fishing destination. I see lots of notes above that look pretty darn good…

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Sorry to hear of the loss of your friends father. Very tough loss for everyone, and one you or he may not understand.
    Do call Jean Paul, that would be a great trip for you.
    Prayer sent.

    Posts: 247


    I think it is a very noble thing you are trying to do for your freind. Experiencing a loss as tragic as suicide is extremely heartbreaking, especially when it is your father. My heart goes out to him and his family. 10 years ago, my father tragically ended his life by suicide. I understand the heartache your buddy is going through. My advice to you is to be there for your bud whenever you can. Your willingness to support him and rally behind him whenever he needs it, will be much appreciated. Take it slow and try not to rush into too many things right now. While a fishing trip may sound like a great idea, and it is, it may be too soon. Your freind is going to be going through alot of emotions now, and in the future especially when it comes to something so memorable as a trip with his dad. Let him decide what he wants to do. Give him all the time and space he needs.

    It’s wonderful to see the folks on this website willing to go the extra mile to help out and encourage others. It’s also wonderful that you are a great freind. Hang in there.

    If I can be of any help, send me a p.m.

    Posts: 4941

    That is a Very kind thing to do Jean-Paul, my hat is off to you.

    Posts: 198

    After you have contacted Wigwam and made arrangements with them for an outing. Contact me with a pm and I will send a donation to you to help with travel expenses and whatever. Spend time with your friend and let him know you care meanwhile. It’s a confusing, frightening, angry time.

    New Prague, MN
    Posts: 578


    I can’t even express how greatful I am. We will definatley be in touch.


    Also thank you so much, Again I can’t express how greatful I am.

    This shows how great the IDO environment is.

    Thank you all for the prayers.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    That is a Very kind thing to do Jean-Paul, my hat is off to you.

    x1000 to Jean-Paul and my prayers for you, your friend and his family!!!


    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843



    I think it is a very noble thing you are trying to do for your freind. Experiencing a loss as tragic as suicide is extremely heartbreaking, especially when it is your father. My heart goes out to him and his family. 10 years ago, my father tragically ended his life by suicide. I understand the heartache your buddy is going through. My advice to you is to be there for your bud whenever you can. Your willingness to support him and rally behind him whenever he needs it, will be much appreciated. Take it slow and try not to rush into too many things right now. While a fishing trip may sound like a great idea, and it is, it may be too soon. Your freind is going to be going through alot of emotions now, and in the future especially when it comes to something so memorable as a trip with his dad. Let him decide what he wants to do. Give him all the time and space he needs.
    It’s wonderful to see the folks on this website willing to go the extra mile to help out and encourage others. It’s also wonderful that you are a great freind. Hang in there.
    If I can be of any help, send me a p.m.

    Those were my thoughts also. I have a seasonal on the Ash River Trail connecting to Namakin & Kabatogama. I’m not much of a Walleye guy but you two are welcome when the time is right. I’ll provide the roof and a place to hang out. I can’t let you guys have my boat for liability reasons but I will take you out while you are up there. If you have your own boat thats cool to. All you will need to do is get there.

    My offer is good from May 15th until around Sept. 15th. Send me a PM if interested and I’ll get you my phone number. (BTW, i’m only 30 minutes from Rainy if that interests you. )

    As others have said, just be there for your buddy. Don’t force things. He will talk about it when he is ready. Might be next week, might be in 3 years. Just hang tight and be there for him.

    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    I am sorry about you and your friends loss

    I have a perfect trip for you guys –

    Send me a PM


    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1844


    This is what I’ll do for you…if you would like to choose so, Wigwam Resort will put you two up for two nights and I’ll take you fishing for a day free of charge. No promises as to the fish count, but I promise to do my best to give you a fun time to remember for many years. Give me a call on Thursday at the resort sometime after 3 PM and we’ll work out the details, if you would like.

    VERY generous Jean-Paul.

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    I’m so sorry to hear of your friend’s tragic loss… While I’m lucky enough to not have firsthand experience dealing with such a situation, as others have said I’m sure that you being there for your friend will mean the world to him. Yes, there will be bumps along the road for both him and you, but hang in there the world needs more friends like you

    And hat’s off to Wigwam… What an awesome showing of how we sportsmen like to look after our own While, I can’t help you with LOW if you’d ever like to come up and spend a day chasing ‘eyes on Mille Lacs you’d be more than welcome in my boat.


    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    Prayers said. Nothing hurts more than the loss of a close one.

    Neenah, WI
    Posts: 31

    May godbless your friend & family thru this hard time.

    “The bigger you give, the bigger you get”


    New Prague, MN
    Posts: 578

    I just want to say thank you to all of you. Today when I spoke to my buddy when I brought up the idea of this to him he immediately smiled and was excited. You guys all have brought him so much happiness when I told him of all the support. I can not that you all enough.

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