Sleep number bed?

  • brian_peterson
    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080

    We are in need of a new mattress and was wondering if anybody has this and what your thoughts are? Is the hype true?

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    I’ll sell you mine. I sleep better on the floor.

    Posts: 652

    We have one and really like it. I don’t think it is hype. We bought two, first a cheaper model. We did not appreciate it and went back to the store and swapped it for their top model. Huge difference. My wife likes a soft bed and I firm. Works for us.

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    Not a fan of them. Seem too much like an air bed to me. Im pretty sure all radisson have them if you have one near by you could probably try it out for a night.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    My oldest daughter has one and loves it. No problems or leaks. For me, I still want my waterbed back

    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    I have one and I would buy another one in a heart beat. I have a older model which I think is almost 15 years old and stay working. If you try one I think you get 90 days to try it out. I think it is one of those things you just got to try one to see if you are going to like it or not. The only thing is I got a king size and I wish I would of got a queen size. Good luck!!!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Get a Tempur-Pedic Tried the Sleep #, went with the Tempur

    dan stien
    Waunakee, Wisconsin
    Posts: 400

    I tried to sleep on one at a hotel and the key word is tried, never could get it comfortable. I went with a combo mattress that has about 4″ of memory foam like tempur-pedic and high qaulity mattress that uses the smaller springs. I have abad back and this mattress has made a world of difference in the quality of sleep I get. I would say go out to the store and lay down on a bunch of them, that should give you an idea of what you like. Good luck

    Posts: 51

    Tried sleep # n temper pedic. Went with temper pedic n love it

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1844

    How one sleeps comfortably is certainly unique to each of us. when we decided to take out a mortgage to get a good mattress we tried them all including the Tempurpedic (sp?) and many others.

    We decided on the sleep number and have had it for about 15 years and would never think of another type of mattress (unless we find something better ). Being able to change the “firmness” for each is one thing…another is that I in particular go thru times when I adjust it just to get comfortable for THAT night.

    The other plus for us… The bed is actually two chambers. That means that I can toss and turn all night and my wife NEVER feels any “bounce” and doesn’t wake up.

    To each their own…only you can decide which is best for you.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403


    Get a Tempur-Pedic Tried the Sleep #, went with the Tempur

    Did you have a break in period with your Tempur-Pedic?

    We just bought an Enso Sky, a 12″ memory foam mattress that was plush on the show room floor but now that we got the new bed home it’s like sleeping on a brick. Called the store and asked why and they said there is a break-in period ???

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Jesse, not so much a break-in for the mattress, but a break-in for you. Compared to conventional beds, they do seem stiff, it is called support It does take time to get used to, but once your body becomes accustomed to being supported when sleeping, you’ll love it. So technically, no, the mattress doesn’t have a break-in period, you do

    (don’t know why the floor model was softer ? maybe just because you were on it a minute compared to all night)

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046

    i’ve slept on a sleep number, and to me, all it was, was two glorified air mattresses.

    the thing i really hated, is i had my side firm, and she had her side soft. well, for my side to be firmer, more air in the chamber, which means it is a little higher than her side, so if i ended up towards the middle of the bed, i would roll right on over to her side, just like down a hill…

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    I would say the hype is true. Best bed I have ever owned. We’ve had ours 9 years. I cant say enough good things about it. I sleep so solid and lower back pain is a rarity.

    On our 3rd cheap mattress at the cabin and I toss and turn all night on that piece of junk. I look forward to getting home so my lower back can “heal” on my sleep number bed.

    Lakeville MN
    Posts: 157

    I have for 35+ years slept on a water bed. I love it and will never go back to a regular bed. If I want to sleep on a sleep number bed I just go camping and sleep on an air mattress. I like the battery powered blower that blows up the aid bed! SO, you could try an air mattress ( most likely on sale after Christmas ) and see how you like it. Just my .02

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    A sleep number system is not just an air mattress.

    Lakeville MN
    Posts: 157


    A sleep number system is not just an air mattress.

    OK so how is it different?

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    I love my sleep number. I used to toss and turn all night and have issues with my back. I now sleep through the night and most of my back pain is gone. I have a combo sleep number/memory foam bed. If you do a little research you can find lots of comparisons between the sleep number and Tempur-Pedic. The folks here saying the sleep number is the same as an air mattress…well you must have some really fancy air mattress. I got to sleep on a nice air mattress over Christmas…yeah they are not the same thing.

    Anyway, I could have gone with either of the beds but went with the sleep number because it was on sale for about $1,000 less than the comparable Tempur-Pedic. Both the Sleep Number and Tempur-Pedic are better than a standard bed. Good luck.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001



    A sleep number system is not just an air mattress.

    OK so how is it different?

    The mattres is purpose built, contained in a frame and bundeled in a mattress pad. All these things enhance performance so its not like tent camping.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    Sleep number bed here to. We looked at the tempor-pedic and it was also a nice bed. At least the higher end ones. Ended up going with sleep number because I liked the ability to adjust the bed. Was concerned about the tempur feeling nice in the store but a few months of use at home it not being the right one. I can adjust my sleep number to many different bed. The sleep number bed was also cheaper. Dont remember which one we got but it was mid range in quality.

    I do agree with some of the comments made above. When the 2 sides are not adjusted the same one side is much higher than the other. Not sure how you would fix that. maybe this is why husbands and wives used to sleep in separate beds. I used to sleep on the sofa a lot before getting my new bed.

    Cant remember the name of the web site but there was a pretty good site when I was looking around that had mattress reviews. Pros and cons on each and even reviews for extracurricular activities if you are into such things.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    Check out this site for mattress reviews.

    Sleep like the

    If you go with a sleep number mention one of use from the site that has one and you will get a $50 gift card. Wouldnt be surprised if the memory foam companies have the same deal

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    We use a testing facility in the cities that tests the beds for them and many other manufacturers. Their findings are that there are other bed manufacturers out there that make a higher quality product for less money. They are designed the same and do the same things the sleep number does, so it pays to look around. Ultimately you need to get what you sleep the best on.

    We don’t have beds tested but when I went through the facility and saw them with the big rollers running on them I had to ask.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Can you point us in the direction of the results from these tests?

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    stopped in Slumberland two weeks ago and it is information overload. I know they may not be the lowest priced, but it would be nice to be prepared before negotiations begin. Sam’s and Menards carry beds, feels weird laying on a mattress while the sales person next to you is trying to sell a power tool.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    I was curious about that as well so I called them today (had some other things to discuss as well) to see what they did with the results. Turns out the results are the customers property and they can’t share it. He said they do testing for hotel chains as well as oem’s. the hotel chains will sometimes base their purchases on the results since they want a bed that will last the longest. Since I couldn’t get much for answers that way I asked what everyone in that department had for beds (since my contact works in a different area), and hesaid he would ask. If I find out anything intersting (like everyone has the same brand of bed) I’ll post it.

    It still comes down et what fits you the best, it won’t do you any good to get a bed that will last 20yrs. if it isn’t comfortable.

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