Mille Lacs Ice Problems-

  • Grouse_Dog
    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    Could be attributed to the issues with the Tribal Netting that goes on in the Spring ?

    Although these currents have always been in the news – they are now much more powerful.

    Awareness is creating currents that were not previously there.

    BK – can we get the Corp to do a study and maybe place a dam up there – would also limit the migration of Asian Carp into the Big Pond….

    I am just saying – we can’t be too careful.


    Posts: 26

    I seen on the news where some ice fishers were floating away on ice that broke away from shore on Mille Lacs.
    On another note daming up rivers and streams is not going to keep Asian carp out. Did you ever hear that saying if there is water that can support fish, fish will just appear? Well the truth to it it does happen. Water fowl get fish eggs caught on them and carry them to other waters and they hatch. If something is not developed that will mass kill the Asian carp they will invade all waters eventually.

    Posts: 3010

    I believe the Zebra mussels are rubbing against the bottom of the ice and sawing off those big chunks that then become free floating icebergs.

    This problem could easily be solved with a gate at each access along with an inspection/decontamination station for your fishtap.

    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    Excellent Idea –

    I think they need a ATV, Sled and Portable Wash – along side a boot wash for anyone coming off the contaminated Pond.

    Also, you should have to fill out a form, mail it to the DNR and wait for someone to input your information into a system, then send you a special card that would allow you access to the Pond. This way we could create some jobs and slow the infestation of the spiney ice flea.

    This information could be shared for special creel studies during the Netting season by tribal leaders and their CO’s.

    This should also cut down the migration of Asian Carp and the Ash Boar and the Asian Beatle, too.

    Oh – and you should only be able to travel on the ice using 4 stoke motors for clean air – and NO SMOKING.

    Lastly, a poop bag for every person that spends more than 4 hours on the Pond. No floaters in the Spring.

    Barbless hooks only!!!!!

    One can’t be too careful.


    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1846

    Tribal netting? You can’t be serious. I think they are the direct result of our current president. That’s may story and I’m stickin’ to it.

    white bear lake
    Posts: 134

    Times a million


    Tribal netting? You can’t be serious. I think they are the direct result of our current president. That’s may story and I’m stickin’ to it.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    Read in the Aitkin news paper today about upwards of 100 people being rescued off floating ice on mille lacs in December. Well Dec. 1951 that is. Yep this is new.

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