Excellent Idea –
I think they need a ATV, Sled and Portable Wash – along side a boot wash for anyone coming off the contaminated Pond.
Also, you should have to fill out a form, mail it to the DNR and wait for someone to input your information into a system, then send you a special card that would allow you access to the Pond. This way we could create some jobs and slow the infestation of the spiney ice flea.
This information could be shared for special creel studies during the Netting season by tribal leaders and their CO’s.
This should also cut down the migration of Asian Carp and the Ash Boar and the Asian Beatle, too.
Oh – and you should only be able to travel on the ice using 4 stoke motors for clean air – and NO SMOKING.
Lastly, a poop bag for every person that spends more than 4 hours on the Pond. No floaters in the Spring.
Barbless hooks only!!!!!
One can’t be too careful.