What is Your Strangest Catch ?

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I caught a walleye once. Them things are strange.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 341

    I caught this house plant on the Alma Float last summer….then my son Ryan caught this soft shell turtle.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4548

    I caught/snagged 2 soft shell turtles within a week of each other, havent ever gotten another. My friend once caught a metal minnow bucket with a chain and a piece of boat attached to it. Condoms, shoes, shirts are all commonplace on Pool 2.

    My strangest catch was a life jacket. How was a life jacket on the bottom of the river?????

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Seagull(they fall pretty fast when you jerk in mid flight!)

    Loon(had a nice bite, feeding line, loon pops up about 30 feet from my boat and i notice that she has my phelps floater and shiner minnow in her mouth,, popped it quickly and it flew out of her mouth, I couldnt reel that in fast enough)

    (2) single walleye tooth (In the same day!)

    Best friends cheek when I was 8. Casting off the dock and SNAP! I was like, wtf? Turn around to see my hook, worm, and bobber dangling from his face. Wasn’t the best day ever.

    Guy I know caught a deer antler in the middle of the lake. After years of thinking how it got there,, Either a deer shed as he ran across the lake, or more likely an ice house decor piece that got left behind.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22911

    Oh yeah, reminded me of this one… about 5 years ago, I caught a Caribou antler up in Northern Manitoba !!! That was pretty cool

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    A friend and I were trolling on the river. His cockr spaniel was sniffing around and got a shad rap in his mouth. The dog freaked and jumped out of the moving boat leaving me just enough time to grab the rod and set the drag just right. The best fight on medium tackle I ever had

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13915


    A condom on pool 2. Sadly that happens more than you would think. Doggone nature freaks practising safe sex…


    You obviously never fished the Milwaukee Harbor.

    Guy next to me hooked a girl that had drowned in Lake MI while fishing the pier. There isn’t much that affects me, but after all was done with the responders and cops, I was done fishing for awhile. Just tore me apart to have witnessed/help recover that body.

    Posts: 1899


    Crabs, at Lake Nokomis no less…..

    I think this is about what you’ve caught with a rod and reel, not what you’ve caught in the back seat in the parking lot after dark.

    I’ve caught many trees, both in the water and on land. Those things are sneaky. When they’re hungry, they can’t resist any lure.

    I also caught my own back seat. When I was a young pup about 5 or 6 years old, I snuck into grandpa’s tackle box and snatched the biggest Bass-Oreno I could find and headed off to the end of the dock. I figured that I was going to catch the biggest fish in the lake with that thing and dad and grandpa would be proud as peacocks.

    I ended up with a hook in the and a little less pride that day.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916


    Guy next to me hooked a girl that had drowned in Lake MI while fishing the pier. There isn’t much that affects me, but after all was done with the responders and cops, I was done fishing for awhile. Just tore me apart to have witnessed/help recover that body.

    Every fishermans biggest fear. wow

    Posts: 1291

    Best strangest catch?An 18lb minty Richter anchor.All the anchors I lost at the Oak Creek power plant,I have made-up for on the Miss.River

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    couple of years ago on the Rainy River, caught and landed a 15# Digger anchor while Sturgeon fishing.

    in the late 1970’s trolling Lake Michigan near Waukegon. Watch friend land his coho, my flat line rapala floated to the surface, seagull picked it up, and the line tightened, and I set the hook hard, only to find my line going straight up to this tumbling in the air bird, CPR’d.

    Lac Suel, jigging Walleyes, caught an old rod and reel, jig hook was IN the rod tiptop guide.

    One night on Pool 3 actually watched BK catch a Flathead.

    Burnsville MN
    Posts: 208

    When Salmon fishing on Lake Michigan (out of Milwaukee)about 5 years ago, we were trolling in the harbor, We trolled under the bridge, when one of the rods got slammed. It was one of the buddies turns, so he grabbed the rod, and the fight was on.

    After about 30 minutes, and not gaining any ground on this monster, the capitan of the boat decided to put it in reverse. Once we got on top of it, she started to come up from the depths….. Everyone was excited, waiting to see this beast, Then Finally there she was…… A Full Gunny Sack. . The capitan asked if anyone wanted to see what was in it, he got a unanimous NO, and the line was cut.

    Kinda wish we had looked, who knows, maybe it was Hoffa!!!

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    While fishing as a co-angler on the RCL Championship(Now the FLW) I was with a pro trolling a river. Towwards the end of the day I had a fowled hook. I start winding it in and get it near the boat and I see what it is….. I said “Huh, a cover to a baseball”. The pro starts laughing and said “You wanna look at that again”? I take a 2nd look…..A panty liner! A white cotton panty liner!

    Wisconsin, Outagamie
    Posts: 515

    My brother in the head. Casting a Daredeval when I was about 16. Hooked him good too.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    A panty liner! A white cotton panty liner!

    I guess we know why it was tossed in the water.

    Thank you Lord for giving me a Y chromosome.

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    I was trolling lead in lake Pepin one day had a snag that was moving…finally got it to pop off with a little weight still left I dragged in a T-shirt!

    Covington Indiana
    Posts: 269

    An Eagle down by the can line while trolling .

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    I caught a eel on the Minnesota river last summer.

    Not a very common catch at all.

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389


    couple of years ago on the Rainy River, caught and landed a 15# Digger anchor while Sturgeon fishing.

    in the late 1970’s trolling Lake Michigan near Waukegon. Watch friend land his coho, my flat line rapala floated to the surface, seagull picked it up, and the line tightened, and I set the hook hard, only to find my line going straight up to this tumbling in the air bird, CPR’d.

    Lac Suel, jigging Walleyes, caught an old rod and reel, jig hook was IN the rod tiptop guide.

    One night on Pool 3 actually watched BK catch a Flathead.

    I lost one just out of the river 2 years ago. Good someone gets to use it now.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    the Digger I caught was still in the river section about 1/2 mile from 4 mile bay.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1444

    On the Rock a few years back, pulled up a 12 inch white bass while vertical jigging with plastic….funny thing was, though, it was the intact skeleton of the fish with only a little bit of flesh left, and it was hooked by the mouth.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Thats the best bite I’ve ever heard of Z-MAN

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Ever since I bought my boat I wanted another plastic coated 16 pound anchor like the one that came with the boat.

    I would alway look at anchors in stores and on line. Never could find one.

    Fishing near L&D #3 a client of mine offered to pull up my anchor. He was struggling but it was coming up.

    Yup, there it was. He hook the exact same type of anchor I had wanted but couldn’t find.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Man Brian the chances of that happening are in the trillions, good catch.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    yes, Brian, i want that kinda luck in my boat…

    dan stien
    Waunakee, Wisconsin
    Posts: 400


    yes, Brian, i want that kinda luck in my boat…


    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213


    yes, Brian, i want that kinda luck in my boat…

    With Brian we call it “dumb” luck I believe.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010



    yes, Brian, i want that kinda luck in my boat…

    With Brian we call it “dumb” luck I believe.

    Jez, I’m not done with my first pot of coffee guys. Take it easy.

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