Well here are some further FACTS beyond the “I haven’t seen one” armchair management.
Most of my information presented has in fact come directly from the beloved International Wolf Center for those who wish to question;
Still to start in 2010 Minnesota’s Deer hunters estimated harvest was around 200,000 deer. Of the 200,000 deer an estimated 60,000 were harvested from Zone 100 mostly inclusive in the wolf range. I fear this number is going decline here in Zone 100 this season.
Here are a few generally accepted facts with the Minnesota Gray wolf; Our state estimates we currently have roughly 3400 animals. The average wolf lives 15-16 years an older. Each wolf MUST consume on average 2.5lbs of meat per day to survive. A wolf must consume on average 7lbs of meat to reproduce. A wolf is able to consume up to 22.5lbs of meat in 1 day.
A wolf litter averages 4-6 pups.
Now per this information generated directly by the coveted International Wolf Center; A wolf will consume 15-19 adult sized deer per year on AVERAGE. With an estimated 3400 wolves this translates to WOLVES killing 51,000 to 68,000 deer per year.
So again………NO PROBLEM RIGHT?? Out of sight out of mind. We harvest 5 deer a piece here in farmland right?? OK……I get it. Still hang with me.
There is some questioning when it comes to the 3400 number that our state concedes we currently harbor. Many of us believe due to sighting that there are far more. IF this number is let’s say 5000 wolves than we could be decimating (on the high end concerning the estimated 15-19 deer consumed) 95000 deer per year. Again no big deal right?? We’re all just wolf haters with no factual backing of our rants right??
OK…..Let’s work off state numbers saying we have 3400 wolves. Let’s be real in that further pinpointing of the habitat that the vast population of these wolves inhabit obviously is needed to showcase REAL RESULTS. I contest even with agreement on the 3400 wolves that number is further compressed in a much tighter zone than the vastness of Zone 100.
From here by the admissions of facts NOT opinion I ask if you believe management is allowing a predator consuming more than the deer hunters to decimate the herd and then perish due to starvation. Some of you are completely correct in that this will fix itself. If that is your theory than you also must believe we have NO BUSINESS managing other big game. WE as MANAGERS will negatively effect natural balance controlling only one portion of the equation.
Now beyond this let’s say we continue to sit on our hands. Wolf populations increase and the wolf range deer herd decreases. WHEN the deer will not sustain the wolves what happens do you suppose?? This of course does not consider Minnesota Zone 100 hunters don’t simply throw in the towel sooner. Do you believe wolves might make a magical transformation to vegetarians?? OR Will wolves looking to simply sustain themselves eat everything anything they can get chompers on. Anyone care about the Moose? Or is the animal crush simply for wolves??….Frankly Moose are seldom even talked about and officials love to hang a hat on “BRAIN WORM”. I’d love to see the results of the “BRAIN WORM” tests on moose kill sites I’ve run across. BTW these sites are NOT studied. What a joke.
Ok……Come to your own conclusion. Wolves are not smarter that dogs, but much better hunters. My dog will eat 500 treats if I keep feeding them to her. She will puke and come back for MORE TREATS!! She is programmed to eat treats. Do you suppose wolves say…….NOPE thats enough for me as I’m kind of watching my girlish figure? What world do people come from??
Again WHEN the wolves are done with the deer herd they WILL turn elsewhere. They aren’t cruel, but mismanagement will portray the wolf this way. JUST WATCH…….Heck that’s what we do best anyway.