isnt it illegal to shoot wolves?

  • salmo_trutta
    River Falls,WI
    Posts: 661

    I know a guy who was hunting in MN this weekend whos been braggin about shooting wolves while deer hunting. Arent they endangered, so they cant be killed? He also claims to have the shootings okayed by MN DNR officers. Do DNR officers really allow endangered animals to be killed outright? Can anyone answer theres questions for me, thanks.

    Aledo, IL
    Posts: 51

    Ask your DNR officers.

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    It’s not illegal to shoot them per say… but it’s definitly not legal to shoot them and brag about it

    Posts: 5660

    No wolves cannot be legally shot in Minnesota. I highly doubt Minnesota DNR officers gave this permission, but who knows without the specifics. I believe the fines start at around $10,000.00. Lord knows the warm and fuzzy dogs that currently manage the deer herd in Northern Minnesota are quite sacred to Washington’s disoconnected pencil pushers. Wolves continue to be placed upon a pedestal while ALL other animals in our state are under state management. Whether you agree with this or disagree; Taking the law into your own hands is probably not wise. Bragging about it will quickly seperate you from the herd.

    River Falls,WI
    Posts: 661


    No wolves cannot be legally shot in Minnesota.

    thats exactly what I thought.

    Prescott, Wi
    Posts: 372

    SAVE A DOE SHOOT A WOLF they are getting to be a big problem in Wi. Yes Its illegal but if they present a risk to your well being SHOOT THEM

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902

    Yeah thats a no no For no reason other then maybe self defense can one shoot a wolf lol. If this guy truly did shoot a wolf and is bragging about it he isn’t the brightest bulb.

    Chequamegon Bay Apostle Islands, WI
    Posts: 222


    Yeah thats a no no For no reason other then maybe self defense can one shoot a wolf lol. If this guy truly did shoot a wolf and is bragging about it he isn’t the brightest bulb.

    Right on just what I was thinking. However imo they need to be managed shoot no tell shoot no tell. They are way out of hand here in northern most WI. I have seen more wolves than deer in the woods all year long. Even had wolves in at our bear baiting stations they were real fun to check at 3 in the morn. Flash light and sw 460.

    Posts: 1960

    My first impression is that the guy shows good old fashioned barroom bravado and not much smarts. For the most part – people are not going into the woods and seeing lots of wolves – let alone being able to shoot them all. The average hunter does not see a wolf each season.

    Lots of people put the SSS policy into effect each season – but only the dumb ones brag about it. There is a reason the population estimates remain relatively stable…..somthing is skimming the cream off the top…..

    Anybody that lives in the northern part of the state or knows people that do hears the tales – both barroom blah-blah and actual trustworthy tales of the one that didn’t get away….. And if they aren’t hearing the tales – they either aren’t listening or they have the reputation of being a snitch, so people are careful around them. Just sayin.


    Posts: 5660

    It is no secret I harbor some discontent with Minnesota’s inability to manage an escalating wolf population. I have also heard some similiar feelings from those living in Northern Wisconsin. I’ve voiced concerns to our big game specialist in our state. He assured me this is truly out of his control. They have no management plan as they don’t have the green light to put a red light to the speeding overpopulation of wolves. He also made ZERO admissions that we have a problem. In fact questioned my philosophy stating I was the number one predator (Deer Hunters) in the zone I hunt. I of course challenged his theory……..Imagine that. Deer in areas we’ve hunted are being decimated by wolves. They simply are. ANYONE…..ANYONE that disagrees is invited to a March Snowshoe expedition in which we’ll showcase the carnage. I promise you I have a better grip on this reality in our backyard than those fighting over it in court from thousands of miles away. Wolf kills are commonplace, and wolf tracks are everywhere. This by no means is limited to deer as I assure you the moose are ready to tap out as well. I predict Minnesota will likely fall in line with states such as Montana. States will regain control of the Gray Wolf after decimation has severely crippled local big game populations. This sadly reflects the reactive style of governing we have in place today. Proactive management needs to go through the corrupt nature of Animal rights organizations and thus is not effective. They would rather see big game eaten alive……..Oh OOPS (I meant would rather guys in Northern Minnesota keep petting those fuzzy dogs,and feeding them family pets.)

    TRUTH; I enjoy seeing wolves out my front window, and during Ice fishing trips. I think the gray wolf has a certain sense of “TRUE NORTH”. Still I believe no managment is the same as mismanagement at this point in the game.

    STILL taking the law into your own hands is again not wise.

    Posts: 5660

    Here is a grown up “Story Problem” for hunters. While I’ve questioned the true number of wolves that roam the range I became quickly involved in the process big game specialists undertake while placing estimates on Minnesota’s deer herd. First of all one my wonder if we have zero control or management of wolves why are we paying to count them?? Still they probably can effectively do that from Washington as well. Anyway….the formula off the top of my head takes Registered while factoring in both a winter severity index and crippled deer percentage within each zone. Then somehow this formula uses this information and estimates our deer herd. I have no other solution for a more precise number, so feel it is not fair to point out obvious loopholes in this system of calculation.

    Still this did lead me into a converstation on how at times we’ve come to literally know the precise size of our wolf population here in Minnesota darn near to the individual wolf?? That seems……….Well you know…..I’ll admit I was never good at those story problems anyway. Surely we must have a different formula being used to estimate wolf populations.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    To be perfectly clear, the Minnesota DNR (or any other state agency for that matter) cannot authorize the hunting or sanction any other killing of wolves.

    Wolves are protected under FEDERAL, repeat FEDERAL law. The DNR has no say in it, a state agency cannot contradict or overule Federal law.

    While wolf problems such as the killing of livestock or domestic pets can be reported to the DNR, they cannot on thier own authorize any killing of wolves. In the process of working with US Fish and Wildlife Service (or other agencies) the DNR may gain permission to take certain measures, but the authorization and decision is not being made by the DNR.

    Anyone who is killing wolves and bragging about it is a complete tool and deserves what he gets.


    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    Turn him in! Yes, it’s illegal.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    These guys were so dumb about bragging they were shooting wolves I wonder if they were dumb enough to mistake those two guide dogs, that were supposedly shot by hunters up north, thinking they were wolves and shot them..

    These guys who claim to be hunters killing and harassing wolves in the past few years sure are not doing the rest of us hunters any favors, that’s for sure.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 1372

    Seems like there is a lot of confusion (and passion) around the wolf topic. I am not an expert either but I believe the grey wolf was delisted in MN this year and is now managed by the state. I believe it is still illegal to shoot a wolf unless it poses a direct threat to your life or property.

    Its definitely an interesting topic. Sportsman usually hate wolves because they are apex predators which compete with us for the same prey. I guess I’m torn. But I’ll keep my opinion to myself.

    dan stien
    Waunakee, Wisconsin
    Posts: 400

    I understand the controversy over wolves and will not preach my opinion on here about them, no use anyhow that the fedral gov’t has control over them. What my concern is if this person is so willing to take matters into his own hands and break the federal endangered species laws by killing a wolf or wolves what other laws might he be breaking by thinking he is above the law and doesn’t have to follow the same laws we all have to follow. Is he poaching wildlife, without licenses, permits, out of season disregarding bag limits. Or is he killing animals and just letting them lay just for the sake of killing them? Or is he just some a-hole talking out his you know what and did nothing of the like? It has been my experience that those that are willing to break the hunting/fishing/wildlife laws just don’t stop at one species or just an isolated incidence. You should really turn the guy in, he is causing trouble for all hunters with his actions.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046


    Turn him in! Yes, it’s illegal.

    sometimes its not our responsibility to get involved in these types of matters. the wolf population is a problem, the DNR and Feds are doing nothing about it.

    I say, let sleeping dogs lie on this one…

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046


    He also made ZERO admissions that we have a problem.

    Chris, does this really surprise you though? Our DNR loves to hide the predator numbers in the state.

    next time you talk to him, ask him about the breeding population of the cougars in the state. They will deny that one too…

    I say stick to the three S rule….

    dan stien
    Waunakee, Wisconsin
    Posts: 400

    So because someone disagrees with a law makes it okay to break the law? I am not aying there is not a problem with the wolf populations and I disagree with the way it is being handled but it still doesn’t justify his actions. If everyone started breaking laws because they disagreed with them we would have a huge problem on our hands.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    This is how our great country was founded…by rebels and people that wanted to break away from the English rule…law breakers!

    Sometimes there’s gray areas (pardon the pun) but there’s right and wrong. It’s up to each one of us to figure out which is which.

    People, average Joe Sixpack’s can and do have laws changed every day.

    upstate New York
    Posts: 423

    roll the window down first…

    st. marys pt. MN
    Posts: 117

    From what I have seen wolves are a gray area & anyone that gets caught killing one probably will be arrested. My moms dog was attacked by a wolf and was lucky enough to make it back so we could take it to the vet, it has the marks to prove it. Last year we had two wolves in the yard at 3 o clock in the morning during the mn deer season, next to the porch where our 2 dogs were. last year was our worst deer season ever. I saw the same 3 deer all season. This spring a couple farmers took 3 wolves that I know of, out of our area, yes the c.o. was aware of this. This year was a normal deer season for us,not saying that the wolves ate up all the deer but could of pushed them out of the area. It was nice to see deer again.Wolves are a bigger problem than the DNR is wanting us to think. Just my opinion,we still need to abide by the law and be held accountable. By the way it is to late to manage them in mn now.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361


    I know a guy who was hunting in MN this weekend whos been braggin about shooting wolves while deer hunting.

    I think you know a guy who is full of crap with an ego problem. How many pictures have you seen? If I had permission from the DNR to snipe out some wolves I’d defiantly be snapping of some pics!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026



    I know a guy who was hunting in MN this weekend whos been braggin about shooting wolves while deer hunting.

    I think you know a guy who is full of crap with an ego problem.

    That’s what it sounded like to me.

    Funny how nature can take care of itself and man is the only one who can screw up that balance. This won’t go over real well on an outdoors board, but there is only a problem with wolves if we start seeing them die of starvation.

    If your biggest gripe is that your sport of hunting is suffering, well that is some thin grounds to be standing on.

    River Falls,WI
    Posts: 661

    hes one of those guys that gets messed with so with a guy in hand he feels like he has power. no pics yet but I wouldnt put it past him for being that dumb. I dont know anything about the wolf situation in MN, just that they were endangered and supposed to be protected in some sort of way. Up north WI must be different then, I saw deer everywhere all year long, bears too,and no wolves.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    …and no wolves.

    You must have forgotten to look in the closet or under your bed.

    Your description of him makes it sound like he is the type to lie for attention.

    Posts: 3010


    This is how our great country was founded…by rebels and people that wanted to break away from the English rule…law breakers!

    Sometimes there’s gray areas (pardon the pun) but there’s right and wrong. It’s up to each one of use to figure out which is which.

    People, average Joe Sixpack’s can and do have laws changed every day.

    Hallelujah !! Looks like another brother has seen the light.

    Now shall we readdress the outrageous overreach of federal authority being orchestrated by the Coast Guard in conjunction with the Corps of Engineers?

    Posts: 5660

    There is little doubt that wolves are treated with kid gloves. BTW Ontario…..A STONES THROW from my house……Shoots wolves openly. YEP…….THOSE REBELS!! OH……Ontario is WELL KNOWN for monster bucks in far larger numbers than Minnesota as well. Just saying, and I’m sure it is just by chance. Still wolves are not decimated and frankly are still quite commonly seen in the Ontario forests. Still wolves aren’t left to manage the Ontario Deer herd to the extent they do Northern Minnesota’s. KUDOS ONTARIO for clarity in managing wildlife. In fact Ontario is wise enough to manage wolves and collect revenue from it as well……WOW is that an idea huh?? IF we believe the animals will take care of themselves than I say lets test the theory. Wolf range areas quit deer hunting. NO license fees, cartridges, scents, clothes and accessories. I tell you what…….I’ll lead the charge. Let’s sit back and watch the wolf vs. deer/moose population play out, and completely remove the Deer hunting revenues from the deaf management. Heck Deer hunting isn’t about money anyway right?? I’ll still hunt, but will bow out of deer hunting in the state of Minnesota. We’ll then see if it is a problem. How do we measure the problem then?? I love reactive management. HUNTERS pay the state to manage big game effectively. I PROMISE you a very large percentage of the Northern Minnesota guys feel this is a BIG PROBLEM, and this money is not representative of what we feel should be AT LEAST listened to. Who cares if a dog is snatched off the porch? RIGHT?? Instead place mass media attention to a couple morons that shoot a couple dogs. It isn’t truly about the dogs is it?? Rather it is about the hunter? Can you possibly see we possibly see through this?? Does it NOT matter that little guys taking a tinkle are gang tackled and eaten by wolves? Interesting.

    I can’t help but chuckle at the theory that killing mass amounts of Deer and Moose is not deemed a problem. Maybe pose that question to the boys in Montana?? Ask them about the Elk herd?? I can boldy say your completely out of touch with what is really happening in Northern Minnesota,and you’ll run into a select few living here that will agree with you. YES there are guys in southern Minnesota that haven’t seen wolves. Here is something to ponder; I have seen upwards of 30 wolves in the last 3 years. If we base it on what we see by the naked eye we likely should completely protect MOOSE. I’ve seen 2 in the same 3 year period. BTW yes the Moose is far less lucky concerning federal protection I guess. Maybe do a little research or talk to guys who hunt the “Wolf Range”. Yes whether you like it or agree with it if wolves decimate a herd on private land guys PURCHASE do deer hunt and the DNR throws up their hands…….YOU WILL HAVE GUYS BREAKING THE LAW. PERIOD. I personally DO NOT promote breaking the law, and wouldn’t do it. I’d prefer to hit the state in the checkbook where it really hurts those who think it isn’t a problem. Still I assure you heads are firmly buried in the sand if you don’t think guys are shooting wolves.

    When the state and federal government mishandle business some people will take the law into their own hands. Reality of the world.

    Now back to the original post of the guy shooting wolves and bragging about it……..NOT WISE OR LEGAL. The scary thing in REALITY is I happen to like wolves. I assure you I’m in the minority up here.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I thought that would make you smile Don…figured if you didn’t see it today I would HAVE to send you a link.

    PS you forgot the State of MN shutdown and fishing licenses.

    Posts: 3010

    Don’t get me started; Don’t eeeeven get me started.

    ps. although I could pontificate profusely on the wolf issue also, I’m trying to resist entering the fray (Sir Granrud has it covered quite nicely and in a much more amiable manner)

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