50 HP Evinrude 4 stroke

  • Mr. Pike 81
    NW Iowa
    Posts: 216

    Was wandering if anyone has had any experience with this motor. It is a 2000 model. Basically a rebadged Suzuki. I appreciate any info good or bad. Looking at one tommorrow. Thanks.

    Prior Lake, MN
    Posts: 128

    I’ve got the evinrude 40hp 4-stroke EFI. It’s a great motor, starts every time-and trolls down real good! I’ve got it on a 16 1/2 ft Crestliner Angler, and it gets up to 31mph. No complaints!

    Don Miller
    Onamia, MN
    Posts: 378

    I bought a used 2000 Evinrude 50 hp 4 stroke tiller model early this summer. Those years the Evinrude 4 strokes were indeed Suzuki motors. I like this motor, it is my 3rd Suzuki 4 stroke. All 3 have been great motors, reliable, quiet, smooth idling, quick starting, easy on gas, no foul exhaust fumes.

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